My second competitive walk!


I just got back from a 4th of July run/walk race (runner went 4 miles, walkers 2), the same one I participated in last year (see here : )

I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do it, because the forecast was for thunderstorms throughout the day. When I got up before 6:00 (earlier than planned!), I checked the weather channel and my own window view, and saw it was raining, but not pouring. I continued to get ready, then called the information line for the 4th of July activities to see if the race was still on. The woman who answered (at 6:30 a.m....I really wasn't expecting anyone to be there!) said as far as she knew, all activities were still on, and because this was an event sponsored by Habitat for Humanity, they would be the ones to decide.

I decided to continue getting ready, drank my morning preworkout booster (8 oz. coconut water, 1 small frozen banana, a handful of goji berries and 2 T of chia gel), and drove to the park where the event was scheduled to be held, to see if anyone else was there.

Yep, there were a bunch of die-hards who didn't let a little rain get in their way, so I joined them.

After picking up my T-shirt (I'd pre-registered), I did some warm-up dynamic moves and walked around a bit (and peed twice...TMI?). Then just before the race was to start, I saw the woman who came in 4 seconds ahead of me last year. I went to talk to her, and jokingly told her "I've got my eyes on you!"

After the runners took off, I took a spot in the front row (no "almost front row" this year), and got ready to go (also, no MP3 player to distract me this year).

When we started, one woman took off like a shot, and I almost let her determine my speed, but realized that I'd bonk if I tried to speed up too fast. Instead, I went a comfortable fast speed for me. In just a while, she did slow down a bit, but kept her lead throughout the race.

I came in 4th place last year (a mere 4 seconds behind 3rd place), so my goal was to aim for 3rd this year. I also owed it to vegans everywhere to place in the top 3 (the only walkers that would get any recognition in the form of a plaque) since I was wearing a "Powered by Veggies" t-shirt, LOL!

After a first burst of fast walkers at the front, everyone seemed to fall into place. First was the really fast woman, then a woman in a green jacket who was trotting as much as she was walking (the man who announced the start of the race said we could run, but would be disqualified from the prizes if we did. I was hoping she realized she was disqualified!). Third row was held by myself and a woman named Stephanie who ended up being my walking partner through almost the whole race.

By the time we got 1/2 way, the woman in green had dropped back, and the group was still fast woman, with Stephanie and me about 1/4-1/3 block back.

As we neared the end, and were about 2 blocks away, I looked back and saw that I had a sure 3rd place, as there was quite a gap between Stephanie and me and the next group of walkers.

The corner before we were supposed to turn, Stephanie said the turn was coming up (she didn't do it on purpose, but I teased her later that she was trying to fake me out!), and I told my body to get ready. Then, we realized that there was one more block before the turn.

As we neared the corner to turn, we saw the woman ahead of us contiinue straight. The guy who was watching that corner tried to get her attention, then Stephanie and I yelled to her. She hadn't gone far, and doubled back, walking the whole while, and still kept her lead (though not as big a one).

Stephanie kicked it into high gear, and left me a bit behind. I couldn't push anymore, at least not yet, but I was okay with 3rd place.

Then, just a bit more than 1/2 a block away, Stephanie hit a wall and slowed. I was surprised, but kept on going. I was sure she was going to get her energy back and pass me again, but I kept pushing.

Unfortunately, the peeps I had invited to come and support me (my French Table pals and another pal) didn't show up (I'd told them I'd walk unless it was raining, and I guess they thought I would wimp out!), but one of the women I work with was near the finish line (her husband and grandchildren were running) and she cheered me in.
Fast woman crossed the finish line.

Then....guess who?..ME! Not as close to the person in front of me as last year (more like 6-8 seconds maybe?), and not as fast as last year (24 minutes on the nose, vs. 20:15--I assume the weather made it a slower race overall?), but in SECOND place!

Yay me!
I got a plaque this year!
(I was going to yell "52, baby!" when I went up to get my plaque, and I would have if my buds were there, but I ended up not doing it. LOL!).

I wasn't sure I'd place, because I started my walking season a month later than last year, and hadn't done as much training as last year (though last year, I wasn't 'training' for a race, just against myself), and when I did start my training, I had forgotten foot prep and ended up with some bad blisters that had to heal before I got back into walking.

I guess next year, I'm going to have to aim for 1st place (the pressure, the pressure!)

Now I'm all wet and sticky and gross, and am going to take a shower!
Congratulations!!!! ^^^5's to you for coming in 2nd!

Here's some peeps for you

Your success makes me feel encouraged. I registered for my first 5K which is taking place in September. This is all new to me and I'm pretty excited about it!
Great job Kathryn! I really enjoyed reading your race report, had to stop myself from skipping to the end...Your holiday weekend is off to a terrific start! Enjoy!

Take Care

Congratulations! Way to go! Yeah! Good for you!...

I loved your story and was excited and surprised at the end. Good job! I'm just so proud of you!

OK, enough of the !!! already, but hey, you did good.

Thanks for the congrats, guys!
(I especially appreciated the crowd of peeps, though the plaque I got doesn't look like that nice big trophy...which was what the top 2 runners got. My plaque says "male or female division, 2 mile walk (sic they forgot the hyphen), second place"). Hmm...sounds like a category for those with a sexual identity confusion. Male? Female? (like Chastity (aka "Chaz") Bono?:cool:)

I took the rest of yesterday off, and rented a couple of movies to watch.

I also signed up for a 5k Walk in two weeks (as part of a Bagelfest celebration). Looks like for that one, all walkers get a medal, and there is no placing (for walkers). I need more 'stuff' to add to my new 'wall of fame'!
Congratulations, Kathryn! A great race, and a wonderful cause. You must feel a real sense of accomplishment. How are your legs feeling?

How are your legs feeling?
Legs feel fine! (I'd foam rolled earlier in the week, after one of my walking workouts that was leaving my calves and butt quite sore! After the race, I did my standard stretch, and had no trouble with lower body soreness. But I'll have to work on upper body stretches---which I don't do a lot of after my walks--because my neck was sore).

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