need suggestions


I need a good fat blasting rotation but, at the same time, still works the muscles well. I've looked through all of the rotations Cathe has done and they are all very good. But I find it difficult to make substitutions. For example, I don't care for running and I don't have a treadmill, eliptical, or antyhing like that. I get my exercise from her dvd's. I also don't really care for floor aerobics. Maybe I could make this a little harder on myself ;) Has anyone done the premix rotation she posted a couple of months ago? I was thinking that may be a good one. I also looked at the new circuit rotation but don't like SJP, CM, or MIC and I don't have a few of the workouts listed. I'm picky huh?????


You don't have to follow a rotation designed by someone else to get those results. Why don't you just put your own together based on what you have and what you like, with a little bit of what-you-don't-like much-but-is-good-for-you added in. The latter because we tend to always do things that we are good at, and so it is usually those things that we don't much like that we find difficult and which would actually benefit our bodies more by shaking things up a bit..

You could build your own rotation based on a 6 day workout week. Have three cardios and three total body weight workouts. Or, have three or four cardios and decide that you want to do some serious muscle building and incorporate a specific series for 3-4 weeks to see results.

For example:

day 1: Step Blast
day 2: Muscle Max
day 3: KPC
day 4: Muscle Endurance
day 5: Any 2 cardios from CTX back to back + core work from CTX
day 6: Muscle Max


day 1: CTX All Step + GS Back, Shoulders
day 2: CTX kickbox + GS Chest, Biceps and Triceps
day 3: GS Legs
day 4: CTX 10 10 10 + GS Back, Shoulders
day 5: CTX Step + Intervals + GS Chest, Biceps and Triceps
day 6: CTX leaner Legs

(Add in core work where you want from your collection)

These are just examples of what you could put together for yourself, but either of these, forexample, would blast some fat and reveal some definition.

Hi Kim. Have you checked out any of FitnessFreak's rotations? Just today, I started her "1 hour rotation for fat loss".

You should be able to find it on the Rotations forum.
Thanks. I'll try to put something together for myself, though I don't know how good I will be. The only complete series I have is GS. Well, what I mean is I don't have the "CTX" workouts or S&H or PS series. I think I have all the Body Blast and possibly the intensity series. I was also looking at cathe's premix rotation.
I understand why you'd be overwhelmed by the rotations at first. I was, too, before I figured out how to modify it to match my goals, preferences, scheduling needs, and owned workouts. Do I have it down to an exact science? Probably not. But I think we make things more difficult than they have to be sometimes. :) The important thing is that I am seeing results.

So, for example, here is what an original lower-body fat-blast Cathe rotation called for:

Mon :: L&G, then run 20 min.
Tues :: Imax 1
Wed :: ME
Thurs :: PS Legs & Abs, then run 20 min.
Fri :: C&W
Sat :: CTX k'box (cardio only) plus PUB abs
Sun :: OFF

I've been repeating this rotation several times now, and here is how I modified it on one particular week:

Mon :: SM or yoga
Tues :: Legs + run
Wed :: KM Low-Impact TS
Thurs :: MM #2 u/b PP + run
Fri :: run
Sat :: LIC #5 Total Body Sculpt premix
Sun :: run + KM drills + Squeeze mish-mosh

Again, not exact but similar. When you find the rotation with the goals you have in mind, look at what Cathe does that week. How much cardio is there? How often does she use circuits, intervals, lower body, etc. and then just try to emulate that to suit your preferences. Don't be afraid to tweak it and experiment. Just be conscious of inserting the appropriate amount of rest for the muscle groups you're working.

Good luck!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Thanks Cathy. I think I'm going to start the premix rotation today which focuses on fat loss. I ordered the 4-day split series so I just need soemthing to get me through until that gets here....SO EXCITED! I will have to make a few substitutions though so we'll see how it goes.
Hello Kim,

I have never followed a rotations per se, rather I get ideas from them and then start doing my own. I think there are generic rotations posted that just state what to do rather than which workouts to do e.g.

Mon: cardio
Tues: weight train legs heavy
Weds: rest
Thurs: cardio
Fri: upper body weight train
Sat: cardio
Sun: upper body weight train

etc. etc. if you are using the body splits type of workout. I usually use whatever cardio I like, and I would use either Gym Styles or PS or Slow & Heavy. I find it difficult to stick to rotations because I have to chop and change depending on my calendar. I know as long as I complete a full weight training in the week I am good. I am using Slow & Heavy at the moment.

If I was using Pyramids then I would try to put in a total body weight workout at the end of the week so I work each body part twice.

Hope this helps.


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