I love the Pyramids. PLB is one of my favorite lower body workouts. Very complete without being overdone. (Though I DO take more time changing weights between sets--the only thing I don't like about PLB is how short the transitions are. But that's easy to "fix"by pressing pause or back chaptering)
I don't have the timesaver, so I don't know about that.
(I wouldn't consider these "new" workouts, since they've been out for over a year. I assumed you were talking about the Hardcores when I saw the title of your thread.)
I have pub/plb. I really them. they are good for building muscle and the up and down pyramids are very effective. It has some very good premixes for variety or short on time. I think you will enjoy it.
Love them both, for different reasons. The pyramids give great results, and Timesaver has short, fun workouts. You can also combine parts of the Timesaver workouts to make your own. Very versatile!
LOL... Pinky I did PLB last night and I loved it!! Oh, I wanted to tell you I looked your workout area and I have stolen your calendar/colored markers idea!! Love that idea.
I have both. I usually don't use the timesaver dvd because I have all the BB workouts. It is great if you want to do a short workout. I love the PLB. The most I like are the floor exercises using the stability ball.
Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie.
I love PLB/PUB thoroughly and deeply. It is one of my favorites ever. Timesaver is OK. I never do the workouts as is, except for the leg one. But I put all the upper bodies together into a nice workout. Those pushups are so evil!
I had Timesaver for a very short time but I never used it (I have all the BB series) -- but the Pyramids. Well, Pinky said it all, and I'm with her. They're like gold. LOVE the pyramids. No fitness library is complete without them.