I understand why you'd be overwhelmed by the rotations at first. I was, too, before I figured out how to modify it to match my goals, preferences, scheduling needs, and owned workouts. Do I have it down to an exact science? Probably not. But I think we make things more difficult than they have to be sometimes.
The important thing is that I am seeing results.
So, for example, here is what an original lower-body fat-blast Cathe rotation called for:
Mon :: L&G, then run 20 min.
Tues :: Imax 1
Wed :: ME
Thurs :: PS Legs & Abs, then run 20 min.
Fri :: C&W
Sat :: CTX k'box (cardio only) plus PUB abs
Sun :: OFF
I've been repeating this rotation several times now, and here is how I modified it on one particular week:
Mon :: SM or yoga
Tues :: Legs + run
Wed :: KM Low-Impact TS
Thurs :: MM #2 u/b PP + run
Fri :: run
Sat :: LIC #5 Total Body Sculpt premix
Sun :: run + KM drills + Squeeze mish-mosh
Again, not exact but similar. When you find the rotation with the goals you have in mind, look at what Cathe does that week. How much cardio is there? How often does she use circuits, intervals, lower body, etc. and then just try to emulate that to suit your preferences. Don't be afraid to tweak it and experiment. Just be conscious of inserting the appropriate amount of rest for the muscle groups you're working.
Good luck!
[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan