Need DVD Suggestion/ easy choreography


I love the cathe' DVD's. I have a few. Love low max and step max. Which DVD's offer a solid cardio workout without complicated choreography? I don't want heavy weights [ light hand weights are ok] as I tend to build and bulk quickly. I'm looking for long, lean muscles, cardio to burn fat, and uncomplicted footwork. I really don't like having to work my brain and my body at the same time :)
I agree with you about not wanting to work my brain and body at the same time!

Interval Max (the original) is an intense workout with basic choreography. Also KPC (kickboxing). IMAX 2 is also doable.

You might also like the "Classics" DVD: the three workouts are more basic choreography, and any trickier moves are previewed.
Thanks for the reply. I do have KPC, and the choreography is basic, just didn't really care for the workout for some reason. i'll try it a few more times. Sometimes they grow on you.

I have not seen the Max intensity cardio. I'll order it and give it a go. If you think of any others let me know. I might as well order them all at once. Thanks again for the info!

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