New Downloads


Like many of us, I am anxiously awaiting my new dvds, but in the meantime I wondered if anyone who got the downloads tried one yet??? :)
I did Insanity on Saturday! Loved every minute! Nice sweatfest:( My HR went up on that one, it's nonstop fun! You gonna love that one! Haven't tried the others yet.
I did High Reps yesterday and absolutely loved it. It's faster moving and more challenging than Power Hour. Although the music is fine, I do hope I have the voice only option on the new DVDs....I often opt to watch TV while I work out. (I know I'm bad ;)).

Today I plan on trying the workout blender. I plan on mixing Low Intensity and some barre work. I previewed the barre work and it looks fabulous -- very butt lifting. ;)
Today I plan on trying the workout blender. I plan on mixing Low Intensity and some barre work. I previewed the barre work and it looks fabulous -- very butt lifting. ;)

I'm a little disappointed - the workout blender doesn't work yet for the Intensity DVD so I couldn't make a blend with the barre work yet. From the new DVDs, I was only able to download Lower Body Blast Leg Drills to the workout blender. I guess it has a bug. Bummer.

On a happier note....I still plan on doing the barre work now. :)

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