Need DOMS relief


Okay everyone - what is your most effective way to ease the pain of severe DOMS?

You know, DOMS are fine. But here's the problem: I store a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders. They're always very tense, and usually by the end of the day they hurt, no matter what. So then I get a good shoulder workout... and DOMS. There are some days when it's nearly unbearable - my muscles cramp, and headaches threaten. And I honestly think that the pre-existing tension makes me more prone to DOMS, since I hardly ever got them until my body decided to stay tense all the time.

So... there are some shoulder exercises I just won't do because they hurt every time. And I'm working to find out exactly how far I can go before DOMS set in. But in the mean time, I use a heating pad for relief, and try to do stretches when I can.

Any ideas? Thanks!!!
Hey Cuz, I think you should incorporate stretching into your weekly routine as part of a balanced program. I know I've posted about this before, and I swear I'm not on the payroll:p , but I strongly recommend Classical Stretch. I can't lift weights right now because of my elbow problem so I've been doing a stretch workout every evening right before going to bed and it's so relaxing. I usually wake up with a backache and feeling stiff, but since I've been using this DVD I wake up feeling great. This is what I have and I love it

This is the TV series and the workouts, which I officially timed last night, clock in at just under 25 minutes. This is active stretching -- it's fluid and graceful and incorporates Tai Chi, pilates, and yoga. This woman trains professional and Olympic athletes. HTH :)

ETA that I also carry tension in my neck, shoulders, and upper back. I herniated a disc in my neck several years ago and had to have surgery. These stretches have done so much to ease that tension.
Shannon, I don't have any ideas for you, but just wanted to empathize. I also store my tension in my neck and shoulders, and they always hurt.

I have this little electric "personal shiatsu" that has two protrusions which work like kneading fingers, but it's so rough, I'm usually too tender to use it! I went to chiropractors for decades with no relief, but I did learn how to adjust my own neck. Once I started adjusting my own neck, and the chiropractor said "your neck seems fine today!", I stopped going. My father swore by chiropractors, but I went to the same ones he went to, and their value was completely lost on me.

So, no advice, but lots of hugs.

ETA: I'm going to buy the workouts Michele recommends, but I don't have twenty-five minutes to spend on stretching, so I'm going to look for something shorter on that website.

Michele, I just saw that you got 26 workouts for $49.99. That sounds like a great deal to me. I'm just gonna go for it! I trust your opinions.
I am in exactly the same boat as you. I store ALL of my tension if my shoulders and neck and this morning, after doing a serious shoulder workout last night, I am in serious pain. Not the good kind of DOMS, but the painful, tight, stiff, headache-inducing doms in my shoulders and neck. I just try to stretch it out and massage my shoulders when I have time. I'd love to hear more advice from others as well. I'm dyin' here!!

>Michele, I just saw that you got 26 workouts for $49.99. That
>sounds like a great deal to me. I'm just gonna go for it! I
>trust your opinions.

Nancy, these really have made a difference in how I feel. I know you think the workouts seem long but the time flies by. The 26 workouts are from her TV show that airs on PBS. I have no idea what her other DVD's are like or how long they run, but I like having this variety, and at less than 25 minutes, each workout fits nicely into my routine.
>Nancy, these really have made a difference in how I feel. I
>know you think the workouts seem long but the time flies by.
>The 26 workouts are from her TV show that airs on PBS. I have
>no idea what her other DVD's are like or how long they run,
>but I like having this variety, and at less than 25 minutes,
>each workout fits nicely into my routine.

Michele, I was looking at the DVD that has 2 workouts: back pain relief and stress relief, each 30 mins. long. The DVD is $19.99, but I can buy the 26 workouts (including the 2 I want) for $49.99. Now, math isn't my strong suit, but even I can see that the one you bought is a great deal! ;) And I'm reading lots of good reviews of the instructor on the internet.
Oh I stretch like crazy! I take breaks at work and sometimes spend my entire lunch hour stretching. And always, no matter what, after a workout.

