New advanced cardio suggestions


Help! I need some new cardio DVD's! I love Body Max and the Imax's (rhythmic step is not aerobically challenging enough). I want very challenging cardio workouts. I love step and I also like doing the cardio only premix for Bootcamp. I am anxiously awaiting Cathe's new workouts, but in the meantime, I've been looking through my new Collage catalog. The following caught my attention. Any opinions on these or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Get Ready, Step, Go - Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Cardio Toolbox - Mindy Mylrea\
Crazy for Step - Charlene Prickett
Steppin' in Rhythem - Pam Cosmi
Step Appeal - Patrick Goudeau
I don't have any advice for you but I wanted to say I saw that Get Ready, Step, Go DVD too and I keep watching that little preview over and over again. It looks so good to me. I was going to put a post on here asking if anyone got that yet too because I would like to know how it is too. I love step but some of the other clips look to boring or I don't like how the trainer talks. That one though looked along the lines of Cathe. I hope someone responds to this too.

I just did Kelly Coffey's step tape this morning and it was really good. Yes, she really does remind me of Cathe. I like her. Lots of plyometrics and athletic moves like skiing, skating, jumping on and off of the step. She doesn't break down any moves though, so it will take me a few times to actually get the moves (even though they aren't really complex). My HR stayed in the 140's to 150's and I think that if I knew the DVD, I could get it higher.

Kelly has a great demeanor and great energy. I also have her Cardio Scupt DVD which I enjoyed. You can get it on her website

One final note is that the only reason she did these DVDs was to raise money to aid in Dementia research and treatment for her father. He is 74 and was a very fit person who just developed dementia. Touching reason to raise money.....don't you think? I'm really glad I bought them (even more now).
I have Cardio Toolbox and it's OK. I've only done the first 2 segments though. It's nice if you just want to do something short. If you find Rhythmic Step too easy, don't even try Crazy for Step. It's long and low impact, but not a huge challenge.
I'm not familar with workouts other than Cathe's but here's a list of her more challenging Cardio workouts IMO:
MIC(Maximum Intensity Cardio)
The Terminator DVD
The Hardcore Extreme DVD
Kick Max
Circuit Max(I still find this one difficult)
Low Max(challenging on an 8 inch step)

If you don't have these, they are definately worth checking out!! BTW, the Terminator and Hardcore Extreme DVD's each have 3 workouts on them.

I've got crazy for step. It's kinda fun in the beginning -- but a warning: she goes "from the top" (the very top) after teaching each combo. And she tends to beat the combo's to death. So now, I rarely use it, because I find it too boring after "graduating" to Cathe step.
There has been a lot of raving going on at the VF forum for Pam Cosmi's Steppin' in Rhythm. To be honest, this one has sparked my interest too! Have you gone to Collage Video and viewed any previews? That may help you too.
I like Crazy for Step - Charlene and her crew do it on 10" steps!!!!! I do it on a 6" step, and that's high enough for me. Fun workout.
Just Do It! :)
>Do you have the Step, Jump, Pump/Step Blast DVD? I lean
>toward more intense cardio as well and I like Step Blast

I have SJP and step blast. I found them to be too choreographed and not challenging enough . . . but due to your mention, I am going to give them another try.
You didn't mention Gin Millers Intense Moves. I heard the choreo is pretty basic, but the workout is intense. A lot of people love this video.
A friend of mine gave me Cardio Toolbox for a X-mas present (aside: THANKS, JO-JO!!!!!), and IMHO it's okay intensity-wise but if you've cut your teeth on the I'Maxes and Body Max anything other than Cathe won't satisfy very much.

I would like to suggest:

Circuit Max / Cardio Kicks DVD
Cross Train Express (CTX) DVDs
The Terminator DVD (especially for its Gauntlet workout)
The MIC workout (it's on the same DVD as Rhythmic Step)
High Step Training Advanced
Kick Max

Circuit Max has some absolutely top-notch cardio with 2 hi/lo segments, one floor kickbox segment, one step-kickbox segment and two traditional step segments. The six weighted resistance cycles incorporate light dumbbells and compound upper / lower body sets for 2 minutes each; HOWEVER, you can modify that to a serious cardio-leg burn by substituting barbell squats, plie squats and lunges rather than compound upper/lower body stuff. You can even polish that Circuit max variation off with the power drills sequence of Cardio Kicks.

Cross Train Express (CTX) also has good hi/lo (especially in 10-10-10), step-circuit (Power Circuit workout), interval step (Step & Intervals, although the interval segment is only 10 minutes) and traditional step and kickbox. The DVD is organized such that you can do a lot of mixing and matching among cardio segments for a harder and/or longer burn.

The Terminator compilation DVD has Gauntlet, which is an amazing mish-mosh of I-Max 2, Boot Camp and Cardio+Weights. It too is chaptered such that you can do some discrete chapter-skipping past some of the resistance cycles and power through the cardio stuff; the blend of I-Max 2 intervals and Boot Camp intervals are awesome.

MIC has about 35 minutes of hi/lo; the last 15 minutes of this hi/lo is really top-drawer HIGH - high impact, high intensity.

HSTA has a good cardio-only premix that lasts about 12 minutes and is pretty interval-oriented.

Kick Max has a great 15-minute Blast Challenge sequence that consists of 10 mini-intervals with precisely next-to-zero recovery in between, so your heart rate always stays up there.

Just my suggestions -


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