Nasty E-bay Experience

I just wanted to say that when I bought my regular sized step that came with the AllStep tape it was not the same quality as SNM tapes, there was no introduction ect. I considered it really poor quality, sound ect. it poor quality. I was concerned about buying from Cathe until I read on other forums that these were not the same quality as SNM, I was glad to hear that since I loved her style and the content of the tape and have since ordered quite a few DVD's from SNM. I have also read several threads on other forums where people got Allstep from ebay unopened and thought it was an illegal copy or a scam and that someone had sold it to them illegally when in fact this is the quality that came with my step and if I turned around and sold it I would have had no idea that it was not the same quality. I too have the ME tape that came with the high step but I gave it to a friend and did not play it because I already had the DVD, It would be great if SNM would reply to you and let you know if it is like the allstep tape where the quality is not the same as what you would get ordering from SNM. This person definetely should be returning your emails, if he strictly running a scam and buying to resell I wonder why he opened this tape to view, doesn't that take the value down from never opened to opened and viewed? Sorry I just wanted to let you know it is a possibility he got a poor quality tape that you were not aware of, either way he needs to return you emails and should have let you know his concern but should never have accused you of anything.
Forgot to add that my AllStep did not have the FBI warning either it literally looked like a home copy job packaged nicely.
Thanks for all your replies and comments. Each one is well taken.

Shicks, thank you for telling me about your own experience with Reebok Step freebies. It sheds a lot of light on the situation. Didn't I say in a previous post that although the situation felt fishy, I also wondered, WHAT IF this guy really believes the tape is a fake? That's why, from day one I asked for the tape back -- because, like I told him, I want to see the quality for myself as I never opened the thing and obviously never viewed it, AND I do feel it's just fair to give him his money back if he's not satisfied with the item. The solution to this problem is so simple, but this guy hardly answers my e-mails and instead of resolving the issue, is only making it worse by making me look like a scammer -- which really blows my fuse. Someone once accused me of being a troll in this forum before, and I remember how livid that made me. Well, this one tops that experience.

Anyway, SNM e-mailed me this afternoon and told me what I already suspected -- that these Reebok Step freebies are not produced by the same company that produces Cathe videos. SNM said that they license their products to Escalade Sports, which uses their own company to mass produce the tapes for their Step products.

Well, those are the developments so far. I'm trying to reach Escalade to see what they'd say. I also filed a case with Square Trade. All these things I'm doing to resolve this... would these be the actions of a guilty party? And as I keep saying, the solution is really so, so simple.

Hey Pinky,

You are in no way guilty of anything, and should not have been accused. I would be hurt if someone accused me in the way you were accused without even getting a chance to respond, He did threaten you in the very first email without even saying "hey what is up with this tape"? I think if we all give people a chance first before we automatically think they are out to get us it would make the world a much better place to live, but then we are human and that gets in the way sometimes...........LOVE PEACE JOY and all that!! You have a wonderul day and try to not let this get you down!! If you find yourself getting mad again you may want to put in Kick punch and crunch and workout the anger!! :) shicks
Selling on Ebay I have learned that anyone who emails threats to you without trying to work it out politely, is indeed trying to scam you somehow!

I have to put in a vote for the buyer here. Now, he/she no doubt went about it all wrong (intimidation), but I do not doubt they got an inferior copy. As the others have said, my copy of All Step that was included in the Original Step was horrid. I couldn't even bring myself to sell it. I gave it away with the disclosure it was bad. It was that bad. This is all in comparison if you own the "true" products.

I have seen All Step for sale on Ebay and was tempted to let the buyer know that what is selling may be a bad copy. I think people think they are doing nothing wrong by selling these (surely you couldn't have imagined, especially if you had not opened it) but they are HORRIBLE copies. I cannot, however, speak for ME. But I wouldn't doubt it.....

Good Luck in resolving your issue. I know you are one tough cookie!!

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