Long story short, we moved away from friends and family a year ago because of DH job. We both have put on some weight and have gotten considerably lazy:-( We vowed to get back into exercise and eating right starting this week. We are just too disgusted with ourselves. I was so excited, I was going to really start back today and it always seems like something happens. The kids are off so I planned to get up early to get my w/o done but of course the carbon monoxide alarms decide to malfunction at 4am so we don't get back into the house until 6:30 when the fire department leaves and everyone is exhausted. We have family coming in to visit and they stay for over a week at a time which exhausts me. And in turn hurts my w/o. My question is how do you all stay focused? And what do you do when you have out-of town guests as far as food and w/o? I really want to lose 10 pounds by Christmas but I would need to exercise like 3 hours a day the way my body respondsx( And do you think more cardio or weights to lose? Sorry so many questions but I really need to do this and I really appreciate everyone's advice. Thanks for all your expert advice:7