Need help: Mac or PC??


I know this is one of the ongoing debates, but I'm stuck. I've always been a PC person myself, but have been considering purchasing a new computer. My current HP is about 3 years old and because I use it for work (okay, and music)it's started slowing down. Windows freezes up on me fairly routinely. The Mac users I know are adamant about how great apples computers are.I'm hesitant to make the change even though I get extremely frustrated- I'm so familiar with Windows that I'm afraid I might be Mac-impaired.

Any advice????

I'm definitely a PC person, but I do think that it is what each one is used to. However, it is a PC world!
I use both. I have PC at work and Mac at home. To me Mac is so much easier. For example to download a program from a CD, on a Mac, you pop in the CD and press the load icon. On the PC, you have to tell it what drive etc.(several steps) to get the program loaded. Mac's are definitely less likely to get a virus. Some people say Mac's lock up less. The newer Mac's actually look more PC to help people intergrate between the two. I would recommend going to an Apple store or other large electronic store with a good Apple section and have the salesman/woman show you the system. Then you can make an informed decision.

I've never had a Mac but know people that like them. I have always had a PC without much trouble. In fact as much as I didn't want to like Win XP I really do...and I don't have any problems loading programs from CD's. It's rather easy with XP, now Win 98 was a different story...:)...You might get some help and info from PC and Mac users at this site They have a forum where you can ask questions. HTH...:)...Carole
It sounds like you just need to get a newer PC with more memory. PCs are quite powerful now. I personally would stay with a PC because, as Carole said, it's a PC world. They're cheaper, the software is easier to find, and so is a repair shop if anything comes up. With Macs, you pretty much have to ship them off for repairs, at least in my area. It's been years since I worked on a Mac on a regular basis, but I do like them.
I've had both PC and MAC and really love my MAC. It's just more user friendly, IMO. Whenever I use a PC I end up frustrated.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
If your PC is slowing down then it's got too much junk running on it.

On a newly formatted and loaded XP system there are about 40+ programs running in the back ground. Everytime you load a program that decides it has to be "ready" and parks itself in you system tray it means your systems resources are being used. Some devices seem innocous, like a printer, but the printer software can be bogging your computer down.

Now if the computer is hooked to the 'net, add in the spyware that is being loaded on your computer as you surf and it's going to come to a crawl.

So first things first.... then download Adaware personal, its free. If your computer is connected by dsl or cable you want to get a firewall running too.

If your computer is 3 years old and freezing up its more than likely an overheating problem. Map out the cables, disconnect them. UNPLUG THE COMPUTER FROM THE POWER (please do not get electrocuted). Open the case and vacuum the computer out using a plastic or rubber tipped vacuum, if you have a shop vac that blows you can blow it out too. While you're at it vacuum the keyboard. Using your map put things back together.

This should give you a head start. PC or Mac is like a religious argument, I use a PC but it runs Linux instead of Windows. If you use a PC at work, I'd stay PC at home. I don't know who is worse Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.

MAC, definately MAC. Especially for photo organization, editing, etc!!! Just go into a MAC store and play with one. Plus if you get Apple care, you can call anytime for help.
You can also call their 800 number and ask them to help you out before you purchase if you don't have a store nearby.

Either computer, you'll have problems with... that's what makes it a useful tool, right?? :p

I have a laptop PC for school (can't run the testing software on a Mac) and a Mac at home. DH loves the mac and wants to keep it. I've had a Mac in my house since 1982, so the fact I don't use it any more might say something...

I think the PC makes you learn more computer-type commands, whereas the Mac seems far more intuitive.

Hopefully you can get some useful information, as I'm just spouting opinion over here!! LOL, good luck!!!
Personally, I'm a PC person, but I think that if you do switch to Mac, picking it up won't be nearly as hard as you are think it will be.

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