need advice


How do you guys balance time for workouts each day? I typically get up around 4am each morning to workout. (I have to be at work by 7:30a.m.) Most mornings I am successful. But there are mornings when I am just so tired I just can't get up and feel I need sleep. I try to consistently get to bed by 9:00pm each night. I only have about 5lbs that I would like to lose. The days I sleep in I have good intensions to come home and get a workout in but other things seem to come up and I am unable to squeeze in a workout. I am concerened because my husband and I are in the process of adopting children and could have them anytime in the next 6 months. I don't want to struggle to squeeze in workout time and go through the transition of having kids. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!
I hear's not easy, but I wake up between 4 and 5 am depending on what type and how long of a workout I'm doing. It's the only time I can fit it in before kids are up etc...I have to be out the door by 7:00am. I also like the fact that it's done and sets the tone for the day...I just feel better. You will get use to it, your body will adjust, maybe just start off with 3 or 4 work days and then the weekends.
I've read a couple of articles about working out based on what type of sleep person you are - meaning are you a night owl, morning person, etc. If you can (key word) workout in the right time frame then you're more likely to stick with it. For example, if you are a morning person, then getting up and working out early will work well for you. If (like me) you're more of a night owl, then working out in the evening when you have more of an energy boost works best. Then there are those who get revved up mid-afternoon.

I am not a morning person at all, but am at work by 7am. I can, on occasion, get myself up and do cardio early, but never feel I have the strength for weights that early.

Would it be possible for you to go ahead and sleep in and do your workout after work then stay up just a hair later? Rather than going to bed early so you can get up early.... Just an idea. I know you have to fit it in however you can even if it doesn't gel with your natural habits!

I am definitely a morning person. But I like your suggestion, if I do sleep in, then I can just do my workout and stay up a little later. I have always tried to get a workout in after work but still go to bed at the same time. Thanks so much for the feedback!!
i played with working out in the morning vs after work. even though i try to force myself, i cannot fall asleep before 10 and i had to wake up at 5 to get in a good workout. i felt tight working out so soon after waking up so i didnt perform at my best and i was tired for the rest of the day. then once i got into the routine of working out after work, i felt 100x better! i have more energy and i find myself falling asleep easier because working out in the PM helps me get out all the stress from the work day. getting that extra sleep in every morning helps a lot too!!

try working out a couple days after work and see how you may even opt to do a few days in the morning and a few at night, just for some variety!
I am just like you if I don't do it in the morning before work than it usually doesn't get done.

I have become pretty consistent at working out 4 days a week. I'm working on trying to get it to become consistently 5 days a week, but this is more of mental block than anything else. If I sleep in one day, then I'm usually good to get back into routine the next.

Also on my days off, holidays and vacations I work out at whatever time I want which is usually mid-late morning or early afternoon.

This topic comes up a lot and let me just say as a life long night owl I am in awe of those of you that get up so early. I could never do it in a million years. In my mind 4 a.m. is not morning, it's the middle of the night!:eek: Right now my own schedule is mixed up and I've been missing workouts. I have the luxury of setting my own schedule and usually worked out mid morning. Lately I've been busy during that time and although I tell myself I'll exercise later in the day it's just not happening.
the bottom line is it has to get done no matter what time you choose. I've done both (5a.m. and 5p.m.) and either time for me i have to battle the tired monster to get it done. Though i love getting my workouts done in the morning i do feel so much better doing them later in the day even if i'm exhausted. Since i've been awake and my body is warm from being active all day it doesn't take long to get into the workout. If your really tired ALWAYS tell yourself i'll do just 5-10minutes and if i'm still this tired i'll stop. 9 times out of 10 you get into it and get it done. Good luck!
Didn't notice that anyone mentioned this.

I, too, am no morning person! I have tried the morning workout routine, but inevitably, I fall right off and quit. So, I am an evening workout person period. This is what I do in order to make sure I get it done.

