Need some advice after msicarriage


Hi everyone

I had a miscarriage on 1-4-02. Had D&C done....had one cycle now nothing but I'm not pregnant.

I have been working out 5 days a week but I'm gaining weight....I'm so sad. The weight gain is really getting to me. I have always been small. I gained 15 pounds between getting pregnant and this miscarriage. This was my firt pregnacy. How do I loose the weight/inches. I have been eating healthy as well. I know my hormones are all out of wack. But every time I look in the mirror at my body I cry...this is hormonal as well I know. But I'm just so fusterated. My husband has been so wondrfully suppotive but I'm just not happy with the way I look or feel. Anyone with some words of wisdom.

Thank you in advance.....


So sorry for your loss. You will lose the weight. Just give your body some time to adjust. This happened to me in 1997. I was 12 weeks along and had already gained over 10 pounds. I was not on a regular workout program and did not start one until January. It took several months to lose the weight but like I said I was already not working out regularly. Don't worry, you WILL lose the weight.

If you're planning on getting pregnant again, try to take prenatal vitamins while you are trying. I don't think those have any effect on your weight at all, but you might want to check with your OB.

Kristie S
I have had several miscarrigaes and #1 advise is GIVE yourself some time to heal both physically and emotionally and don't be to hard on yourself. You have only had one cycle and that is most likely where the weight you gained is right now. I know the tremendous grief you are feeling. There is so much I would like to say to comfort you but I don't know where to start. It does get better. I am so sorry for your loss. If you need to talk, I will leave my email.

[email protected]
I am sorry for your loss also! You must take as long as you need to grieve for your baby. Focus on doing things you feel comfort you! You are so smart to work out and eat right. Be patient. You must be very stressed out and stress can wreak havoc with your body. Try to focus less on your body and think of ways to heal your mind and heart and your body will follow! God bless you, Tfit. Hang in there and be kind to yourself!

I, too, send my feelings for your loss. You do need to give yourself time to adjust hormonally and emotionally. It's hard, I know, but time will help heal - I had a miscarriage years ago and had a hard time adjusting. I agree with the advice already given - be easy on yourself and be grateful for your husband's support. Also, the vitamin is an excellent idea if you are planning another baby. The weight will come off in time.
Take care!
A very big hug from London

I just wanted to say your post touched me and that I'm praying for you.

God bless.

Your friend in fitness, Fitnik
I have just gone through a miscarriage myself (with my first pregnancy) and I know exactly how you feel. I have also gained about 10 lbs., and when I go to exercise my heart rate speeds up very quickly, that I do not feel like I am giving it my all. I actually went to the Doctor thinking something might be wrong with me and I was informed that this is normal after a DNC. I am also watching everything I am eating and exercising the best I can, but my self-esteem has been shot. I know in time I will pull through this and everything is going to get back to normal, and I want you to believe that too. Even though I do not have much advise for you, since I am currently in the same situation, I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.
Hi Taylor

I'm sorry for your loss. I tried to email you but it did not work....feel free to email me. [email protected]

I have also been trying to eat right and workout at least 5 days a is so hard to watch you body go out of control.

Feel free to email me.

Whoa! Me too!

I had a miscarriage at the end of December. I didn't have to have a D&C, but I have gained 9 lbs since the miscarriage. I think some of it is the emotional aspect. Even though I try to eat well, the emotional roller coaster of losing a baby means that certain food choices don't seem like that bad an idea sometimes. :) Interestingly I hadn't really connected the weight gain to the miscarriage. I just thought I was a pathetic loser with no self control. ;-)

My current goal is to start being really careful about my food choices and being more diligent in balancing my workouts. I've been tending more toward cardio, since that's what I prefer. That's not BAD, since it has kept me working out pretty regularly since the miscarriage, but it isn't what my body responds best to.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know better than I wish I did just what you're going through. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to send me an email.

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