Need help with choosing the right workouts!


Active Member
Hello my name is Cassandra. I Use to workout at a gym, due to my hectic life I dropped the membership. I ordered Cathes heavy series, but I am thinking I should have bought the new beginner series or the wedding tape. I am in the process of losing 14 pounds and I need to tighten everything on my body. I need some suggestions...Thanks!:)
We can probably help you more if you give us more details about your current state of fitness and the activities you are used to performing, and also, what your likes and dislikes are.

Then we can probably steer you better....and spend your dollars for you!


Edited to add:

"Hi Cassandra and welcome!!!!!!!" :) :) :) :) :) :)
welcome cassandra. There is so much info on these boards. I haven't been here that long either, but everyone is so knowledgable and helpful. glad you're here
I walk 4 to 6 days a week or I walk/run 2 days a week. I would say I am Beg/Inter. I have never tried kickboxing and I noticed Cathe has a kickboxing tape. My only dislikes are when you spend money on tapes that don't produce results.:)
If you don't get results with Cathe, you would be doing something wrong!:eek: I do think though that you can get results doing any form of cardio and weight workouts if you also eat in moderation.
Can't quite decide whether that is a sincere or sarky response!!!!

Well, anyway:

1) You have the S&H series on its way. Good. Even though you will not be able to lift as heavy as Cathe to begin with, don't worry about it at all. Start with weights that work for you, and the first time you do the workouts will be a bit of an experiment to find out exactly what those weights are. Write them down during and after the workout, so it's smoother for you next time round. The S&H series is excellent for teaching good form, so it's a good and worthwhile purchase.

2) Kickbox interests you, so perhaps start with Cardio Kicks. It will seem tough at first, but you can make some of the cardio moves low impact and modify until your cardiovascular endurance increases. The drills section at the end is excellent.

3) You rate yourself as Beg/Int. Cathe has a new series out aimed specifically at both the beginner/intermediate exerciser and newcomers to her choreography. You could try those. Alternatively, you could head straight to her older cardio tapes to build up both your cardio endurance and familiarity with Cathe's style. Start perhaps with Step Heat, a straighforward step programme that introduces enough power moves to make you good and sweaty by the end. From there I would jump to Step Fit
and Powermax, whose chorepgraaphy is more athletic than dancy, and with great plyo moves to help train the heart as you get fitter.

From there I think you can just about spring to any Cathe cardio you want and master the whole lot.

4) As far as weight training goes, you will have the S&H series, which focuses on a slow count, heavy weight, strength oriented. For a contrast, you might like to get one of Cathe's endurance oriented DVDs: Power Hour has great music, or the new Supersets which mixes it all up in cycles and introduces the stability ball more, or Muscle Endurance from the Intensity Series which spreads the leg exercises throughout the tape so you can keeep pushing on the lower body: it doesn;t get all burned out twenty minutes into the tape.

Hope some of these suggestions help!


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