<---new day, new thread

<---Says hello to all. It is 3:30 pm for me.
<---managed to only do some push ups this morning. Serious lack of motivation.
<---Had to kill a huge spider last night. This time 7 minutes from my paralysis to dead spider unlike 20 minutes last time.
<---says Michelle is one up on me on cardio - two days in a row- I wish.
<---prefers broom ball over hockey so can't hit the the puck here with a broom!!
<---wishes Nancy less stress..... I hate stress.........
<---thought internet at home was a staple such a bread. Feels for Robin.
<---Congrats to Kassia on a new home. Hopes there are not as big a spiders in it as there are in my apartment in Austria.
<---had known there was spiders in appartment would NEVER have moved in.
<---hopes all has a wonderful day
<---spirals into thread on the inside edge and tells Robin that she must insist upon internet service at home. Tell your DH it's time to enter into the 21st century already--geez-o-pete!!
<---thinks Robin should order internet service at home as a "gift" for her DH:eek: ;)
<---simply could not bear it if Robin wasn't here
<---is so happy to see TiGGeR this morning and wonders if she's feeling better--her post sounds perky!
<---waves to Winter and is also terrified of spiders. <---is thankful for her kitty who enjoys killing them;)
<---just realized that it's almost 10:00 and she hasn't had breakfast yet--no wonder she's feeling lightheaded.:eek:

<--- creeps into thread, all stealth-like
<--- looks around and makes sure all is well with her <--- biatches
<--- creeps back out
<--- waves good morning to all!
<--- congratulations to Kassia on the house!
<--- sends hugs and love to the limecat!
<--- hopes Nancy's rash gets better pronto.
<--- found the movie Hitch to be absolutely hilarious.
<--- cannot believe this thread got painted in a negative light.x(
<--- thought some humor was needed in order to defuse some of the tension caused by the egg link (WHICH WAS PLACED IN CATHE LAND IN VERY POOR TASTE - DON'T CARE THAT THE PERSON WHO DID IT IS PURPORTED TO HAVE LOTS OF WISDOM AND A PHD AND A HIGH POST COUNT)
<--- hops down off the soapbox and tosses the megaphone aside.
<--- asks forgiveness for regression but some people tend to cross <---'s threshold for tolerance and when that happens ALL CAPS happens!!!!
<--- must go get coffee for shizzle.
<--waves a "Good Morning" to all you lovely firecrackers
<--congratulates Michele on two days of cardio:D
<--is glad to see Robin who must convince DH to get internet at home!
<--would miss visuals of icky vials, sneaking on coworkers computers, and the dreaded darkroom, though :)
<--thanks Debbie for donning Limecat gear
<--tells Kassia "congratulations on the house!", <-- hopes Viola feels better as well
<--waves "Hi!" to Judy!
<--is sorry that Nancy's rash is back, <-- is dealing with physical problems related to stress, too
<--wishes <-- dealt with stressors better x(
<--passes coffee to Wendy, Debbie, and Rogue
<--says ENJOY!
<--also wants to tell Limey that she is being a poopy head and ruining my day :-(
<--yells COME BACK!
<---offers {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and :* :* :* :* :* to the little kitty with the lime on her head
<---tells Rogue all is understood and forgiven and she has as much right to express her views as the next guy!
<---just made a fresh pot of coffee and serves up a round to her coffee swilling Cathe friends
<---edits to shout out a big g'mornin' to Kara who is down vvvv---no, she not in he!!---she posted the same time I did and she's on the next rung down :D

<---waves good morning to everyone in Catheland
<---lost a pound and did the happy dance around the bathroom this morning
<---survived Muscle Endurance for the first time last night


I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
<---can't believe it's 11:00 and she has yet to eat breakfast
<---has a serious problem with butt glue today and needs to get going
<---wonders where the heck everyone is
<---is worried that Robin may have been barred from further forum talk :eek: ;( :-( x(
<---is LOL at another thread--possibly a few threads
<---is off to grocery shop. Plans to make a soup or stew that will keep for DH who won't be home until late tonight;(
<---has barely seen DH since he returned from Mexico, and probably won't until the weekend
<---TTFN, will BBL
<---edits to shout out a hearty hello to Shellers who posted about the same time as she did:D :D :D :D :D

<--pounces on Limey and forces her to stick around for awhile!
<--glad to see ya :D
<--has a DD who only plays with boys because girls argue too much and then aren't friends :eek:
<--is going to start acting like a male :)
<--thinks DH may fight that a bit disconcerting }(
<--says, well, some aspects he may enjoy ;-)
<--has to go get gray hairs covered in a few minutes
<--really hates sitting in the salon for so long :-(
<--wishes gray streaked hair was chic and that the kiddlies didn't enjoy pointing them out so much :eek:
<--ahhhh, kiddlies, gotta love 'em, most of the time :D
<--loves all my forum friends :* :* :* :*
<---misses Rogue and all her other <---biznitches
<---agrees with everything Rogue said and says this is why <---ain't here much any more
<---says that boobie thread appalled her to kingdom come, and then there were other train wrecks after that :-(
<---says take care my lovelies
<---hopes y'all are doing well

<---says congrats to Kristy on losing one pound.
<---asks if shelley creeped in here like a SPIDER
<---is happy because a co worker from the states is here in Austria and we are going out for drinks and diner.
<---wants to give Michele a lift by telling her that <--- won't see her boyfriend of 12 years until the middle of April. Hopes she has a great weekend with DH.
<---says goodbye and I will try to keep diner light as ya know I want to lose 20 kilo's!!

