Nervous about blood test


I am supposed to get a routine blood test done. I am seeing a new doc and she wants to check out cholesterol, anemia, etc. I am nervous because I am a recovering bulemic and restrictive eater. I am afraid my test will be bad because of my past issues. My therapist wants me to go and get it done. I have had the paper for a month to go get. Any good advice or some words that will get me to go. I am just so nervous. Thanks
While I can't give you specific advice, what I can suggest to you is to view this as something good for yourself. You only get one body, you need to have it running as smoothly as possible for it to function at its peak, so you can be at your peak.

I love life when I'm feeling my best, and one of the reasons I feel so good most of the time is because of the complete trust I have in my doctor...she worked extremely hard to get to where she is, and I know she has my best interest at heart.

Is it hard to trust someone who probably isn't emotionally invested in you...yes, it can be, but you simply have to do it at times. Your doctor is doing the right thing by ordering these tests for you, seeing that she is new.

Don't you owe it to yourself to feel your best??? Listen to your doctor and get this done. Being nervous about it only shows that you care about yourself, so get it done, please!!

Think of it as doing something good and positive for yourself. It's better to monitor your health and to know what your body is saying rather than worrying about what might be. And it may very well show no problems or at least an improvement from past results. I guess what I'm saying is think positively! I'm rooting for you!!;) Let us know how it turns out.
I know that it's sometimes easy to 'not want to know' when health (or financial) issues are concerned, but look at it this way: taking the test or not taking the test will not change your condition, and if there is something "off," wouldn't you rather know so that you can do something about it?

Good for you for facing your nervousness & going to get the bloodwork done. In order to be the healthiest you can be, it's information you and your doctor need to know. I'm sure there have been many uncomfortable moments in your recovery, and this is another, but if you are committed to getting better and being a strong, fit, and healthy woman.- and it sounds to me like you are - this is something that can't be put off. Good luck!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Rosely, I'm so glad you decided to take ownership of your health and get your blood work done. Use it as a baseline to measure your progress ... you can get another next year to see the difference you've made this year. It can be another motivator to make healthier choices. I understand some of the trepidation ... I just scheudled my first colonscopy for a baseline test and hopefully everything will be fine and I wont' need another one for 10 years! But if something is discovered, hopefully it'll be caught early and the earlier the better. As Kathryn said, whether you get one or not, your current health status is still the same, and this way you'll know it and can use the information for bettering the future. Best wishes, Deb
Roselyn, you said you are recovering bulemic. Try to view the blood test as another step in your recovery. You may be very pleasantly surprised by some of the results too. If some results are less than stellar, it will give you some concrete goals to set. Good luck.
This is so good for you that you are taking charge of your health! I am very proud of you for taking the steps to heal and be healthy! You certainly it and I am very proud of you for facing your fears. Let us know how it goes.
Roselyn, the human body is an amazing resilient thing! I've been a critical care nurse for 25+ years and also went through a period of anorexia in my early 20s so I know whereof I speak! Do not be afraid! If you are indeed recovering now I think you will be pleasantly surprised! Be strong and healthy now, enjoy life :7


Good for you being brave enough for continuing to take care of yourself the way you know you should!

I can relate in a sense because I am on a continuous round of tests and retests (blood, MRI, Mammogram, CT scans, PET scans, etc.) to make sure the cancer hasn't come back. It's hard to go through it again and again, questioning the universe, "Will my luck continue or is this time going to be the time the other shoe drops?"

Keeps us posted!

Take care!

Susan L.G.

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