I am YOU- a runner and have a hard time getting my heart rate up with aerobics. I can't even think about going to the local Y for classes, way too easy. You have found the right place-CATHE. I absolutely LOVE Bodymax. I actually am on my second tape, the first one wore out! It is intense and works your entire body. Granted, it is a 90 minute tape but you don't have to do it all at once. You can do the weights after a run. I-Max is good too, very intense but no weights. I haven't done Powermax for awhile, it just doesn't move as fast as the other tapes. It may be harder at the beginning but the more you do it, you will get frustrated since it takes her longer to build the routines. In her more recent tapes, Cathe moves through the routines at a quicker pace, in the sense that she doesn't repeat every move 4-6 times. CardioKicks is also a good tape, I was hesitant because I did not think a kickboxing tape would be intense-WRONG! I also would suggest Circuit Max. I have them all! The CTX tapes are great but shorter in length, sometimes I just do 2 CTX tapes, the aerobic sections only and do the weights later. Good luck and have fun, CATHE is the best!