Bye Ladies,
<--waves Hi to Kristy and Pinky :)
<--says sometimes ya gotta take the bad with the good, but if the good is good enough, it's worth it :)
<--is confusing myself!
<--is sorry Michele hasn't seen her DH much :-(
<--wishes my DH would be a bit busier lately :eek:
<--says EEK! <-- is going to be late for hair appointment!
<--yells ROBIN----WHERE ARE YOU???????????????????????
<---is happy to see Pinky and agrees with what Kara said, which I can't exactly remember, but the gist of which is that there are LOTS of great people here too, and she tries to keep her focus on that
<---tries to respect those who differ from her but sometimes that is impossible, as has been demonstrated today in another thread--but enough of that!
<---is thrilled that Winter has some english speaking friends to dine with tonight and hopes the time in Austria passes quickly so she can get back to her BF
<---tells Kara that she considers hair coloring to be an emergency procedure
<---Once and for all, she has to get going---NOW!--LOL!
<---edits to say that somehow she missed Kristy and waves hello
<---BYE NOW!

<---looks slowly across the room
<---is confused b/c no one said this was a junior high school??
<---thinks, will just rat tail everyone w/ my super cape and whoosh off to safety }(
<---yells here here to pinkster & rogue but loves you guys too much to leave for good
<---glad ms. fitmomalama reminded <---to refill coffee cup
<---will have to get on that quickly
<---sits on everyone in the thread and says now you have to hang out w/ <----
<---sings, kumbaya my lord.....kumbaya *flicks lighter*

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---putting my 'Billy Jack' movie in now...
<---don't have lighter...quit smoking years ago. Bad for your health.
<---peeks into thread.
<---just got done reading the continuing egg saga and is quite tired of it.x(
<---has a definite opinnion but has held back from putting <---'s 2 cents in and is very proud of <---'s self control!:+
<---^5's Rogue for her post about egg thread!
<---hopes Limey decides to hang around the next time she comes by! :)
<---tells Michele, thanks for saying <---sounds perkey but <---'s really not. :-( <---feels pretty horrid and will NOT be working out today.;( ;(
<---needs to go shopping but will probably not do that either unless <---waits for DH to get home so <---can leave DS with him and then goes for essentials only.
<---noticed a thread that has sparked <---'s interest right before <---clicked to come in here so must go read it now!
<---will be back later fo shizzle!:)
<---is here! is here!
<---is so relieved to see limey cat Shelleypoosinski sneaking in and out
<---has been busy in the, you guessed it, DARKROOM - insert terror filled screams here
<---loves to be missed
<---loves even more to be involved
<---jumped on computer as soon as coworker left for lunch
<---will have to be kind of a quicky thought
<---still much work and <---is leaving early to take DD to Dr.
<---loves Cathe, loves you guys
<---really doesn't get bothered with inflamatory threads
<---(or is that imflamatory?)
<---threads that are hot
<---thinks they are really kind of funny, but then <---has never been on the hot side of the flame
<---dons fireman-like garb and sneaks around corner with giant hose
<---wallows in & apologizes in advance for the bummer mood post she'll now type
<---but appreciates opportunity to cry on "cyber shoulders":)
<---finally placed <---'s head on pillow at 5:30AM after head-in-toilet disease from very bad dinner choices, only to be awakened 2 hrs later by happenings set in motion by rapidly cycling bipolar DS
<---has now completed morning of detective work, phone calls to poison control & Drs, & reports DSs all seem to be well
<---can NEVER be last one to awaken or who knows what may have occurred
<---is shaking now all is over cause <---can't fall apart in midst of these things
<---read all those posts re the "E" word while awake last night
<---wonders if people realize they didn't have to continue to read our banter once they realized the "E" word was used?
<---thinks all need to realize there are more important things in life than fighting over pictures of damn chickens
<---will shut mouth for now <---glad to see Shelley did peek in, although <---admits I haven't read thread yet
<---again, thanks for the shoulders
<---sending a BIG HUG to Melody
<---knows she is strong and this too shall pass
<---agrees that there are real problems in people's lives that don't involve eggs or breasts
<---is so glad to be a part of this thread where everyone is caring, supportive, imaginative and yes, a little crazy
<---adds more bubble bath to Melody's tub, hands her a glass of her favorite beverage and tells her to try to relax, we are all here for you

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