New Charlene Prickett


Hi. This post is really just an FYI for anyone interested. I just did Charlene Prickett's new step tape called We Love Step and wanted to give a personal review. For the most part I think Charlene is too chatty, but didnt think so in this video which was good. I'm also not one who cares much about what everyone's wearing etc, I'm just interested in the workout. Charlene does the workout on a 10 inch step which I dont agree with. Anyway, I thought it was a good, solid step routine with easy to learn, athletic choreography. The "danciest" move was a box-step. Its pace is a notch slower than Cathe's. She also doesnt stretch before the workout, she starts right in with a simple low impact step routine that just builds in intensity, the bulk of the step routine is about 45-48 minutes not including "warm up" and cool down. Those of you who thrive on dancey choreography like Christi's may not find this one fun enough, but for me, I dont like dancey steps at all and I felt this was a definite keeper step tape. The moves if you follow them as Charlene does them are for the most part low impact but extremely easy to modify to higher impact.

Wow...thanks, Stacy!!! It's funny that you posted this, because I was toying with the idea of asking anyone here on this board if they do/like Charlene's tapes. I'm wanting to get a few low impact tapes because doing Cathe 4-6 days a week is hurting my poor feet. But, I also want something that will get my heart rate up! I've borrowed a few of my friend's Leslie Sansone tapes, and they're not bad at all! So, We Love Step, huh?? I will be on the lookout for it! :)

Another "Thank You!" from me, Stacy! Funny how often someone gives advice on a question I'm just about to post! Brilliant minds think alike, right?

I absolutely adore Cathe, but I have a bad knee that acts up when I do too much high impact exercise. It drives me crazy because I prefer the high impact and the feeling it gives me, and it's just so frustrating because I CAN do it, I worked hard to get to that level of fitness, but I know when I feel this kind of pain, not soreness, that I better back off or I won't be doing ANY impact!
(Thanks for listening to my whining)

Anyway, I have read a few times that Charlene has tapes that are high intensity without being high impact, and I was looking into her new one that you mentioned, "We Love Step", and found reviews to say it is an advanced workout, and fun to do, all positive things. Hollie, you can order it through Collage Video (

Thanks for your review Stacy, it just helped me to make up my mind that I will definitely invest in it! Of course I will still be using Cathe's tapes whenever possible. :) I do all her strength training tapes and love them.

Holly, I will also check out Leslie's tapes--her name sounds very familiar! It's nice to know I'm not alone in this boat, so thank you both!

Oh boy, feel like I gotta chime in here ladies. Let me preface this post by saying I have absolutely nothing against Charlene, I adore her personality and find her entertaining. I have all Cahte's tapes and while my knees were acting up I was looking for a low impact, high intensity tape(s) by Charlene, for a change of pace. I asked opinions on this site, as well as on, and finally decided to order 4 tapes to the tune of 80 bucks. I kept an open mind, and I really wanted to love these tapes, well, I dont, I did Living Proof twice, and the 2nd time halfway thru, I kept the tape running but hopped on my stairmaster and treadmill. I got way too bored with it. Her tapes are very repeatative and well, seem to drag on forever. On a good note they are definatley low impact, for me, the intensity just wasnt there. "More Muscle, Less Fat" is decent, mostly because the cardio is only 30 minutes. My point is, before you invest a lot of money, see if you can borrow a tape or just buy one. Hey, if youre near CT, youre certainly welcom to borrow mine! theyll probably end up on ebay anyway! Judy
Hi Stacy!
I have been working out with Charlene Prickett since I was 13 y/o (I am now 27) Some facts about her, she is now in her 50's and has slowed things down a bit. She used to do high intensity high impact aerobics years ago. She is rather tall and her 10 inch step isn't a problem for her cause the angle is not less than 90n degrees for her. She is chatty, but I always loved that about her, I always felt like I was part of the crew. The reason for the no stretching in the beginning of the workout is because research now shows that it is not beneficial to stretch in the beginning of a workout. Her low impact/high intensity workout is especially vigourous and fun. Keep in touch, your friend in fitness Debi C

Okay, thanks Deb C and Judy! I'll keep those things in mind. I haven't bought anything of Charlene's yet. How would you compare her workouts to Leslie Sansone's? I've used about 3 of her tapes, so that would really help me gauge whether or not I want to put out money for Charlene!! Thanks! :)

RE: Hmmmmm.....

Hollie, Ive never done one of Leslie Snasones tapes so, sorry, I cant help you there. And I by no means want to discourage you from getting some Charlene tapes, you might LOVE them, many people do. I love HER, just not most of her tapes. Judy
RE: Hmmmmm.....

Hi Judy,
You sound sort of like me. I absolutely adore Christi Taylor. Love her smile and personality. She has such a refreshing personality, it's hard to describe. However, I am hopeless at catching on to her footwork. I am however, gonna try one of her newest videos. In her new videos, she breaks down the moves entirely separate from the workout. Maybe that will help me!
But I know what you mean about liking a certain personality but not being able to do their videos.
Oh, I understand, Judy!

I don't know that I'm totally discouraged from buying any of her tapes. I'll probably try to get one used or something. But I know what you mean about certain workouts. I get so frustrated when I rave about Cathe or the Firm and let someone borrow the tape, and they just say, Well, it's okay!!! Or, I don't like the music!! Grrrrrr......then I get to where I don't even want to "share" my knowledge with anyone! It's sooo nice to come here and read posts where the women here are LOVING the kick butt workouts! No wussies here!!!!! LOLOLOLOL :-jumpy

RE: Charlene

I have Needed Charlene's lo impact in this most physically challenging year for me...what I wouldn't give right now to launch into a low impact tape of hers--can't: knee is still off.
Bottom line is: when I was perfectly healthy and able to do any tape, Charlene fell to "rest" days; but when I was re-habbing and Hope to be again soon: she is Essential!! And in a perfect world, I still did Charlene for an easy day two to three times a month at the least. Murph
RE: Charlene

Hi, Murph! Hope you are progressing along quickly in your recovery! Although I have been doing Cathe for a while now, I'm fairly new here at Cathe's site (the best discovery I ever made!). I read in the forums about your injury and hope you are doing better--how frustrating not to be able to work out when you have the will but it's physically not possible!

When you did do Charlene's videos, which low impact ones did you do that still had a decent amount of intensity? I have an opportunity to get "Rev Up-The Sequel", a hi/low tape, but I heard that this tape is pretty high impact also. Are you familiar with it? I know that these workouts are in no way comparable to Cathe, but my knee gets really ticked off when I do too much high impact!

Thanks for any info you may be able to offer!

RE: Charlene

Denise: some really low impact, but good intensity tapes from Charlene are: Cruising Altitude and Start Your Engines. They are one hour and if you really lift those legs, you'll be surprised how intense they can be.

You're right: having an injury and not working out is the worst. But, I always try to stay positive. (At least I'm not on crutches!!:) Good luck to you and your knees ;-) Murph

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