Need Assistance with a Rotation


Hi Cathe! Hi everyone! I have a question...

After using the Firm for a year and losing 45 pounds I'm ready for the next level and have purchased the Body Blast Series, High Step Circuit and High Step Training. My problem is that I don't know how to make a rotation. :( Believe it or not, there are so many choices with the premixes, the workout blender, the timesaver, I don't know which workouts to do! :) Imagine that!

My primary goal is weight loss, I want to lose about 35 pounds, and my secondary goal is to build strength. Will the DVD's that I have allow me to accomplish that? If not, what would you recommend? I have no problems buying more DVD's in the future( Cathe you ROCK!!) but right now I need to work with what I have. Cathe (or anyone) can you create a rotation for me based on what I have, and tell me what you would recommend I need to accomplish my goals? Thanks SO much!

Hi, Cammie! Why don't you also post what your current workout schedule and time availability is, and I'm sure you'll get a real boatload of suggestions.

I think, generally speaking, for storage fat loss combined with muscle strength gains, you'll want to do at least 4 cardio sessions per week and two strength-oriented sessions. Cardio-resistance circuit-style workouts tend to be a blend between these two, and can be a good dash of variety when you want to breathe hard AND pump up the muscles endurance-wise.

Let us know what your schedule/time availability is, and we'll chirp in some suggestions!

Of course! How silly of me not to include that! :)

Currently I work out 5-6 days a week, in the mornings. I usually prefer to work out for about 45 minutes to an hour, and I would consider myself an intermediate exerciser. Just so you can get an idea, I'm 26, 5'6", and weight about 180.
6-session-per-week, 1-hour (give or take) per day starter rotation:

Week 1:

Monday: Step Blast
Tuesday: Push Pull
Wednesday: Kick Punch Crunch including abs
Thursday: Push-Pull
Friday: Power walk or moderate jog
Saturday: Step Jump Pump as produced
Sunday: REST

Week 2:

Monday: High Step Circuit
Tuesday: Supersets
Wednesday: Power walk or moderate jog; stretch session
Thursday: Supersets
Friday: High Step Circuit
Saturday: Power walk or moderate jog; abs of choice
Sunday: REST

Repeat Weeks 1 and 2 to complete a 4-week rotation

I've deliberately done this so that you do as many of the workouts as originally produced (no premixes) and performed each workout as produced at least once so that you can start to master the choreography and know what the heck is coming up next in each workout. I've also inserted some "non-Cathe" stuff to keep the variety fresh. Once you've gotten a good headstart on this stuff, you can start to vary things such as doing cardio-resistance premixes that are circuit-style, as well as alternating between PP and SS for your strength stuff.



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