Negative effects of Atkins Diet? Articles?

Well put Jenn :)

A-Jock ... in response to your request I normally do 4 - 5 cardio sessions a week which consist of walk/run 5km. I will do some Cathe step workouts (Rythmic Step being my favourite), however I do enjoy getting outside. As for weights I try to get in two full body workouts a week (my favourites here are Slow and Heavy and Pyramids). I split it up doing upper one day and lower the next over a 4 day period.

As for my diet this is what I had yesterday:

Breakfast: One egg & coffee with 2tbsp cream
Snack: Protein Shake (contains 4.9gms of carbs)
Lunch: 100g Chicken Breast, 2tbsp of light Mayo, 1oz cheese, 2cups lettuce, 1tbsp olive oil
Snack: Protein Shake
Dinner: 6oz fresh Salmon, 3cups lettuce, 2tbsp Renee's Dressing, chi tea with 1tbsp cream, 1/2c sugar free jello with 1tbsp cream cheese.

Keep in mind that I am in the induction stage ... I cheated as most over the holidays and wanted to start back at square one. It really helps to get rid of the cravings for sweets and carbs. I can eventually add in carbs as I go on and the first I will add that I love is oatmeal.

As I said in my previous post ... this works for me but may not for some. The secret is finding a plan that works for you and sticking with it. Hope the info helps ... thanks for your interest :)
RE: To Mandyf, Ellis and MichS:

Hi A-Jock~

Let me preface this by saying that I lost a ton of weight by following WW. I then found it impossible to stick to it. I was hungry all the time and was miserable. I switched to Atkins 1 yr ago with the intent to perhaps lose the last 10# or so of weight accumulated with 2 PG and then to maintain. I've lost 5# and have gained muscle. Most importantly (to me anyway), I don't go hungry. I eat when I need to and don't experience the intense cravings that I had while on WW.

exercise for this week:
(I work LOOONG hours and have 2 elementary school age kids so time is not on my side! ;) )
Mon: I did a segment of AbHits and walked 2 miles
T: did CTX Leaner Legs (ouch!)
W: did Upper Body segments of MIS (plan to do yoga tonight)
T: planned: AbHits segment + 1 of the IMax2 premixes
F: planned: CTX Power Circuit or Timesaver 5
S: planned: Upper Body segments of MIS + yoga
S: not sure, usually don't plan Sunday's but I always exercise even if it is just playing B-ball w/ the boys

I don't really keep a food log anymore but today will shake out like this:
B: 2 eggs + 1/4 cup salsa, coffee + 1/2 & 1/2
L: Dannon carb control yogurt + sugar free latte from starbucks (made w/ 1/2 & 1/2 rather than milk)
Snack (if I get hungry): 1 oz cheese
D: chicken + veggies (boneless skinless breasts in olive oil w/ peppers, onions, grape tomatoes)
Snack: I always drink a couple cups of decaf tea in the evenings, I also usually have some other snack... 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds if I'm in a crunchy mood... 1 scoop protein powder in 1 cup plain (full fat)Dannon yogurt... 1/2 cup sugar free ice cream + 1 TBS unsweetened PB on top... a Wasa cracker w/ melted cheese... some olives... whatever I'm hungry for...

As far as my diet:
I rarely eat beef or pork (not a food thing but rather an "I don't like to eat mammals thing"... I'm odd, I know!) :). I eat lots of soy (morningstar farms burgers or sausage are my favs) and chicken. I'll eat eggs maybe 3X a week. I *try* not to eat bars or shakes but sometimes life gets in the way! ;) I'll occasionally eat Kashi, sweet potatoes, spag squash, legumes, or other "more-carby" whole grains. The only things that I never touch (that I used to eat lots of before) are pasta, white potatoes, rice, and bread.

Does that answer your question?
Well more power to you if you can actually eat this and stay healthy and satisfied. To my mind, this just is not enough food, nor enough range of food groups to promote real healthy body tissues.

So much lettuce, so little nutritional content.

I have to agreee with posters on this thread who have articulated concerns regarding the detrimental effects upon the body of the retriction upon fruits and vegetables. The information was sound and given earlier. I will not repeat it. But I see little in this rendition of the Atkins diet to protect the body from cancers and other noxious diseases.

Good luck to you, but this kind of eating is scary. I wouldn't let my daughter do it.

Hi, Wayne, I think you may have over-looked something. Some of us consume organic products because of the impact grain fed meat and conventionally grown products have on the environment. Besides which, I prefer that the animals I consume be humanely raised. I also choose dairy products that from animals which have not been given antibiotics and hormones because their diet is other than the one the good Lord intended them to eat. I will use non-organics for convenience but only in a pinch. Whether one choses glass or plastic, it's to be hoped that the products will be recycled. I drink tap water with a faucet filter. Our water tastes great.

While it's probably a great idea to consume more lean protein, we American's consume too much protein and too much carbohydrate and too much fat, generally speaking.

One does not need Atkin's to lose weight. Reduce your overall calorie consumption and increase your activity level and you'll lose weight.

I have reached a point where I'll happily tell anyone who will listen that my 55% carb, 15%, protein and 30% fat diet works well for me but I don't try to sell it because most of them have made up their minds. I certainly know the nutritional value of carbohydrates and consider them the ideal energy choice. And I have been toying with the idea of boosting my protein on my strength days because I want muscles! I'd most likely drop my fat intake to 25 to add 5% to my protein intake.

One last thing I like about carbs is they taste devine and add variety to my diet. I cannot imagine mostly eliminating them and being happy! Food is one of life's great pleasures and needs to be eaten not only for optimal health but for the joy of it. It adds to gatherings with folks you love to break bread with! I'd love to cook a feast and invite you all to share it with me! :)

And, Wayne, we are all going to die, even fitnuts! That's why we must suck the marrow out of life!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

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