need an opinion



Cathe (or anyone who is able to respond, since I don't want Cathe distracted from that adorable little guy for one minute longer than is necessary. He is CUTE as a button!!)
Anyway, I have been a big workout slacker for a few months. have managed a few strength training sessions per week (PS upper body tapes, once per week for several weeks), but not much else. My muscle tone has decreased a whole lot in the past several months. My legs & abdomen are a frightening sight to behold.
I was wondering what the consensus is re: doing MIS once per week along with the PS tapes (all ) once per week. I understand that MIS is geared more toward muscular endurance, but i was inclined to think that mixing up workouts this way may help to prevent boredom, and should also yield some decent results. I did try an exclusive PS rotation way back in late spring/early summer, but didn't notice much of a change (my diet stunk then, so this is not a stumper). I previously did MIS twice per week.
Just looking for a jump start, I guess. I know I need to up the cardio as well. Actually, anything resembling a consistent program would be a huge improvement at this point.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
P.S. Cathe, you look MAAH-VEL-OUS!

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