Need tough leg workout!!!


Hi all. Hoping you gals can help me.

I have had a tough time lately getting a killer leg workout at home. I am reaching a point in my wt training that I can't safely lift the wt I need to lift over my head ;( So.... I am wondering if you have any good ideas of how to really kick it up a notch at home? Any good workout combos, rotations or tricks to pre-exhaust before a workout like PLB? I have been doing PLB, LL, ME and then did S&H last week. I also have a universal wt set w/presses & extension plus a bench w/hamstring curls so I guess I could use the machine to pre-exhaust??

I also have trouble doing lunges due to my knees so I have to usually work the legs w/other exercises! I LOVE deadlifts!

Any pointers, workouts, and/or rotations you guys have will be MUCH appreciated!
Good morning Fitnut!

Not much help here, just want to say, you must be "Strong!" :7 Before I finished reading your thread I was going to ask you if you have a squat cage, but it sounds like you do!! Hope somoeone else can give you some more educated answers!

One thing I might add, have you tried doing floorwork before doing your standing work? I find if I do this, I don't have to lift nearly as heavy to exhaust my legs! :+

RE: Need tough leg workout - TWO WORDS



Hitting a plateau with free-weight leg strength training is a common problem precisely because your legs have so much more strength capacity than your shoulders, and the barbell gets too heavy to hike over the shoulders and the dumbbells get too heavy for the hands, forearms and shoulders to hold for very long.

I think a weight vest is just the thing for you to increase your weight loads. I got a weight vest last year and I absolutely swear by it. Mine is an All-Pro brand, with 80 little elongated pockets each of which holds a 1/2-pound iron rod, for a maximum weight load of 40 lbs. That's the beauty of it; you can increase your weight load via the vest as incrementally OR dramatically as you wish simply by putting in the number of iron rods you prefer.

You may want to check out websites for Fitness First, Perform Better and Power Systems if you're interested; also, I was able to find mine at a local big-box exercise/sports equipment store called SportMart (which may also have a website).

Good luck!

RE: Need tough leg workout - TWO WORDS

Wow! The weight vest might be just the thing I need! Can I ask about how much they are??? I think I might have seen one of these at Gart Bros Sports or Galyans (2 big sporting good stores here in Colorado). Would those be as good? Also, what should I pay?

No, I unfortunately don't have a squat cage! Need one maybe but no more room after my most recent purchases of cardio equipment :p

I can lift 50 lbs over my head and that is about it. Since I have been doing BFL I find I could go higher than 50lbs w/the squats, etc. but just can't lift it over my head. Plus, I really don't think the 50 is safe for me to be lifting. It has scared me a couple times lately! I am only 5'3" and pretty petite so it seems like a LOT of weight to be lifting all by myself with no spotter!

Sherry - no, I haven't done the floor work first. hmmm.... that might be a good idea! Have you ever tried it?

I am getting ready to do PLB in a few. I think I am going to try adding in some pre-exhaust from Powerhour first??? If ya' don't see me around these parts the next few days you'll know that I am laying in my family room with a barbell around my neck :eek:

Thanks for the info! You guys are the greatest!
RE: Need tough leg workout - TWO WORDS

Hi Fitnut!

Of course, A-Jock always comes up with great ideas!! I, too, would like to know where to get a weight vest. I lift heavier than I should at home by myself. :)

I have tried doing floor work before standing and I really have noticed a difference. I recently bought Quick Fix Stability Ball DVD and it has been great. Ten minutes floorwork goes perfectly with PLB and ab goes great with PUB. It is TOUGH to do together, but I've found it effective.:) Point being, I've done the 23 minute floorwork first and it is a LOT tougher when you get to standing! HTH!

Well.... I'm not sure if you want to purchase additional equipment, but I have heard a lot of people who have the Bun and Thigh Rocker, and they LOVE it. I think it's a Body by Jake machine, that costs less than $100. I don't have it, but I guess it comes with resistance bands that allow you to increase the weights for your legs, without having the burden resting on your shoulders.

Lisa :)
RE: Weight vest revisited

Hi, "Fitnut"! I paid a little over $100 for my All-Pro about a year ago, and I doubt they've gone down in price. All-Pro also, I think, makes a 20-pounder weight vest but to me that was a waste of money because I knew I'd eventually outgrow that as well. (Aren't I the cocky one! }( )

Another think I really like about the All-Pro vest is that you can evenly distribute the weightload around the back and front of the vest as well as up the back, so the weight isn't concentrated all in one place.

