need new cardio vhs/dvd's .want Cathe's help me decide


Hi I only have Hardcore , so help me pick some new ones(cardio) out of Cathe's collection.Tell me your favorites. Thanks :) :) :)
Just cardio? My vote is for either kick, punch and crunch, or IMAX 2. If you want a circuit workout, my favorite is Bootcamp - fair amount of cardio in there as well.

> ... so help me pick some new ones(cardio)...

Hmmm? "new ones". Plural. How about RS Plus. & Step Blast? The best choreography you can get. Of course, then you still need an Imax or two...

I love Imax 2, Step Blast, Step Works and Rhythmic Step to name a few (if cardio is what you want!).


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