Nasty E-bay Experience


When I went home for a vacation I left my fanny lifter there so I don't have to lug it with me the next time I make the trip. So when I came back, I went to Oshman's to get another one. But I saw the High Step, with Cathe on the box, and of course I decided to get that instead.

The HS comes with an ME DVD, as most of you HS users already know. Since I already have ME on DVD, I put this ME vhs up for auction on E-bay in its pristine, mint condition. It sold, I mailed the vhs promptly to the buyer, and that would've been the end of the story.

A week after I mailed the vhs, I got this e-mail from the buyer. It said: "I recently purchased a video from you through Ebay. The name of the video was Muscle Endurance and is marketed and distributed through Step and Motion Video Center Corporation of Glassboro, New Jersey. The video you sent me has such poor quality it is obviously a copy, even the label is clearly a forgery. I don’t know if you are aware of that fact that Ebay does not permit copies of videos sold on their site since this is COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. You have misrepresented the original product, and you have sent this product across state lines which I understand is a violation of federal laws. I made this purchase in good faith and I demand that you refund my payment immediately. If I don’t hear from you very soon I will not only notify Ebay of this transaction but will also notify the Step and Motion Video Center Corporation , and will cooperate fully with authorities with any action taken against you."

I was totally shocked. So I e-mailed him back: "The Muscle Endurance vhs you bought from me came with the Reebok High Step that I purchased from Oshman's. Having no need of that video, I decided to list it on e-bay. It was never opened, viewed or used. I sold it in good faith. I do not make copies of videos for a living. You can go to your local sports stores and check out the Reebok High Step. It comes with that video. If you don't like the video, please MAIL IT BACK TO ME so I can refund your money IN FULL. I'd like to see the quality for myself. I'd like to have the video back by the end of the week. The sooner we undo this transaction, the better it would be for both of us. I am very upset about your accusations. I am not a lowlife after a cheap buck." And I gave him my contact info and all that...

Now... Do you know this voice in your head? The one that sounds like a little child jumping up and down, clamoring for attention? The one you WANT to ignore, but KNOW you can't? This voice said, "Pinky, check his listings!" So I did. Except for two items, this person was selling fitness videos and DVD's. And I thought that I did the right thing by asking for the video back instead of just sending him a refund. Was that this person's scam? He scares well-meaning traders into refunding his money, then reselling those videos and DVDs on E-bay? I don't have proof of this, but the thought burned through my head. I've been trading on E-bay for three years. There ARE baracudas out there.

The next morning, I e-mailed E-bay about the matter, asking what I should expect in a situation like this, and what I could do about this. I also e-mailed SNM, asking if the freebies in those Reebok products come from the same place that produces their videos and DVDs. Since all the Cathe workouts I own are on DVD, I have no point for comparison when it comes to their videos.

This person strangely didn't reply to my e-mail. So I e-mailed him back: "I would like to know if you have received my reply to your last e-mail. I would like to settle this matter quickly, with you getting your money back, and me getting my item back. For your information, I still have the original receipt from Oshman's and the original High Step box that clearly says it comes with a Cathe video. These two things alone back my claim. I have nothing to hide. And just to make your life easier, I forwarded your e-mail to BOTH E-bay and SNM Videos. I asked E-bay how I should deal with these false accusations you're very quick to hurl at me, and I asked SNM Videos about the "poor quality" of their products. I'm still waiting on a reply from them. Since you are accusing me of "violating federal laws", you can go ahead and contact a federal bureau and sic them on me. Like I said, I have nothing to hide. I expect this matter to be resolved by the end of the week once I get the item back. I'll send your refund through Paypal. I'm compromising with you here. I normally don't take returns. Those were the conditions of the sale."

No reply.

So I e-mailed him again: "This is my third e-mail to you. I am trying to get this matter settled as quickly and as easily for both of us after you sent me your threatening e-mail about reporting my allegedly misrepresented original product to E-bay, SNM Videos and federal agencies. I already contacted E-bay and SNM Videos. E-bay has already responded and offered to refund me their fees if I issue you a refund, which I will. E-bay also told me that when I get the VHS back, I should check it closely to see if it IS indeed the very copy I had sent to you. If not, they suggested that I can file a fraud claim against you through the USPS fraud system. Now I have done a lot of work here to get this matter settled. The least you can do is offer me the courtesy of responding to my e-mails. I'd like to know when you're shipping the item back so I can issue you a refund. This would have been an easy matter. I'm pretty easy to talk to, but I strongly despise the bullying tone of your e-mail, which doesn't carry the least bit of proof that what I sold you isn't a true copy. And I refuse to be bullied. You are NOT going to bully me. Now tell me when you're sending the VHS back so we can get this matter settled. You are wasting my time."

No reply.

My husband told me I'd scared the s*** out of this guy. "You refused to call his bluff. He knows you're on to him," he said. He also said: "How does one prove that a video is indeed a copy and a logo is forged just by viewing the tape and looking at the box?"

I know that many of you sell your videos on E-bay so you can update to DVDs. Be careful. There is never any way to know what kind of person you're dealing with.

I am still waiting for my video. AND a reply from this guy. I'm a peace-loving person. I say my piece and that's that. But the way I feel right now, I want to pummel this guy to the ground. Give him a good licking and bury him.

OMG Pinky. Thank for sharing this with us. I do believe he is trying to scam you so he can keep the video an get his refund so he can turn around and sell it himself. I am so glad that you caught his bluff. Please let us know what happens? TIA
"Now... Do you know this voice in your head? The one that sounds like a little child jumping up and down, clamoring for attention? The one you WANT to ignore, but KNOW you can't? This voice said, "Pinky, check his listings!" So I did."