I'm sure there are other manufacturers that make weighted vests, so as long as you go with a bonafide vest I'm sure you'll make a wise purchase, and it does help to shop around.

Good luck!

I was going to suggest both a weighted vest and the Bun and Thigh Rocker :+

Those should fry your legs for ya }( }(
I've heard nothing but great things about the Bun & Thigh Rocker. And it seems to be reasonable priced and doesn't require a lot of space. I think it folds up too but what I'd like to know is: Does anyone have the Thigh Tek? I think it was advertised as a product by Suzanne Somers or she was just a user of the gadget. :D It's a purple, double armed piece that you either inside of your legs while sitting or on the outside of your thighs still while in a seated position and you're either squezzing your legs together or pressing them apart. Guess it depends on whether you're working the inner or outer thighs. It's been in the stores for a while. I think I've seen it at Target and Wal-Mart.

When I really get to the point where I want a lot of definition in the legs I thought this would be helpful in working the inner/outer thighs.

Any comments? Please advise! :)

Hi---if you're already doing squats with a 50 pound barbell, I can't imagine how a but and thigh rocker will increase your strength, unless you are finding that the heavy squats are hurting your spine, or back. And, in that case, you could sub the machine for your free weight leg work.

I think the vest sounds like a great idea. I haven't heard of that before and thank you for mentioning it, whoever did.

A step in squat rack works for me. I lean over and put the heavy barbell on my back and then raise up. So far that has worked, but I haven't really gone beyond 60 pounds. My back is very strong too, so it hasn't complained yet. I don't know if this is the proper way to use the squat rack, but it seems like the only way to lift heavy. I certainly can't lift more than a 50 lb over my head. That's the limit for me too.

I wonder though if the weight in a weight vest will stress the legs as the weight on top your shoulders does. Will it matter to your legs where the extra weight in placed on your body?

Man, I kick myself now for returning me wt. vest. It just seemed so akward. It hung down onto my legs, cuz I am only 5'1.

The Bun and Thigh Rocker is still apealing to me, but boy, it looks cheesy. But I trust you guys, so I might get one of em off ebay. How much is a squat rack for those of you that have them??

I almost wiped out today doing S&H with approx 75 lbs. I went to get it off my shoulders and almost couldn't. Can't be good for the shoulders in that behind-the-head movement, you know??

Thanks for the info..

Oh, and I think I have great legs, but of course there is always room for improvement, but....

Rollerblading and hiking has done lots for mine and heavy weights of course. Sit and stands are great if you go real heavy! Genetics was good to me here though too....

The B&TR is NOT cheesy, trust me. Genetics were good to me in the upper body & abs, but I'm not complaining as much as I hear folks bitchin' about their abs.

Actually, I'll have to add another home workout tool to my favorite list - the stability ball! You can do some awesome moves for your lower body on this baby!
I think the best home method for inner and outer thighs is a Bodybar like Cathe uses in PS Legs. You can increase the resistance as you get stronger. I'm not sure you could do that with this gadget.
Ankle weights are another possibility, but I think a Bodybar works better.
Does anyone have the Thigh Tek? I think it
>was advertised as a product by Suzanne Somers or she was just
>a user of the gadget. :D It's a purple, double armed piece
>that you either inside of your legs while sitting or on the
>outside of your thighs still while in a seated position and
>you're either squezzing your legs together or pressing them
>apart. Guess it depends on whether you're working the inner or
>outer thighs. It's been in the stores for a while. I think
>I've seen it at Target and Wal-Mart.
>When I really get to the point where I want a lot of
>definition in the legs I thought this would be helpful in
>working the inner/outer thighs.
>Any comments? Please advise! :)

Have you considered Karen Voight's Total Body Training workout with the Resist-a-Ring? This workout really targets your inner thighs like nothing else I've done, and the ring can be used for many Pilates workouts. The Karen Voight ring has padding both inside and outside the ring so you can squeeze it both ways.

I also think the way Cathe uses a Body Bar is PS Legs is one of the best ways to work the inner and outer thighs.

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