Need new Advanced Videos and MOTIVATION!! Help!


Okay gals... I need help! I am so unmotivated. I went to the gym this morning and did the most killer step interval workout! It was awesome! I was sweating from head to toe!

The bad news is I can't tell you the last time I felt like that at home. II really need some good advanced videos. I have all of Cathe's tapes ever made (on dvd of course) except for the newest ones since they don't look as tough and I don't want anymore circuit workouts that aren't truly advanced.

I think that even though I love IMAX2 and it is the best tape EVER made on earth....etc. I am getting somewaht too use to it and need something new to motivate me. I LOVE the Intensity series and would pay big bucks for something new and similar or an IMAX 3.

Does anyone know of anything out there right now? I have a couple of the old Mindy tapes but havent' done hers in awhile. I do Body for Life so I alternate cardio and weights. I need good, HARD cardio!

I could go to the gym on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. However, the week days are so hard for me having a new baby, 4yr old, and a 30 min. drive to work. Working out at 5:00 am in my living room is so much easier.

I haven't been losing wt lately and I think this may be the culprit? I have been working so hard but the weight is just coming off so slow. I think since I am not feeling accomplished after my workouts I then don't feel like eating clean all day. It's just a vicious circle, isn't it!!!! I seriously need some motivation from SOMEWHERE!!!!!!

HOping you have some ideas!!!!??? ;( ;( ;( ;(
Hi Fitnut!! I just posted to your post over at Cathe's for another IMAX 3. Are all your videos on dvd? The reason I ask is because there was a thread a while back called something like Mish Mosh workouts where you can mix a lot of Cathes High Intesity and make a kick butt workout. I will try and search for you if you want. Let me know:) Im sorry but I don't know any killer videos because all I have are Cathe's.

Edit to add this link to the mish mosh i was talking about
I'm right there with you as far as needing some motivation lately. Today I took a long bike ride because the weather was so nice, but I don't have time to do that during the work week.

Have you tried P90x that everyone has been raving about? I have heard a lot of people say that its such a refreshing approach and so motivating. I haven't caved in ordering them yet, but who knows.

I am also hoping that Cathe will come out with another kick butt series of workouts.

Take care!!
Thanks gals! What is the P90x workout? Where do I get it?

I am still considering the Advanced High Step workout. The only thing is I really don't want another circuit. It is hard for me to do circuits since I am doing BFL. I need to alternate wt and cardio and if I do wts I need to stick to either lower or upper on each day. uggghhh!

You gals do help me though. I officially started my BFL challenge over today. I am feeling better. I am GOING to FINISH this time! I go to Florida in a month for vacation so I am just going to keep thinking of my fat butt and legs walkin' around the beach. I am going to get SERIOUS now! Now, if I just had a few more advanced home workouts!

I am going to go to the gym more for the next few weeks and extend my cardio past what BFL calls for since he only wants you doing 20 min. I think more cardio might help me get past this plataue?!?

This morning I did Supersets Upper Body Blast mix and it felt so good!

My biggest concern is what will we ever do if Cathe quits making videos? I think of that often! Of how sad I would be!!!! I truly don't know what I would do without her. As she enables me to get a kick butt workout right in my own house w/toddlers running crazy.

Gotta go. Sorry so long! :+
P90x is the latest advanced workout series by Tony Horton and Beachbody. You can read a lot about it at the videofitness website or go to for further info. A lot of people have been raving about it to the point where they don't want to do anything else!! And seeing great results too.
Hi Fit Nut,
I am not sure what all you have been doing, but I have found a lot of times just changing my workouts to something I have not done in awhile makes a difference. I find that I tend to lean towards my favorites and ignore the rest. I did the new Advanced high step training today, the premix cardio and lower. I am thinking maybe the cardio only from bootcamp combined with this one would be a good 22 minute high intensity cardio. Maybe add on something else like the last part of Step blast or something. I usually do the upper and lower body separately 2 times a week. I have never used Super Sets or Push and Pull as is. I always do the blasts or 3 sets. Then I may add on some other weight training as I feel like SS is lacking a little on triceps and back so add in some extra sets. I really do not think you need a gym workout. Just try and mix things up and do something different.
Diane Sue

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