Need Step Topper Instructions!!!

Geeze oh weeze, Erin!

You should have gone into business making these mini-toppers. I know of a few (1,000) fans that would have ordered them!! It's so nice you take the time to share all your hard work with everyone. I really don't need one as I have a 14" stool my hubby made me (just like the Firm tall boxes), but you all have me wanting one too! :7 Spoiled, aren't I??? Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: They're on the way!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-01 AT 05:48AM (Est)[/font][p]>You should have them showing up
>in your email shortly, if
>you haven't already. I
>sent pics too. I
>think it really helps to
>understand some parts of the
>instructions. Good luck!

"Hi Erin"
I live in Berlin (the capital of Germany) and I am a cathe fan for about 2 years when I discovered collage video and a review of BodyMax in fit magazin (April 1999). Sorry, I hope my english is OK ?! The cathe tapes (I have the most of them) and this forum are the best I´ve ever seen - on the german fitness market something like this non exist.
Erin, can I bother you to also send me a copy of the mini topper instruction? I have the original step from collage video and I can get risers and another platform here in Germany too.
My email address is [email protected]
Thanks in advance,
It's no bother!

The instructions and pictures are on the way. Marga, your English is great! Wow! A mini topper in Germany! Whoever would have thought? :) Have a great day!

Step Topper Instructions

Erin, I just found this thread & was thrilled! If you can stand to do it one more time I will gladly let you have my first-born son! (ok, he's a grown man - but single!) Seriously, name it if we can do anything in return for you! [email protected]

Well, I'm already very happily married, so I'll pass on the 1st born son, unless you want to send him along to help out when we tear down our old deck and put up a new one ( hopefully this summer osmetime. ;-) ). The instructions are on the way!

RE: Thanks!!!

Hi Erin,

I need to post a thank you again for the instructions you emailed a couple of weeks ago. My husband built the step topper in the meantime and I absolutely love it!!! You should patent the whole thing and market it! It’s hard to believe the amount of inquiries you get and you sure deserve something for the work and effort you put into all of this. By the way, my husband is convinced that he would have wasted at least one step top for trial and error without your instructions. Thanks!!!

Much Love, Mamabear

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