
Oh man, what should I do? I have read a review or 2 of the new firm set and was thinking about purchasing it. There's that deal going on where you can get the set for 60$ (it's normally 80$), but it ends tomorrow night. I'm a little worried that if I invest in this now after only having read one review I will be disappointed. But based on the reviewers thorough description of each video in the set, if it's how she says it is I will be satisfied with the workouts. Should I go ahead and order the set? Has anyone here thought about ordering it? Gimme your thoughts, comments, etc... thanks for your help!
You know, I was almost tempted to buy into The Firm's so-called deal that they are currently offering but I contemplated a few things first. Here are my thoughts;

1.) Products that are used in infomercials are almost ALWAYS marketed months later in retail or discount stores i.e., Tae Bo, Ab-Doer, etc.,

2.) The product is offered at a lower price at the time of marketing to stores anyway!

3.) The Firm has a track history of marking the prices of their tapes way down after scoffing your $$$ with the big "release" introduction. (remember Super Sculpt, Super Cardio, and the Core Cardio series??) Heck, Wal*Mart can offer these to me better than the Firm.

I do understand the irresistable urge to purchase these workouts due to past experience with Firm's success, however, I feel as though Goodtimes has had loyal Firmies hanging on to the hopes of good customer service and they haven't really shown loyalty to their customers. They promised a "deal" which, O.K.! Here it is Firmies but since we only have so many in stock due to overflow of responses and orders, oops! You now only have 48 hours to take advantage of this deal! Oh, baloney on them! What kind of customer service is that??? I mean, let's be real... they are not going to stand by their offer to loyal Firmies whom they've promised a deal to WHEN THEY GET A NEW SHIPMENT OF TAPES IN??!!! Oh, puleeze!!!! If that isn't a money grabber in a nick's time, I don't know what is!

Just my thoughts... you decide what suits you best. IMO, Cathe operates at a higher caliber of customer service than that. I think I'll stick to being serviced with class...thank you very much!
HEY! Thanks for your opinion! I have purchased all but one of my Firm videos from I heard that the Firm customer service is horrible, so I've always gotten their videos elsewhere. I agree about the "Hurry and order, time's running out" crap, giving us a deadline like that. If I do decide to get the set, it'll be from collage, which is also offering a discount, though not as cheap as the Firms. Still, if I order through the Firm, they said they won't start shipping until Feb 8 (or something like that), and I think collage ships right away. I love Cathe and hate the fact that I have to go through this to get some new tapes... I must admit, the Firm has excellent workouts as well. Too bad they can't take a lesson from Cathe's success and realize that CUSTOMER SERVICE COUNTS! But anyway, thanks for the advice! We'll see what happens!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-02 AT 09:09AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi. I would recommend reading the reviews posted on Fitprime. I was seriously thinking of ordering the kit until I read them. The girls there were disappointed and felt they were geared more towards attracting beginners to the firm. Anyway, I decided to hold off.
As a "firmie" I am holding off. Something don't feel right about this. I will wait until the tapes are available without all the other stuff. Then I will order them from Collage where I know their customer service is good.

I too decided to hold off. I am too afraid that I will get the videos and they will be too easy, or that they will be sold seperately at a MUCH cheaper price. And I don't like being given a deadline so suddenly. Maybe the sets really suck and they are trying to sell them all quickly before the word gets out! Not really... I do like the Firm workouts, but this is making me crazy. Glad you all feel the same!
Hello ladies,

I decided not to purchase the tapes also. I don't like my chain being jerked. I can't helped to feel sorry for the FIRM thu. I feel Goodtimes are bringing them down.
The new Firm set from Goodtimes is AWFUL! HIDEOUS! I told you I'd be honest once I'd done them a time or two.......

The Cardio Sculpt could not raise the heartrate of a jackrabbit! It is NOT cardio -- it is a waste of time -- same ol' Firm moves rehashed with instructors with elfin voices.

The instructors and cast seem stilted and fake. They give this stupid wave and vacuous look as the "Lead" introduces them. I get the impression they are all a bunch of dilettante southern belles with too much time on their Lilly White hands! Oh, to not have a career and be able to frequent a gym 8 hours per day. If those workouts gave those women their bodies, then my butt can sing show tunes!

The set is cheap and those damned fans turning just add to the cheese factor. Oh, but the fans and "window" colors do change from blue to green to lavendar, depending upon the workout!

I haven't been so disappointed in a series from the Firm since Tri-Trainers.

Alas, The Firm's Golden Days are bygone now. I doubt I will ever be taken for another Firm ride again. But I will always use the fanny lifter exercises and my older Firm videos.

Oh, the vitamins did not come with the order from Collage.

DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. This is beginner to intermediate level, at best. There is just NO WAY to "Follow Libby" and then try to gear exercises toward a very advanced market.

The music is awful too -- OK, I hate this new series.

From now on, I will only purchase Cathe DVDs. I am so ashamed I bought VHS videos from the Firm, but oh, my hopes were high!

The Firm is like K-Mart. They can't establish a niche or focus. Cathe focuses on advanced workouts and that is her focus. The Firm is trying hard to be all to all. Cathe on the other hand does what she does and does it right.

The new polymer box I DO like, however. I use it for back support during lat rows when I do Power Hour.

I give this new set the "Denise Austin Puke Award"

Told you I'd be back and I'd be honest.

Love you all (really)!

Man, you saved my ASS! Really, thank you for your honest and forward review! I was SO SO SO close to buying that set! I'm so glad I held off... I would've been so mad with the results if it's what you say it is! I think this set is probably geared towards sucking people (beginners) into the Firm. Not that the Firm is useless, I do like some of their vids and do them regularly. It's just too bad they can't be honest, straight forward and respect their customers like Cathe! Yikes!
I am glad I was of some help. Sometimes people here get mad at my honesty because I am not in love with all Cathe's videos (Slow and Heavy just does nada for me). But overall, Cathe workouts are the way to go!

The Firm has outlived its usefullness, fallen way behind in its methodology.

I really mean those videos are AWFUL! They are probably the WORST the Firm has done to-date.

The cardio one especially annoys me -- something about the fact it is NOT cardio for anybody except the very out of shape.

Save your $ for your Cathe's. I know in the future I will.

Once bitten, twice shy!

And as for the ones Anna is producing with Tracie and Susan, I wont be buying them either.

I've bought my last Firm video unless they come out with a "real" workout -- not a bunch of silly assed Southern Belles (I can say this cuz I am from Tennessee) who look and act like a bunch of bimbos.

I thought if I heard "Beginners Follow Libby" one more time I was going to projectile vomit.

They rate a grade F.

I've already parted with them......gave them to an out of shape friend who will probably never use them.....

On my way to do Rhythmic Step and tomorrow evening it's Power Hour!


Amy Thanks, your review of those Firm tapes made my day! haha. A much needed laugh! I, too, agree about the Southern Belle stuff. Keep in mind that I'm a Steel City native (Pittsburgh) and I'm not a girly-girl at all. I admit that the earlier Firm tapes got me into strength training, but after doing Cathe, I cannot imagine going back to "pelvic floor" exercises, running in place w/dumbbells in my hands, or watching the instructor end the exercise w/an insipid pose. How about those guys they used to have in the tapes---the tight shorts and tank tops? wooohoo. I know there are Firmies out there who really love those tapes, so PLEASE don't take offense. I think it's important for everyone to work out and keep healthy, and if the Firm motivates you, that's excellent. Suzanne
My thanks, too, Amy! I read a glowing review at the Firm Forum from "Quilting Mom" and thought, Hmm! but I was waiting for what you would have to say, and I appreciate the critique. If it doesn't get the heartrate up, it ain't worth it. I just have no interest in beginner tapes, and everybody is making more and more of them. UGH!

You're right, Suzanna! Although I still LOVE my classic Firm tapes, I had to laugh @ your description of those guys in the tapes with their "tight shorts and tank tops"!!! LOL And those stupid thingys the instructors do at the end of the tape...ugggg. I always turn it off before I have to be tortured by that idiocy!!! I just had laugh!!!!! :)


Well, I am from good old Northeast Tennessee only 4.5 hours away from Columbia,SC! So I am entitiled to give my Hillbilly opinion -- I reckon!

One of my best friends who now lives with me is from Pittsburgh -- been there myself!

Actually despite my southern accent, I've been accused of having a streak of Yankee in me! LOL!

Seriously, I am honest in my reviews.

This new series is trying too hard to be a "One Video Fits All Fitness Levels" video. Can't be done! There is simply NO WAY that anybody who is at Cathe Friedrich's level of fitness is going to get gain from this set. It rates with Denise Austin, Kathy Smith, and Richard Simmons -- it is NOT for advanced exercisers.

Like I said, I am now so turned off from the Firm that I will never, ever purchase one of their videos again. Ditto those Fit Prime things -- quality has been dissed, it takes forever to receive them, and I am sure it is more of the same pontificating from Anna Benson.

Let's just say my relationship with the Firm has officially ended UNLESS they can get up to speed and do a REAL advanced video and I hear glowing reports from people on this list.

