Need Some Positive Vibes.........


I had an appt with a surgeon today for a follow-up on two breast lumps and two colon polyps that my Primary Care Physician found. I had a mammogram and an ultrasound done last week that came back benign so I thought the surgeon would say all was well. She said she could feel a mass and wants to do a biopsy and remove the lumps. Ughh. She scheduled me for an outpatient biopsy, then for a colonoscopy a week later. Not the way I wanted to spend my December.:-(

I'm sure all is fine, I just needed to get it off my chest. (No pun intended.):)

Thanks again, everyone, for listening to my problems.

<<<<<<<cyber hugggg>>>> :-jumpy

Big cyber hug coming your way my thoughts are with no way to spend the beginning of December just sending you love and good wishes.

Sending you some positive vibes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:) :) :)

Try not to worry too much, I know it's hard not to, but lets keep a positive thought, and suck in all these positive vibes :)



Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!

I will be praying for you.

I think it is better that the surgeon goes in, does the biopsy and REALLY checks it out for her/himself in case the lab results were not "kosher." Keep up the good spirits! :)

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Hi Sherry!

I was wondering how you were doing. Just to let you know, about 2 years ago I had a lump removed (located between my neck and chest, right below collarbone) The Dr. reassured me, after checking me, that it was benign. I just did not feel comfortable leaving it there as it was getting bigger. Looong story short (too late:)), he did a smal surgery and removed it & everything turned out just fine. It was just a fatty benign tumor. It gave me peace of mind knowing it wasn't anything more serious. Keep us posted. Sending you a BIG cyber hug {{{SHERRY}}} and lots of prayers!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Sherry!

You are in my thoughts and prayers, also! This is a tough time waiting...
Let us know how it goes, and how you are, and what you need!
My most positive thoughts and prayers will be sent your way! We're always here to listen to problems! Take care and stay well. Susan
I am new to this forum but wanted to say I will be thinking of you. I'm sure you will breeze through it! I think it's better to be safe than sorry! I had that done 7 years ago and luckily all went well.
Please take care!

Thank you all so much!!!

Thank you all for your warm thoughts and prayers! I know I can always come here when I need to "talk."
Again, many thanks. When I come to these forums, I always get just what I need!!:)

I went through a breast biopsy a few years ago, even though everything pointed to it being benign. Once you have the biopsy you will know 100% that everything is OK. If they don't remove the lumps, you will always worry, this way you can be sure. I told myself, if they do find something, it is better to find it early, rather than late.Best of luck to will be fine.

Thank you, also for your thoughtfulness. You're right, I'll feel better once I know for sure. I can't get in until Dec. 5th. Just hate waiting so dang long.

Thanks again, everyone.

RE: Vibes on the loose:

The Aquajock Good Vibes Dance:

(125 bpm / standard step tempo)

24 jumping jacks with Richard Simmons arms
Grin and hold for 8 counts
16 flamingo hops each leg
Armpit noises for 30 seconds



Annette Q. Aquajock
(also reciting a little Serenity Prayer)

Praying for you Sherry

I hope everything goes well and that even the experience is a lot les unpleasant than you expect! Who knows why things happen to us. My prayers are with you.
Best of will be in my prayers.
A good way to enter Dec is knowing that when you reach the end of Dec the intensity serious will be waiting for you on the other end.A great way to start your new year off.
Worry free and some great new workouts...
Hi Sherry, Dec. 5 must seem so far away from you now. Please try to stay positive. Think of the peace of mind you'll have when you finally get your results. As a mammogram tech, most of the biopsies I see are negative.
I will absolutely keep you in my prayers and also send you good vibes. I'm kind of known as a 'breast elf' - a couple of my coworkers have even taken me to biopsies for good luck!
Sincerely, Lauren

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