New Firm vs. Cathe

I just received as a gift the new Firm with the new slanted box. I havent even tried the dvd's yet, and I am currently doing Cathe about 6x's per week. The Firm infomercial boasts visible results in 10 workouts. They look like fun. My question is, will I get the same results and as fast as with Cathe? Im used to high intensity with cathe and dont want to downgrade my fitness level. Cathe's are advanced wotkouts but these Firms are intermediate. Any input would be great...Thanks alot Tracy :)
I think the Firm "promise" alludes to people who are new to their program. It is intermediate level and Cathe is advanced. I think you would definitely be downgrading your level, not that switching off occasionally is a bad thing. I have several Firms, old and newer, and feel the newer product is not very intense compared to Cathe.
I agree that the new Firm videos are good but not anything like Cathe's! My body has changed for the better since I have retired my Firms and went to all Cathe. I was doing the new BBS 3 5 times a week, now I do all Cathe workouts 5 times a week. I have alot more muscle now!!!
I agree with the other posts. I have not tried BSS3 but I had BSS1 and 2, and since finding Cathe, I have had more definition, more cardiac capacity, and I really enjoy and feel good after the workouts. My advice would be to use them for lighter days.
Funny this topic came up. I borrowed Complete Aerobics & Weight Training (BBS2) from my SIL a couple weeks ago. I had heard good things about it. I previewed it and had my doubts, but it's not the same as actually doing the workout. So I did it and was disappointed at first that I barely worked up a sweat, but then I was pleased at how much progress I have made over the years, not only in endurance but also strength-wise. Just as I was getting into the weight portion it ended. The aerobic portion was definitely beginner. Yes, I am now used to doing a gazillion reps and can say I'm lovin' the Cathe strength workouts. No offense to those who enjoy the Firm, but it is not even close to advanced. I do have to say though, the names for the equipment are really silly to me; Fanny Lifter, sculpting stick, twigs. It kind of looks hokey and junky to me. The other thing that really, really bugged me was that not only was it not chaptered, I couldn't even fast forward to the beginning of the workout. :-( I am so pleased with Cathe workouts and I know I'm not missing anything with the Firm. O.K. so call me a Cathe snob.}(
I'm a Cathe snob too but I keep some Firms around for when I am not feeling well or I'm not up to an intense workout. I find I will workout on these days if I attempt something less intense and its better in the longrun to do some kind of workout than no workout at all.
I like the BSS3 Total Muscle Shaping and Complete Something Something ...(they all sound the same)They aren't as tough as Cathe, they aren't as tough as the original Firms either, but they are better than the BSS1 and 2. They have good music and they use the step in different ways. It's a good way to mix things up a bit.
I have the BSS 1 and there is no comparision between Cathe and the firm. The Cathe workouts are fun,fun,fun,and intense at the same time. In the BSS 1 nobody sweat. When I do a Cathe's workout I sweat bullets. I only keep and use the volume 1 with Susan Harris .Old ,tedious music, the upper weight training has a unsafe manner but the floor work Hoooow.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)
Of the new workouts BSS3 is the toughest of the three, there are some Cathe moves in it. BSS2 I do on light days and you can forget BSS1! None of them compare to the older Firms, which always kicked my booty. Not as hard as Cathe, but close!
I get better results with Cathe than with the FIRM, but everyone's body is different. I think Cathe's workouts have a more intense pace, and they're a lot longer (~60 min) compared to the new FIRMS, which avg 30-45 minutes. I like to use FIRM on my light circuit days. I can get a decent workout, but at slower, more controlled pace, and lower impact.

I agree that the "Guaranteed Results in 10 days" is aimed at beginners. Also, I think that promise was originally stated on FIRM's old 60 minute workouts. I'm doubtful that people really see noticable results in 10 days with the current 35 min videos, but this is just my opinion. :)
With the Firm you have to definitely increase the poundage in weight you are using. With the Firm I can use anywhere from 15-25's. However, I can't say they don't work because I've lost a lot of weight, and I just started doing Cathe, and I'm able to keep up and complete the DVD's that I do have of hers and I've been only Firming for a little over one year. Crosstraining is always good for your body so it would only do your body good to mix things up!
>I'm a Cathe snob too

cathe snob! lol! yep... that's me!

i found cathe when researching the firm when i needed to up my workouts.. i bypassed the firm altogether and went straight to cathe once i started looking at her clips and reading about her!

best thing i ever did! saved all that money on the firms that i wouldn't be doing anyways!

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