That Quilting Mom is obviously quilting more than she is working out if she thinks those videos are anything but geared toward a beginner/early intermediate level.
okay, i like the set in the new firm videos. i think the fans are sort of cool, and i like the colors. i also don't think that they're super easy. so far, i've done both cardio sculpt and ab sculpt, and i've gotten a decent workout. they're more intermediate than advanced, but you can push yourself and make them harder. sure, they're not the best firm videos ever, but i don't think they're horrendous. if you really like the firm, you'll probably like the kit. if you're a borderline firm fan, you probably won't.

my post is a bit late, though, because the sale is over. i don't think i'd pay $90 for the kit, but paying $70 was acceptable, because i feel i'll actually get use out of the step that comes with it (which really surprised me). at this point, i'd wait a few months and see if you can get it cheaper.
Anyone who uses Cathe videos regularly will be dissapointed with the new Firm Kit (minus the Fanny Lifter - which I also LOVE). I pre-ordered my kit from Collage for $89.99 and the gave me a $22.00 credit when the Firm came out with their short-lived deal. I did the tapes twice (all three one right after another) and it did not get my heart rate up at all (Body Sculpt has some pretty good leg work but it's not long enough). I sold the set (The tapes) on the Firm Swap for $52.00 and just ordered 5 new Cathe videos last night! I'm so excited! I was looking for something new and innovative when they announced the new tapes (because let's face it - they are or use to be innovators), but what I got was a cheap Cathe copy for the informercial sect who are ready to move up from Richard Simmons and Leslie Sansone!

I did, however, order the new FITPRIME tapes because they sounded really different. I received mine Thursday but the video tape had nothing but snow on it. No image, nada! I called the number on the back of the tape stating my problem and after I returned home from picking my son from school there was a phone message from Anna Benson!!!!!!!!!!!! She said she would send another right out. Talk about customer service! Which is more than I can say for the Firm as of late.....

Most of the negative critiques are about the production quality which many state they don't notice when you are actually doing the workout. I've read mostly good things about the workout and I am always looking for something new. Home exercise is my thing - I don't go to the gym because of lack of time and money (I'm a SAHM). Better production quality is promised for the next FITPRIME tape. I will support Anna Benson on her new venture because she IS a lady with vision and very interesting ideas. Her early FIRM videos have kept this 34 year old, SAHM of three a size 4 for the past 10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her tapes have prepared me for another (and more advanced)level of fitness which is......Cathe F. videos!!!!!! I'm totally hooked on them! Last year I bought Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Interval Max and the Pure Strength series and they helped my lose the last bit of post baby flab. Last night I just ordered Power Hour, BodyMax, MIS, MIC, and Rhythmic Step. I also got StepWorks from the Firm Swap!

So, the moral of this post is...Don't buy the new Firm Kit unless you want a mild workout for those PMS or getting over an illness day!
Amy Steppe,

You are too much! Meaning you are hilariously funny - boy, can I relate to you. I haven't laughed so hard in so long - that was a better workout for my abs than the FIRM!

I, too, have done FIRM in the past (the cave days) - your description fit mine to the tee. The Cardio tapes are for turtles (or I should say for beginners). I have been working out for so many years (28) and I need a challenging workout. I do like their fanny lifter. But other than that they are blase' for me.

I absolutely love Cathe's videos. I do agree with you somewhat on Cathe's S & H tapes, but Iwhen I do them, I do not rest between sets, I do other exercises in between, so that makes it go much better. For instance, on the Legs one, I do deadlifts in between the squats - some planks in between the others - and on the plie's , I alternate by lifting my heels, etc., etc., So, I do like the S&H - but I do feel like I am wasting time resting in between but I am a type A personality. I usually do 2 or 3 things at the same time!

I will be looking forward to more of your input. It is uplifting to hear the truth - even if it might hurt some people.
Gee, I don't want to hurt anybody (except maybe my ex husband)!

I get in trouble for my honesty. But I am aware that MY perceptions may not be the perceptions of OTHERS! I mean no personal offense at anyone.

I just think that anybody who has expectations that they will get a Cathe type of workout from these Firms will be sorely disappointed.

I was in S.C. once when I heard Anna Benson make some very offensive statements like, "Are there any spies out there?" That offended me to the max. She is a creative woman, very brillant, but is rather an automaton. She also guards the instructor's comments and reigns over them like a Queen over her subjects.

I really like Susan Harris, Tamela Hastie, and Allie Del Rio. They are really nice people and were genuine. Jen Carmen and Tracie Long have the personalities of people who need to eat their prunes and get regular......

Now Cathe is completely different. She is genuine -- loves her fans -- and the instructors I've met are such wonderful women. So there goes any Yankee sterotypes I've ever had.

Beneath many a Southern Belle's Sugar is Sacharrin (sp).

The Prime Fitness workouts have been dissed due to poor production quality. Anna should call with apologies. She has a lot of damage repair to do after her inappropriate comments on a Firm trip long ago.........spies????????

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