Never ignore that little voice. It took me 322 pages of the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker to understand it is perfectly fine and that I'm not insane if I don't ignore that little voice that tells me when something is wrong. I'm glad you did listen to yourself and never got scared by this bully. I try not to do a lot of transactions on Ebay or because I've heard stories like that. It's too bad that we have someone doing that with Cathe videos. I am planning to sell my Cathe video collection when I change it all to DVD and I would've never thought someone with an interest of buying them would be scamming people like this idiot is doing. I know now I have to be extremely careful. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm sorry you had to go through this.
Pinky, I am so proud of you!! It takes a lot of courage to call someones bluff. Obviously this guy thought he could pull a fast one on you. It was also a good idea to email e-bay as well as SNM to cover your butt.
Pinky, it certainly sounds like you did the right things and are covering your bases. Good for you for being so smart!

Thanks for warning us!
Yes, I don't want my butt vulnerable to anything.:) But seriously, there is this devil's advocate's voice in my head that asks: What if he really believes that the vhs is a fake? That's why I turned to E-bay for answers.

What surprised me was the part where the E-bay customer service rep wrote that I had to check the item closely when it's returned to make sure it's the same one I mailed. I know they send you form e-mails/set responses, but the fact that this was part of it made me think that these things DO happen, and maybe more than one would expect.

I also flagged SNM about it because I DID get the ME vhs from a box that came from a store and not from directly, where I usually get my stuff. I know that Reebok and Cathe have some kind of partnership. Does this affect the way the videos (those that come with Reebok equipment) are produced? Does Reebok use the same service/company as that which Cathe contracts to make her videos? These are questions going around in my head...

Good for YOU Pinky!! Your hubby is right. You did scare him!! That's why he's not responding! You got him good and he probably won't bother with you anymore.

Hey Pinky -- watch this persons would be interesting if he put it up for sale. It's too bad there are bad apples. I have never bought or sold on E-bay; reading your story and so many others who have had bad experiences keeps me from doing so. Good for you for going after him! I know I would have!

Take care,;-)
I'm with Vickie as I have never bought or sold on Ebay. But that doesn't neccessarily prevent you from being conned in any way from anyone! I already knew Pinky, that you had a good head on your shoulders. I am very impressed you pursued this like you did. I can't help thinking how many others has this creep done this too. One of my good friends bought and paid for a product on Ebay and never received it from the idiot. She didn't pursue it like you did Pinky and needless to say, she is the one out the money! I also appreciate you making any Ebay user's aware of this transaction....great job...:)...Carole
Wow, good job Pinky! I buy and sell on ebay a lot and haven't had any negative experiences. I wonder if you would consider exposing this guy by user name?? Someone to look out for is you do business on ebay. As far as I'm concerned he deserves it but that one is totally up to you.

Way to go! The only other thing that you can do is to give him a bad review and explain why. That way others will know if they try to buy from him. Because as the ohters have said not all people will fight like you did. But, what a scary experience for you to have to go through.

Unfortunately this person ruins it for the honest people out there who are just trying to buy and sell stuff on ebay. I had a weird experience with someone asking me numerous questions on a video that i had listed on ebay. It was almost like harrassment, but i just kept responding in a professional manner and it finally stopped. Some people just need to get a life.
Sorry to hear about this experience. As a seller, I know how much an incident like this affects you. Your reputation in on the line and darn it, you don't want it tarnished.

Pinky, I have a feeling that this person isn't adult enough to say, "I'm sorry. I jumped the gun." You have done all that you can do. I would just let it rest. I doubt that this person will ever contact you.
Kepi, he DID contact me today: "If this isn't a copy it is the poorest video I've ever seen and also there is no FBI warning like the rest of the videos put out by Cathe's company and the sticker is not the same as the rest of her video, so you tell me what would you think? Bullied well I dont think so. I'm waiting to here back from Step and Motion Video Center Corporation of Glassboro, New Jersey."

So I told him: "Go ahead. I myself would like to hear what they say. I know they're expecting you, and so is E-bay. You DEMAND a refund, you return the item. That's how it works everywhere. Do you work out? Or do you merely sell fitness videos and DVDs on E-bay?"

NOW he's no longer asking for his money back. NOW he wants to keep the video as EVIDENCE.


I am so sorry you are having a terrible time with a customer on E-bay I also had a nasty experience with E-bay only they involved Sqauretrade, You might want to consider them also if things get worse with him. Don't let him bully you into giving him his money back, You have the reciept that proves you are telling the truth. Also you have step N Motion and the high step on your side.
Did you talk to the step company that packaged the step? I would get all the evidence you can that he is SCAMMING you.
Hi Pinky -

What a horrible experience. Could you email (or post) me his username? I buy from ebay alot so I want to make sure I stay clear from him. People like that ruin ebay for the rest of us:(
I just wanted to commend you on your well written language. You certainly know how to put your feelings into words in a very direct manner. You were not rude but to the point. I hope you don't encounter that type of individual again. By the way so many people do believe that the bigger person is the one who insults the loudest, however, I have always strongly believed that it takes a much bigger person to get the point across without using bullying or harsh words. Once again I commend you for your professionalism and obvious patience.
Pinky, I'm sorry about your experience at Ebay. On the other hand, I can understand the buyer's concern (though not the fact that he refuses to return the video, that's rather strange). If you objectively read the emails you've sent to him, they do seem to escalate the problem, the tone is very aggressive.

Just a different perspective.
HI Pinky

I am so glad you posted this. I just bought some of Cathe's workouts on DVD & decided to sell some of my VHS's on ebay. They are listed now. I hope this guy doesn't try this on me.

Thanks again!


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