Congratulations Jane. The only way to get over this fear is to fly. The more you fly the easier it will be. To get on the first few flights some medical assistance is a good idea. What I wouldn't take are prescription sleeping pills as they are good at putting you to sleep but not good at maintaining sleep; so if you are disturbed by someone who needs you to move so they could use the bathroom or if the flight attendant wakes you up to ask you if you want a meal ( and they have to wake you up to ask you on transatlantic flights unless you specifically tell them not to)and you wake up, you won't be able to fall back to sleep. I have a friend at Astra who said they are working on improving their sleep medication (I think theirs is Ambion...sp?) to enable it to keep you asleep once you are asleep.I don't know if its been through trials yets. Another idea besides a tranqulizer is some wine (maybe alot of wine LOL).