New Cathe fan


I just bought my first tape, MIS, and I absolutely love it! I had heard so much praise about Cathe that I just had to try one of her tapes. I have already purchased PS Strong Legs and Abs and Step Jam. I can hardly wait to try them out. I won't have a problem with my Christmas wishlist this year.
Hi DCorley,
We are always so happy to have a new Cathe fan. But watch out, you will get addicted to Cathe videos. I bought my first at the end of May and here it is October, and I have almost bought her entire library. So much for getting rid of the credit card debt. You will love Step Jam! Hope to see many more posts from you.
Thanks, Lisa. I already have my eye on the new Cross Train Xpress series. Hopefully, my dear hubby will buy them for my Christmas present. We will BOTH benefit from the videos.
Hi Dcorley! Nice to have you with us. I'm so glad you are enjoying the tapes. Since you are a new user of my tapes, I think its great that you are starting out with Step Jam. This tape as well as some of the other less recent tapes, such as Step Heat and Power Max, will familiarize you with many of the moves that are presented in the newer videos. The new videos, such as CTX Series, contain a lot of moves that are in the older videos but they are delivered at a much faster pace (since they assume you already know the choreography). Thats not to say that you absolutely need to have the older tapes to do the newer workouts, but rather that it would make for a much smoother transition. Good luck with everything and keep us posted on your progress :)!
I appreciate the advice. I'm sure it won't be long before those two tapes are added to my new collection. I did Step Jam this morning and it was great! I can hardly wait to try out more new tapes.

Thanks, Darla

I also wanted to WELCOME you to our group. PS-Strong Legs & Abs is a great tape & I love MIS too. Once you have tried all 3 of your tapes, you will definitley be making your Christmas list!:D There is not a tape out there by Cathe that you won't be happy with. Again, welcome and let us know if Santa is good to you this year! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi! Sounds like you got hooked on Cathe the same way I did with MIS. From there I went to the PS series and then IMAX and then the new 8 pack. I don't have any of the older tapes yet but since I hear so many good things about them I'm thinking of getting some of those as well. MIC and BodyMax will probably be next for me. Maybe if you're extra good for the rest of the year Santa will splurge on the 8 pk for you! ;-)
MIS was my first and the one that got me interested, MIC and Body Max got me hooked, and CTX enslaved me :)

I already know I am going to ask for the PS series for Christmas, and one of the older step tapes. Just the thing to break the winter blahs.

P.S. Welcome, new fellow addict! I second the nomination for the 8 pack as a Christmas present if possible.

Welcome!! Isn't it great?! I started Cathe with BodyMax, and I've got quite a few now. That was in May. BodyMax is still my favorite, but Cathe is my favorite instructor of all time!! Just wait and see, nobody comes close to her!!

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