RE: Gee, I don't want to hurt anybody (except maybe my ex husband)!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-02 AT 07:00PM (Est)[/font][p]>I get in trouble for my
>honesty. But I am
>aware that MY perceptions may
>not be the perceptions of
>OTHERS! I mean no
>personal offense at anyone.
>I just think that anybody who
>has expectations that they will
>get a Cathe type of
>workout from these Firms will
>be sorely disappointed.
>I was in S.C. once when
>I heard Anna Benson make
>some very offensive statements like,
>"Are there any spies out
>there?" That offended me to

Amy, your posts always make me laugh! I love it! It is refreshing to hear a voice of pure honesty. I hope you continiue to speak out because I certainly will listen :)
>the max. She is
>a creative woman, very brillant,
>but is rather an automaton.
>She also guards the instructor's
>comments and reigns over them
>like a Queen over her
>I really like Susan Harris, Tamela
>Hastie, and Allie Del Rio.
> They are really nice
>people and were genuine.
>Jen Carmen and Tracie Long
>have the personalities of people
>who need to eat their
>prunes and get regular......
>Now Cathe is completely different. She
>is genuine -- loves her
>fans -- and the instructors
>I've met are such wonderful
>women. So there goes
>any Yankee sterotypes I've ever
>Beneath many a Southern Belle's Sugar
>is Sacharrin (sp).
>The Prime Fitness workouts have been
>dissed due to poor production
>quality. Anna should call with
>apologies. She has a
>lot of damage repair to
>do after her inappropriate comments
>on a Firm trip long
RE: Gee, I don't want to hurt anybody (except maybe my ex husband)!

Hey don't like this new workout tape, do you?
p.s. I have always hated Firm tapes. Just not my thing I guess.
RE: The Firm

You know, I never tried, no make that finished, a Firm tape. I had received Tough Tape I or II (not sure) and starting laughing when I started doing it and said to myself, "I don't think so" and then I traded it. I do own Standing Legs from a trade and someday will try in an effort to give the Firm a chance I suppose. I should at least preview it as it has been a virgin in my collection for years now.

Hi Kim!

I am not a real big Firm fan, but I do like Standing Legs a lot! It is a great workout. It will have you sweating, huffing & puffing bigtime. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<<The Cardio Sculpt could not raise the heartrate of a jackrabbit! It is NOT cardio -- it is a waste of time -- same ol' Firm moves rehashed with instructors with elfin voices.

The instructors and cast seem stilted and fake. They give this stupid wave and vacuous look as the "Lead" introduces them. I get the impression they are all a bunch of dilettante southern belles with too much time on their Lilly White hands! Oh, to not have a career and be able to frequent a gym 8 hours per day. If those workouts gave those women their bodies, then my butt can sing show tunes! >>

Amy, you are KILLING ME!!! LOL! "Elfin voices" -- lord, I'll think about the Munchins from the Wizard of Oz whenever I hear them.

Thank god for Cathe :)
I've used the Firm for years and still like their variety. I expect I'll get the new workouts eventually.
But now Cathe's got me spoiled with dvds, and I'm determined to not buy anymore vhs workouts.
So if the Firm ever puts their workouts on dvd's, I'll probably get the newer ones, but in the meantime I've got plenty to do with my old Firm tapes and new Cathe dvds!


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