Michele - I think that PBS series sounds really good. But I just can't buy any more workouts!!! :eek: x( Maybe for Christmas....
Shannon, when I have a great deal of muscle tension or DOMS in my traps/neck area, I use tiger balm and it always helps. It does have a strong scent, however, so if you're going out you might want to try it a little bit before you shower so it has time to work but then you can wash most of it off. For me, tiger balm is just a miracle...loads better than icy hot.

Also, if I do a really intense workout and I KNOW that I am going to get some serious DOMS, then I will take a hot epsom salt bath after my workout. It significantly reduces the amount of DOMS I get. Really, though, an epsom salt bath (~ 1 1/2 - 2 cups of epsom salts in the tub) works wonders at any time.

Hope this helps!
Funny, I'm dealing with this right now, in fact. I have SO much tension in my traps and neck that I've actually CAUSED a pinched nerve just from the tension.

45 minutes with my chiro the other night did nothing...

I've always had the most success with heat. But INTENSE heat, not just a heating pad or bath. For me, that has never been enough.

I have a tube sock that I filled with converted rice. I nuke it for 2.5 minutes, and them put it directly on the area where it hurts. The sock lets you adjust the heat to where you really need it, rather than the heating pad, and it holds a lot more heat than a pad as well.

It's tough to take for the first minute or so, but I notice a difference immediately after using it every time. In fact, I used it a few times yesterday for this nerve, and it increase mobility with my neck immediately.

Just another suggestion. And a cheap-at-home kind! :)
I have the same problem, in my neck and traps, and have found deep tissue massage by a professional to be helpful (your husband/SO can't really do it like a pro.) After a few weeks of weekly massage, I was able to space it out and go to a monthly maintenance schedule. I have still have chronic tightness there if I overdo, but at least the pain is completely gone.
Beth - Others have suggested massage, too. I suppose I should just cave in and try it. But I'm chicken. :p

Melimcn - have you ever burned yourself? I agree about the really hot heat. I've done it before too. And then I burned my shoulder and it oozed and scabbed over!

Thanks a bunch for your suggestions, everyone!
Shannon - massage helps me IMMENSELY with neck and shoulder tension. Find a massage therapist who isn't afraid to really dig in - those muscles need some really deep pressure to get the knots out. Don't go to one of those frou-frou spas with the dainty little massuese who barely touches you. Find a massage therapist at a doctor's office or chiropractic clinic, or someone who specifically specializes in "sports massage". Trust me - it will help! I go once a month to have my neck/shoulders worked on (and my hips/buttocks - don't ask!) and it really helps keep me balanced. :)
Hi Shannon-

Just a thought.. are you pretty sure its coming from your shoulder routine? It might be something you are doing from your back routine.

I had issues with this when I was doing P90x and all of the pull-ups. I would inadvertently tense my neck and shoulders up trying to pull myself up. Once I figured it out, I was able to get the discomfort under control.

Take care, Lynn M.
A good old fashioned epsom salts bath should help relieve some of your DOMS. A stretch after the bath and you'll sleep like a baby:)
Disolve 2 full cups of epsom salts in a bath as hot as is comfortable for you. Fill the tub. Bring a tall plastic cup of cold water in with you to sip during the bath and a face cloth if you get sweating and need to wipe down. Stay in the tub about 20 minutes. Stay in the tub while it drains. When the tub is empty shower off briefly with comfortably cool water.

The epsom salts draw metabolic crud out of your circulation and the water temperature change (hot bath to cool shower) gives you a full body vascular flush. If you've got the time and the inclination after the bath you could stretch out the sore muscles while they are nice and warm and maleable. I'm a big fan of epsom salts baths!!:)

Take Care
For me, I have neck/shoulder tension when I don't work out. So for me, exercise actually eliminates this problem for me. If the tense/stressed muscles are the underlying cause, you may want to try Qi Gong, yoga, etc., on a regular basis to ease this tension and relax yourself. Also, try to pinpoint where the areas are in your life that cause this tension, and work on those areas so that they don't stress you out anymore.

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