Nair and other depilatory products?


Greetings, peeps, a totally fitness-related question:

I have come to the conclusion that I am achingly sick of the act of shaving my various body parts on a daily basis, and I'm wondering if anyone has ever used Nair or other depilatory products, OTC or prescription and if so what were your results? PLEASE - no suggestions to go au naturelle - if I did that I'd look like something out of a Jane Goodall documentary.

Thanks in advance for your responses!


Legs and pits, I shave.

For girly bits, I use the Nair extra sensitive bikini line. Works rather well. Smells a bit funky - like home perms from the 80s. Never had any problems/reactions with it, and it's cheap. Plus, when the hair grows back it's not all itchy like it is if you use a razor. I like it.

I second Nan's emotion...not that any choices in the "girly" region are a day at the beach...but the au naturelle would not be my cup of tea either!!

Good luck!
I shave my legs but i wax my armpits and bikini area. I've had it done at the spa on occasion but most of the time i just do it myself. I've been doing it long enough that the hair in those areas has diminished significantly.
I shave everything buy my eyebrows which I wax/tweeze myself.

I've had my bikini are waxed 2 different times and just don't feel it's worth it. I hated having to wait for the hair to grow back in to do it again. BLEH. I prefer to just shave it every other day. It takes 3 minutes tops and I'm done. It's also far less painful! :p

I've never tried Nair on anything but my legs. I used it years ago and wasn't thrilled with it. Just never bothered to try it again. Am I missing out?
Well I've used Nair on my legs without a problem but it broke my armpits out with a terrible rash. Haven't wanted to use it since, guess I'm just a shaver lol. I pay to get my eyebrows waxed and have toyed with the bikini area idea but don't think I want to wax it either.
I tried Veet (I think that's the name) and while it was a very effective product, I swear I could smell the horrible odor whenever I showered, bathed, or sweated. I am planning on trying a different product with a somewhat pleasant smell... if there is such a thing. Totally agree about the perm-like-smell!

Any ideas for something that doesn't linger?

I tried Nair but could NOT stand the stink, plus it didn't take off the hair. I left it on twice as long but it only took out maybe a 10 percent. I had to shave anyway. Great.
The bikini line gets a very light occasional shave. waxing makes me bleed from every ripped follicle.. that was a short lived experiment... and shaving leaves bumps but that's better than blood. I don't have stiff wire-y hair either. good luck with this.
I use a epilator on my lower legs, it does hurt and its not actually touch-smooth. But, the effect is like being waxed and its a lot cheaper because one epilator is 80 bucks and one trip to the salon was about 80 bucks for my bikini. I do live in CA so everything is expensive, so it might be cheaper where you are. I use a razor on the underarms. I use a cream for light colored hair on my face. But, here is the thing, it doesn't work on dark heavy hair. It didn't take any of my leg hair off at all. And it really does smell awful. I'm fair skinned and I have dark hair. I'm single so I skip the bikini line;) Nobody is looking.:p
I tried waxing a couple months ago for the first time and I really like it. Armpits, and the other business. I shave my legs. Two days ago I tried an Avon product for removing face hair. Tried it on my upper lip, and I really like that for that area.

Seems like the older I get, the more time I spend on upkeep. I'm either dyeing my hair, or removing hair. What a job!


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