Need a woman's opinion

Again, flirty.

I don't like it.

I usually am not this negative about things, but it is just my feeling about it :('s flirty.

People are different, of course. I know for a fact my husband would never refer to another woman (or even another female child) as his "girl." In fact, he does indeed call me his girl, so a message like that to another women would look very weird to me.

Then again, DH isn't much of a flirt nor does he show a good deal of affection towards friends. My dad, on the other hand, is very verbally affectionate with both male and female friends...he means nothing by it. Though occasionally he does cross the line and ends up in trouble with my mom. :rolleyes: That happens once every 10 years or so.

I swear, some people need to flirt. It's like a compulsion. My dad loves attention, and his more affectionate nature certainly gets him that. I once dated a guy like that too ~ he had to be the center of attention in every room, and he often flirted shamelessly. There seemed to be a serious, constant need for validation.
This little quote is completely devoid of context, therefore no-one can say whether it is appropriate or not.

Best solution: avoid Facebook like the plague. Keep your social and private life private and to yourself.

Oh dear God.
This is something that he probably spent 2.5 seconds thinking about as he typed it on her wall.
And this is something that she, apparently, has spent days scrutinizing.

Without having any details or background, this sounds like raging insecurities to me, and I feel sorry for the guy.

If he cheated in the past, I can see where she'd want to know what it was about. But it's still out of line to fly off the handle assuming there's something sinister about a wall post that the entire world can see!
If he cheated in the past, I can see where she'd want to know what it was about. But it's still out of line to fly off the handle assuming there's something sinister about a wall post that the entire world can see!

My DH and I were just talking about his last night. We both agreed that if one caught the other cheating, even if we wanted to try to work things out, if trust could not be regained in the relationship then why be together? If this guy has cheated on her in the past and she can't find it in herself to trust him again (which is totally understandable) then break up. Being in a relationship where you are constantly questioning/doubting everything your partner says/does is not healthy for either one of you. I don't see the point....:confused:
But then, I find that many people don't have the same boundaries DH and I do. As a married couple there are certain things we reserve for each other, not because we don't trust each other or want to control the other; we do it out of respect for each other, and respect for our partnership.
You guys sound like my DH and I. :)

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