New Babies & Babies to be Nov 29th

Melanie - I am so sorry to hear about your dad! :( And I know it must be disappointing not getting to see your mother no as well. (((HUGS))) That latest picture of the girls is BEAUTIFUL by the way!!!

Jen - I love all the pictures of James! What a cutie pie! And so alert in that latest picture!!! Love it! :)

First official doctor's appointment/exam is next week (Tuesday). Wish me luck. :)
I"m trying really hard not to have a pity-party for myself. I feel so selfish....but I am SO DISAPPOINTED that I'm not going to see my mom. :( Something always seems to come up that separates us. :( URGH!!

Amber, how's your tummy? Any morning sickness? Mine usually began around week 8-9. Are you taking prenatal vitamins? I should have asked earlier...but it's important that you are getting folic acid during first trimester. :)

Waves to all!!!!
You're not selfish at all Melanie! I can't imagine not seeing my mother for years! I would be very upset too!

Yes, I've been taking the prenatals for a while now. I started before we even started trying to conceive. :) My tummy trouble seems to have stopped for now. I was never throwing up, but I was pretty nauseous from week 4 - 7. Week 8 was off and on and by week 9, I was feeling pretty good. I'm getting ready to hit 11 weeks soon and I really do not have many symptoms at all now except for huge boobs and little energy. ;)
Hi girls!
Just a quick hello. My finals are next week and I promise to be back full force after ok!
Melanie-so very sorry to hear about your dad. I will be praying for him big time!!!!
Kara is doing great! Sweetest thing ever!
Kara is snoozing and I am studying. I will be back soon!
Welcome back Susan! Good luck on your finals! I'm sure you will ace them!

Liann- My m/s was just nausea too until about week 12/13. I had the huge boobs too! I'm so happy everything is going well for you!

Melanie- Liann is right, you are not selfish at all! Sending lots of HUGS your way!

We had an AWESOME night with James. After being fussy for most of the evening, he went to sleep at 930p and didn't wake until almost 3! He ate and went right back to sleep by 4a and didn't start to wake up until 745a. I'm sure this was just a fluke but it feels so good to know that James has sleep potential! :)

Off to run some errands and then have a girls dinner tonight. Mommy's first outing without baby! Yahoo!
Jen, did James have another great night? My preemies get up every 3 hours to we won't get a stretch like that for a long time!! We even set alarms to wake us up so we can feed them....have to fatten them up!!!

No workout for me yesterday. My abdomen was sore & I don't want to over do listening to my body. Ironically the elliptical made my abdomen more sore than the Turbo Jam did!! Today I hope to do Turbo Jam again.

We are putting the Christmas Tree & decorations up today. The little boys are super excited about it. The girls from my Bible Study brought over a couple of dinners yesterday....and I feel so grateful....this will help us find the time to decorate.

I think I'll start a modified South Beach Diet on Monday. Wish me luck!!!

What is everyone else up to this weekend?

Anyone having babies? Christine? Precilla?
Mel- Glad to hear that you are listening to your body! We all know how hard that is to do! Glad that the girls are thriving. Enjoy putting up the tree today.
So, no baby yet. I thought maybe last night was the night. I think I have done too much in the past few days. I had the closets finished and put everythign away and organzied and then cleaned the whole house, and went runnign. So I was crampy and feeling badly last night. I feel better today, so that is good. I am just really crampy this time. I never was with Jimmy, although he was born already at this point in my last pregnancy. Jen, I think you were real crampy, right?
I see the doc on MOnday, so we will see what she says. I am loving my new dr, which is great.
We are headed to the train station tonight, Santa is coming in on a lit up christmas train. Should be fun. Waves to all. Good luck priscilla!
Christine~ I"m normally crampy for labor....I bet you will be holding your peanut before you know it!!!!

