My Wieners

I have a question....
Are doxie's easy to travel with? Can you take them on a plane in the passenger section, not below?
Cynthia..I'm not quite sure what the restrictions are these days. The last time I flew with one of our doxies was 8 years ago and we were able to carry him on with us. I don't think I could ever travel with my boys if I had to stow them below. I'd be a nervous wreck...and so would my boys.

Take Care!
I could never stow my guys below either. I have to hire dog sitters for our boxers because they can't be kenneled either. I couldn't have fun on vacation knowing my guys were stressed in a kennel.
Love all your pics! I don't know how anyone can look at a wiener dog and not smile!

We have a wiener dog and she's spoiled rotten, too. Good thing she's so cute! I'm trying to talk DH into getting another one...they are even cuter when they're in multiples <haha>

Chastity - oh my goodness your boys are too cute, i want to eat them up!

Cynthia - yes you can travel with them on to an airplane and they travel well. there is a charge like $50 i think, and the rule is they must be kept in a bag (sharpe bag) under the seat - but most airplines in practice just require that they be in the bag during take off and landing (or when the seatbelt light is on). i've been able to keep my doxie on my lap during flight time.

My brother is a weiner.....
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I figure all three of them add up to 1 large dog, so it is really like having 1 big dog with multiple personalities. ;) For the most part, they are really calm and just hang around the house and watch a lot of TV and nap. It's only when people come to the door that they go nuts. I honestly do not know what I would do without these guys though. I am going to need some serious therapy when they pass on. :(

They are PRECIOUS. And they sound like my dream pets. Unfortunately, my five cats all despise each other. Once the two in/out pusses are out things relax considerably but sometimes I come home from work, hear the ruckus, and feel like just turning around and going to a hotel. All the hissing, spitting and fighting... then I have to leave work and deal with the same stuff at home!

I really love all the pet pictures on this forum, by the way.
Hey Liann,

I was perusing the forums last night when DH came by and saw your post title "My Wieners". Jokingly~he said "now I see why you spend so much time here!" Very funny and I had to open the thread so he could see your adorable "wieners"

This is my little guy......


I love seeing pics of everyones pets:)

LOL! Cynthia, that was great! That is sooo like my Cheyenne! When she rolls over on her back like that, it is impossible to get her to move without picking her up. Too cute!
My son's friend has a weiner dog that flips over on his back for a belly rub every single time someone touches him. It's so funny. My son said all he has to do is act like he's going to pet the little guy and he flips over. :eek:

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