I get to come home for lunch so after I eat and take care of my pups, I set up my workout room (which is my living room). I move the couch, pull in my step and anything else I need, be it weights or my mat, etc. I put my dvd I'm using for that day on the table ready to insert right when I walk in the door. I also change into my workout clothes at the end of my work day, so I can't get wishy washy. When I come home, I walk straight in the front door, drop my bag and head right to the tv and turn it on, put in the dvd and go right to it! No distractions or changing my mind! :D

This has worked since I started back in February. I have never missed a workout this way. Whenever you workout, I think if you have a hard time getting it done, having everything ready helps! Once I've moved everything, I feel like if I don't workout, I've wasted all that time and energy setting up! So, I just do it!
I really tried to work out in the morning and get up at 4:30, I've been having a LOT of trouble sleeping and thought maybe the workouts were 'revving' me up. I tried for about 6 months, and just couldn't take it anymore - I always felt clumsy and not able to lift my best. I do my workouts in the PM again, and am much better - I do try not to start after 5 PM because of the sleep issues, but I get off at 3 most days, so it's working out...
Too funny - I do this too! My DH makes fun of me as I start rearranging everything right after we've eaten lunch and he's taking the maniacs (aka pups) out for a walk. I get the DVD queued up, step set, weights (if applicable), etc. I even have been creating workout cards (like STS) for all of the other DVDs I have. It makes getting going so easy 'cause if you don't workout, you've still got to put everything back in place!


I get to come home for lunch so after I eat and take care of my pups, I set up my workout room (which is my living room). I move the couch, pull in my step and anything else I need, be it weights or my mat, etc. I put my dvd I'm using for that day on the table ready to insert right when I walk in the door. I also change into my workout clothes at the end of my work day, so I can't get wishy washy. When I come home, I walk straight in the front door, drop my bag and head right to the tv and turn it on, put in the dvd and go right to it! No distractions or changing my mind! :D
Hi Slwitt,

I think much will depend on how your children will adapt to your schedule. Prior to my DDs I used to be a runner and ran right after work (about 5pmish) with no problem. After having my first DD I gave up running since I did not feel safe running with her outside which was on a sidewalk along our main highway here in the Keys and I'm not a fan of the treadmill so I started with Cathe at home. My first DD loved watching my workouts, she would sit in her high chair with Cheerios and loved the entertainment. I kept my workout schedule right after work with no problem. My second DD was a whole different story. She was never a good sleeper and still wakes up between 5-6am everyday and she was not one to allow me to workout since she demands undivided attention at all times (she is better now at 4yo)! So I switched my workouts to 4:30am before everyone wakes up and have done this about 4 years now and I find that this time is what I can consistently stick to. I keep this schedule through the weekends also. Sorry so longwinded :D
haha, i do this too but i do it in the morning before i leave for work, since my job is an hour away from my house. looking at all the equipment set up when i get home from work makes me workout because then i just end up feeling guilty putting everything away if it hasnt been used.

Too funny - I do this too! My DH makes fun of me as I start rearranging everything right after we've eaten lunch and he's taking the maniacs (aka pups) out for a walk. I get the DVD queued up, step set, weights (if applicable), etc. I even have been creating workout cards (like STS) for all of the other DVDs I have. It makes getting going so easy 'cause if you don't workout, you've still got to put everything back in place!

I've actually been battling this as well, but I've decided morning workouts are best for me. I am not a morning person at all, but if I don't get my butt out of bed, I don't do it at all that day! I always have good reasons why I don't have time to workout when I get home from work too! ;):p

Anyway, I think the most important thing is to try different times of the day and pick the one that seems the most likely for you to be able to stick with!
I hate mornings. I have crabby, snappy, get-out-my-way attitude until I get to work. If I workout in the morning, it is yoga or a quick walk, and that is seldom.

I'm a night owl. My peak of energy is around 4-5 pm. After 10 years of working out, I've figured out what works best for me. The night before, I queue up the DVD I'm doing the next day, print out my workout card if needed, set out my weights and equipment accordingly and then I pack a small bag of my workout clothes and shoes to take with me to work and I set that bag right by the front door (so many times I've forgot). I even set out the playpen by the tv so my DS can watch Noggin while I workout.

At about 4:20 or 4:25 at work, I change my clothes so when 4:30 comes, I'm ready to walk out the door dressed to workout! I pick up my DS from daycare. I walk in the house, set my purse and bag on the table, grab water, a snack and drink for DS and then I get to working out. I've noticed that if I change my clothes at work, there is a greater probability that I will ACTUALLY workout when I get home. Before, I would change when I got home, but sometimes, I found myself getting home and giving up, making excuses that I was too tired or it was a bad day.

Changing into my workout clothes before I leave work increases the probability that I will workout. I mean, I'm already dressed to workout when I get home! No excuses! This is what I have learned works best for me.

I hope you find what works best for you!

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