Nancy324 - Deva Salon


Hey, Nancy -

Did you go to your curly girl appointment yet? How was it? Pics please?

I had my hair cut Christmas week. I think I like it!

Susan L.G.

Please let us know how it went, I would love to go and get my haircut their. Maybe over the summer!
Who did you see?

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


Hi Susan of the gorgeous red locks!

A few weeks ago, I stopped by Devachan Salon (I think that's what it's called?). I spoke to a few people there, including a "Master Colorist" or Grandmaster or whatever the heck he was. Okay, admittedly, it was a Saturday afternoon, which is probably their busiest time, but my impression was not good. No smiles, no friendliness. They acted like they were doing me a big favor by speaking with me.

The colorist spoke to me for awhile and suggested that I have a "single process". I couldn't imagine why I would need to do an all-over color! It's SOOOO high maintenance and I have very little gray. I told him "NO WAY". I love my caramel highlights, and I only have to have them done like 3 times per year. Then he said we can do something "fun". I looked around at all the staff with the green streaks and stuff and said "if that's what you mean by fun, I can't do fun. No one wants a lawyer with green streaks in her hair". I think he should have been able to tell by looking at me that I'm a relatively conservative, professional person. It rather irked me.

I walked out of there feeling very lucky to have found Arrojo Studio! They are always friendly, and they "get" me over there. I'll never consider switching again!

Note: I am LOVING the Deva products though. I highly recommend them.

What salon do you use?
I went to Curl Jam , which is now called KJ Studios. She cut many layers in to my hair and it's still spiral curly.

I'll second you all they way about the Deva products. I'm very sorry that the Salon was disappointment. Isn't that the one Lorraine Massey owns (author of "Curly Girl"). I wonder if an email would be in order to let her know about your experience?

I'll try and get my DH to take a few snaps and put them on my picture trail. I may have to reveal my face after all - heehee.


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