Need to get back


Long story short, we moved away from friends and family a year ago because of DH job. We both have put on some weight and have gotten considerably lazy:-( We vowed to get back into exercise and eating right starting this week. We are just too disgusted with ourselves. I was so excited, I was going to really start back today and it always seems like something happens. The kids are off so I planned to get up early to get my w/o done but of course the carbon monoxide alarms decide to malfunction at 4am so we don't get back into the house until 6:30 when the fire department leaves and everyone is exhausted. We have family coming in to visit and they stay for over a week at a time which exhausts me. And in turn hurts my w/o. My question is how do you all stay focused? And what do you do when you have out-of town guests as far as food and w/o? I really want to lose 10 pounds by Christmas but I would need to exercise like 3 hours a day the way my body respondsx( And do you think more cardio or weights to lose? Sorry so many questions but I really need to do this and I really appreciate everyone's advice. Thanks for all your expert advice:7
I am sorry you are going through this. I am in the same boat. I have gained 10 lbs and feel so gross. I had knee surgery in March and was doing well but then I hurt my lower back and got the flu and I just haven't wanted to do anything. My parents are visiting right now and I keep saying that I will go to the gym next week, but honestly I don't even want to. I don't know what is wrong with me. My workouts have included taking most of August off except for the last couple of days after my back felt better. Then I got sick on 9/11 and haven't worked out since.

Maybe we need a get motivated again check-in. I need help and support!!
I'm with ya Karin! I just can't get into it. I feel so good after a w/o but my lazy butt won't move to the basement to do it. Now that it is getting colder and winter is fast approaching here, I worry about my diet because I crave comfort foods during that time. Last winter is what really did it in for me. I thought of doing Weight Watchers but truthfully I don't have the extra money with the holidays and guests coming. I'm hoping that I feel motivated just by being on this forum every day but a check-in may be what I need. Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only one going through this. I'm off to buy a new carbon monoxide monitor. Maybe I'll get a good night sleep tonight now:p Thanks for the support:7

I battle "getting back" into things all the time, unfortunately. Once I start working later and later hours, I just can't get myself up early enough to work out and there's no chance I'll want to do it when I get home from work.

By the time busy season's over and I find that I do have the time, I feel so gross and lazy that I can't imagine how I'm going to get back in the swing of things. But, I tell myself, JUST DO IT. Set the alarm an hour and a half early, get up and JUST DO IT. No excuses. No snoozing. No thinking about it because you'll ALWAYS have an excuse. It's so hard for me to get up in the morning because I LOVE my bed!! But you know what? I know I'll feel so much better and accomplished throughout the day if I just get up and do it. And for me, getting it out of the way in the morning guarantees that I won't miss a workout for the day.

What's also very discouraging is how winded I get from workouts that I used to be able to get through withouth a problem. But I just keep telling myself to keep at them and I'll eventually get to the level where I once was. Also, to start out with I'd do a mixture of cardio and weights. Not necessarily one more than the other...

Sorry so long!!! But good luck!!
I know how tough it is to get back once you fall off the wagon. I think a daily check-in is a great idea as is setting the alarm early (if you're an AM exerciser.) You could also set up a reward system for yourself. If you complete a rotation (maybe start small with a two-week rotation), treat yourself to a pedicure or new shoes or (insert whatever affordable treat will motivate you). Are you already familiar with WW? Because you might be able to do it on your own. You can get a free one-week trial of the online version, and at least that would let you see how many points you should consume for your height, weight, and age. There are some great (free) websites out there (like with point info for foods and restaurants plus tons of recipes.

Good luck!!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Thanks everyone for the info. I feel soooo much better:) Sometimes I feel like everyone here is so into fitness that they never stop:p Just my insecurities kicking inx( I had done WW after my 1st baby which was a long time ago so all of the programs have changed but I will definitely check out the free website, thanks for that info! I am going to have to push myself to get up in the AM and just do it. I need new w/o outfits so I will work towards that goal. I promised myself the new OhMyBod outfits if I can look half as decent as Cathe:) I have to quit staring in the mirror and getting on the scale and focus on eating and working to feel better inside and the outside will follow. Thanks guys(gals). You are all the best!!!
Girls, girls, girls!:) Me too in a way! Since I had my hip surgery, I am doing different workouts, but that passion or something is not there right now. Its weird because I am usually such a hardass (excuse the expression) when it comes to exercise. Oh, I am still working out and stuff, just not really hard like before. I am choosing to do Pilates and other more gentle forms of exercise and with all the moving back and forth from Las Vegas to San Diego, it can be hard to be consistent and everything, you all are not alone here!:7
Ive never really been "off" track and had to get back on but I did take a looooooooong break when I was pregnant. I was afraid that I wasn't going to get back into it cause I read before ,that it only takes 3 days for you to get out of a routine (weather thats true or not, I dunno;) ) I received the new workouts when I was pregnant and I didn't look forward to doing them....and I didn't even care to preview them so thats when I started thinking I may never get back into the swing of things again. But I did.
You have to decide if you are going to make the effort to do this or not. I think alot of people (not saying you:) ) use to slightest excuse not to do something. Depending on how old your kids are, you could have worked out after or did something after they went to bed.
As for out of town guest, let them take care of themselves! You do your normal routine and then workout. I do it all the time. We had guest here two weekends ago and I did my normal workout all weekend. I didn't care what anyone else was doing, I did my own thing, its only for an hour or two...its not all day. My mom came to visit last Sat, we went shopping in the morning and while DS was having his afternoon nap, I worked out and my mom just waited for me.
I don't know if its selfish or not but I have my routine, and I have my day planned out and no one is interupting it! LOL Why should visitors dictate what we are going to do? If they are family, theyll understand and if they are friends, they will understand even more.
Eating clean is half the battle. After I had DS I realized this. Did you take a look at the Sept rotation? Its all circuit work. I know a few of the girls had success with this and I also enjoyed it.
Good luck and keep us posted!!!!!


I think that we all have times like this!! I too am recovery from a back injury, and dont want to push back too fast..but its so easy to fall out of habit as well.
I'm all for a check in! And all of you can come join our clean eating check in as well!
I am with you all on this one!

I have been off track since the Road Trip. Either something comes up, home life is crazy, or I get sick.
Last, was my knee has been flaring up alot lately, therefore I can't do much step or LB w/ weights anymore.

I just ordered BBC, thinking I needed something new to get back into it, but I am still dragging! By the time I get home from work at night, I just want to crawl in bed and sleep. What is wrong with me?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

I am thinking its the "blahs" you get after summer and into fall, happens every year. I actually get more energized during the winter months, I love the cold (go figure why I live in the desert and in San Diego!) Lets all take a chill pill, we cannot be Energizer Bunnies all year long right? Even nature takes a break!;)

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