New Bootcamp- sound missing at beginning


I have not been on the boards in a while, so I apologize if this has been discussed. I did a search first and did not see anything. I received my dvds and was previewing them this morning. I was previewing Bootcamp and noticed that the sound is muted at the very beginning of BC. Am I the only one? It does not affect the workout. I was not able to finish watching the whole workout.

On the the other hand- what I saw looks awesome!!! I can not wait to do the workout!!}(
Hey Kim,I just ordered these workouts too! I haven't received them yet though(sorry)

I too would like to know this incase mine does the same thing!

I hope everything is going well for you!:)
Kim, I didn't notice any problem with the sound when I did boot camp. You may want to contact SNM and ask for a new DVD.
Hi Amelia!! It is so good to hear from you. I am doing well. Just extremely busy. How are you?

From what I have seen of the new workouts, you will love them. I just did what Buffetgirl suggested and PM SNM for a replacement dvd. Please keep in touch!!
I have the exact same problem with the first 3 seconds of BC, but only on one of my players. The one in the living room (aka workout room :+) works fine. Although I don't mind it as it does not in any way effect the workout I'd be interested to hear what SNM says.
Hey Kim,Im doing well. I started counting calories instead of doing WW,WW just stopped working for me! I started counting calories on saturday....I'll keep you posted!

Im lol at myself because when you said "bootcamp" for some reason in my mind I thought about the new series I just ordered last week called "barry's bootcamp" I didn't even think about cathe's new bootcamp...DUH!:+

Take care,you busy gal;-)

P.S We miss ya over in WW land! But we understand;-)
I noticed this on all 4 workouts but it is only the first couple of seconds when she's saying hello. The sound of the music is also lower when she starts talking but rapidly amps up as the warm up starts. Not an issue for me - something I can certainly live with.
We start all of the 4 Day Split workouts with very little music (about 20% volume ) while Cathe is introducing the crew and then quickly juice the music to 100% over a period of a few seconds just as the workout begins. We spent a lot of time with NFL tweaking the audio to get the music to vocal ratio just right. It was nice having access to one of the best audio mixing studios in the world. You will notice the “volume” of the DVD is louder than our other past DVDs. During an opening when Cathe is introducing the crew this increased “volume” would sound too loud and too abrupt. Thus, we slowly increase the music over several seconds during the intro to alleviate this problem. So this is normal.
In cases where you have powered speakers that are in sleep mode the music fade in may sound more abrupt than it really is. This is because it takes some time for your speakers to wake up. Also, certain audio decoder cards, especially new HD ones, can have a several second delay that may make cause audio delay at startup.
On mine the sound is not simply lower in the beginning, it is completely missing. Cathe's first words are not audible. You can see her speaking; however, you can hear what she is saying. After a couple of seconds you come in on her speaking. I will take a look at it again to see at what marker and for how long. Again, it does not affect the actual workout b/c she is just starting to speak at this point. I will try to watch the complete workout b/w tonight and tomorrow.
Hi I have the same problem with my Bootcamp video as well. The sound is missing in the beginning for the first few seconds . . . doesn't affect the workout so I didn't report it. I have yet to try the others. Once I do, if there is an issue with sound I'll let customer service know about it.
When I previewed Bootcamp, this happened on mine as well, so I hit the previous chapter button to see if it was a fluke. That button begins it at the beginning. When I did that, the sound started right away. Some of Cathe's other DVD's do this as well, and all I do is back it up to the start and it works. It is like it takes a second for the sound tracks to come on, but they are not missing, just the reader has not "booted" up enough to read them. By backing it up using the prev chapter button, it gives it time to prepare the track. Not very technical explanation, but that is what it looks like.
Sometimes you will see that happen on some of our other DVDs too on some players. I'm not sure if it is because of the high encode rate we use and this causes a few players to choke a little( we keep within specs, but try to be in the higher end)or if some players don't interpet the start code correctly...or some other problem. We did see a problem like this with LIS during the begining of round 1 on a brand new Toshiba DVD/LCD combo player, but this same player also has an audio sync problem with most DVD discs. We could not repeat the error on the other 39+ players we tested on.

You will also find a lot of new LCD TV's have audio sync problems. We recently purchased 3 new LCD/DVD combos and every single one had an audio sync problem. Not really sure why some people are having a 3 second delay, but it seems to affect only a few types of players.
My dvd player in my bedroom does this with ALL dvds( sound delay). But my workout dvd player (garage) does not. So in that regard, I know it is the dvd player and not the dvd.

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