Name your workout OCD

Bench has to be parallel to the entertainment center. The surface of it must be clean. And all workout apparatus must be put back in its place afterwards. Other than that, I'm pretty easy-going...;-)
"Oh and my workout shoes need to be pulled tight and double knotted."


The double knot! Yes, I almost forgot about that! It's a big one of mine! Double knotted sneakers are a must!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05

8 month pic just added! EEK! lol
My OCD is turn the AC off, and work out for at least two hours a day nothing less or my family will see my she devil side!!!
I have to have many endorphins or else I am not myself!!
In this Texas heat, I HAVE to have the AC full blast. Of course, it annoys the crap out of me to have the ceiling fan and the air from the vents blowing wisps of hair around my face. So I use tons of bobby pins & grit my teeth until I'm sweaty enough to slick the hair back with my sweat, and then that doesn't always work. Uggghhh!!!

Thats funny Marla!! In Ill were lucy if it reaches 70! I know what you mean about the hair, I wear a sunvisor- no sun but it keeps the nasty sweat and hair off the head !!!!
Workout capris, leggings, bootlegs...I can't stand having sweat behind my knees! Longer pants wick it away...

70's style headband to keep the bangs back and the sweat outta my eyes.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Just give me some water and a towel, and I'm good to go! I do have to have my shoes double-knotted, though, but I don't think that's OC...just safe coz my shoes always come untied if they're not double-knotted.
That's my one reason for wanting to move out of the city: to have my own workout room. A 3-bedroom apt. in Manhattan now starts at $2 million. And that's just not an option for me. The value of our apt. has almost doubled since we bought it. I keep thinking of selling, taking the profits, moving to Colorado (my DH's co. is headquarted there, and most of the guys he works with live around there) and, finally, having the workout room I've been dreaming of for about 30 years now!! :D A nice little 9-to-5 job maybe. Ahhhh.

Sorry, your post just sent me off into fantasy land....
back to reality.
This is really OCD! I had a hardwood floor in my workout room at my other house and when I would get ready to step, my bench HAD to be perfectly lined up with one of the cracks between the planks of wood. If my step moved during the workout I would quickly kick it back to where it belonged trying not to miss a beat! Oh BOY! We don't have the workout room finished at our new place sooo maybe, I'll break that habit???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I know the feeling, Deb. I can't get into my bed at night unless it's perfectly aligned with the cracks in the hardwood floor. I just can't sleep in a crooked bed. How weird.
Ha Nancy! Your bed must be on wheels? We have a Tempurpedic and it could not be adjusted every time I get in bed. Maybe that is why it stays put! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
This is an absolutely hysterical thread.
Like so many others, my OC relates to the position of my step. It needs to be perfectly parallel to the TV. I also can't stand to see a piece of lint on the carpet while I am working out. I also have to have sugar free popsicles when I am finished working out.
Okay, I am with you all on the bench being perfectly straight.

But here is my biggest OCD -- I must, absolutely must, do the exact same number of repetitions (whether lifting or stepping) on each side. In Cathe's older step routines she sometimes does not "balance out" the work equally on each leg. I will mentally keep track and then add on the appropriate number to equal out at the end of the routine.

This thread is too much...LMAO!!!

My workout OCD's are so many I need to list them...LOL

1.)Workout room has to be spotless!!!! No exceptions!!!
2.)Music HAS to be loud to drown out any other annoying sound..LOL
3.)Shoes must be snug but not tight, and double knotted.
4.)Hair has to be pulled back out of my face..or I would go insane!!
5.)Jewlery has to be taken off..esp with P90X workouts..
6.)NO Interuptions or someone dies!!!!!LOL
7.)A maxi pad is a must with CM, MIC and IMAX 3(Tuck jumps..need I say more) and plyometerics..damn bladder..
8.)NO shorts that ride up your arse..could send me over the edge!!
9.)After working out..all items HAVE to be in their proper places!!
10.)I must have a towel when Spinning or working out on the Elliptical.
11.)I could never ever workout in a tee shirt...I always wear a sports bra...a tee shirt drives me crazy..I get too hot!!
12.)If I see a spot or lint on the floor while working out I HAVE to pick it up.
13.)Cathe workouts need to be all lined up so I can see them, then they are in catagories..cardio, circuit, leg, upper body, abs, endurance, High step...LOL Do you think I am a freak yet?
14.)I must have my Yoga mat under my chair when doing pull-ups on the power tower for P90X..keeps the chair from slipping.
15.)When wearing my Mp3 player the headphone cords have to be tucked into my sports bra, can't stand them flying all over the place.
16.)I have to be dead center in front of the TV when doing Cathe workouts.
17.)I have to come upstairs to my living room to do Christi Taylor workouts..I need more room..LOL

OK I think I am done now...but I am sure I could think of more!!

Nope, not on wheels. It's a big heavy wooden frame, but I can slide it around a little on the wood floor. How's that tempurpedic? Those are great, right?

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