Super tired today. About every 3rd day or so I shut down. I'm a bit stressed about my Dad too...and the fact that my brother I haven't heard from in over 4 years sent me an e-mail telling me to take my facebook comments about Dad off the computer. He told me Dad is a private person & would not want people to know every day details about his life. OUCH. I asked for prayer.... and I was very vague about details. :mad::mad: My beloved brother didn't know that I asked permission of my parents before posting. So, being the wonderful sister I am....I apologized for insulting him.....then de-friended him on facebook. :confused::confused:
Christine- I was crampy for a few days beforehand. I hope Baby John gets here soon! I can't wait!

Melanie- I'm sorry about the stress you are under. Good for you for de-friending your brother. You don't need that right now.

James slept five hours in a row last night! I still think he is just teasing me though! ;) I am not getting too excited but at least I know he has the capability.

Prisicila??? You having that baby??? ;)

Hello to all the other preggos! Have we scared you off???
Jen, are you nursing exclusively? I know with my other kids they went through a growing spurt at 3 weeks, 6 weeks & 12 weeks......they nursed almost around the clock during the spurts.

30 minutes on elliptical, 2.5 miles today. Does anyone have Insanity? I"m excited about trying it out!
Hey Melanie

Just a quick note to say I am sorry about your dad's esophageal cancer. I pray that it is not too far along and treatable.

Melanie- I am nursing and pumping to start a stash. We give him bottles at night. How's nursing going with the twins? Still not workouts yet. I will start again this week. Great job!

Anyone heard from Priscila? Has she had the baby boy??? (Fingers crossed)
Dr stripped my membranes, so hope that does something... I lost a lot of cervical plug right in the office. If baby does not come on his own, we have an induction on friday morning. I am feeling nauseated and crampy. Somethign has to be on the way soon. Grrr.
Oh my gosh the babe pics are so cute!!!! Congratulations to you all. Melanie, my prayers to you and your family regarding your father. We lost a brother to the same thing a few years ago - he was stubborn though; never went to the doc until it was stage 4.

Thanks for all your stories! They keep me sane. I'm 28 weeks today (due March 5) and can't imagine that I'm going to be getting even bigger! My belly button is splitting I can feel my skin stretching (it burns!). I'm always out of breath. I "ran" on the treadmill lastnight and it was so painful on the belly and pelvic floor; Looking for a stationary bike on craigslist tonight... Seeing your pics helps me remember it is all worth it.

I'm having lots of braxten hixs already - did/do you guys have the same issue? I hate bugging my doctor's nurse too often...

Thank you for being there,
Thanks for everyone's support regarding my Dad. We found out last night he has a stage 3 tumor & extensive tissue damage. He will need chemo/radiotherepy to shrink the tumor & then surgery to follow if the tumor shrinks. It also includes the lymph nodes....not good news. :(

Christine, I had baby Jadon 2 days after my membranes were stripped.

Precilla? You there?

It's been so quiet lately.
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Yeah!!! Got this message on facebook tonight:

"Melanie, please let people know at the forum that Daniel Isaac was born on Dec 7th. 7.1 pounds and 19 inches. Awesome experience that I'm looking forward to sharing once our internet service is restored ( texting from phone) Say hi to everyone for me!"
Did any of you moms deal with a baby refusing to take a bottle?if so- any great tips on getting thrm to take one?
Have you spoke with a lactation consultant at all? I haven't had this problem... the only thing I can think to do is to try different types of nipples....but I"m sure you've already tried that?
hi everyone! typing w one hand while trying to get james to sleep. dh went back to work mon so we have been trying to adjust. so far we are doing great! bf is still going strong. i go back to work jan 4th and i am already dreading it. :(

did the first part of kpc yesterday and it felt awesome however i am soo out of shape! want to start sts soon but looks like it might be awhile....

mel- i am so sorry about your dad. sending hugs and prayers his way! love the letters on the twins' wall on fb!

priscila- congratulations! cant wait to hear all about it and see pics!

denise- i had alot of brx hicks that started around the same time and then they subsided for awhile.

christine? you having thatlil boy?? sending labor vibes to you!

lorrenh05- i've read that some babies wont take a bottle from the mother but will from other caretakers. have you let someone else try? my baby will take the playtex ones but it still takes him a few min to figure it out after bf w me all day.

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