Name Hang-ups

I grew up with grandma and grandpa on both sides.

My son calls my mom gandma (would have called my dad grandpa. RIP dad, I love you!) and calls my inlaws Nanny and Poppa.
I was lucky to have a daughter who asked all the grandparents what they preferred to be called, so I am Nana and my husband is Papa. My granddaughter has several pawpaws, a mamaw and a mimaw and everyone is happy.
This thread made me laugh, because my brother just had this problem with my dad. For some reason my dad was just freaked out about being called grandpa, so after much discussion we decided on El Grande (jokingly, lol!!). The baby is only a year, but my brother said they will let her decide what to call each set of grandparents. She may come up with something cute on her own. I know for a while my girlfriend's daughter called her dad "mommy" and her mom "daddy", lol. It changed as she got older, but it was still funny while it lasted.
I think you should let your son have the final say and just let go of any hang ups - what a blessing to have a grandchild, whatever they call you.

My sister had kids first and they called my mom and dad nanny and papa so that is what we use. My DH's mother is Granny because that is what he called her mother. And his dad is Grandpa Gene.

When I was a kid, I had an extra set of grandparents so we went by last names: Grandpa Smith, Grandpa Jones, Grandma Whatever. I don't think it's confusing to have grandma used for both sides if you add a name.
This is so funny because I everyone in my family laughs because my granddaughter who is 2 now calls me "Rosie", mind you my name is Dana(LOL).

When I found out my daughter was expecting, and me being only 42 I didn't want to be called grandma, so I tried to come up with different names. I decided on the name Noni, don't know why, but since my grandbaby lives with me she first started calling me "Momma" and her mother "Mommy", now for some reason I'm known as "Rosie". the whole family laughs, but I answer to it.
I wonder why your son objects so much to anything hispanic. I think it's nice to keep your heritage.
We called my french grandmother "Grand-maman" and my greek grandmother "yia-yia". My nephews now all call my mom "Grand-maman" and their other grandmother's something else. I think my brothers and their wives actually asked my mom what she wanted to be called though.
At the end of the day, if your son feels that strongly about it, i would just let it go. You can just be the coolest "grandma" ever.;)
My family is all from Germany too (just like Cathy) and we say Oma and Opa...but because MY grandmother is still alive to avoid confusion my kids call my mom Omi (pronounced O-me) then my dad quickly said he was switching to Opi (pronounced O-pee) so they rhyme for the kids.

I hope it all works out for you. Perhaps in time he will give in to your wishes. :)
Its been so nice to read everyone's posts. I've decided not to push it and wait to see if baby comes up with something herself. Thanks for all the great comments everyone, I really appreciate it.


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