my quads are huge..HELP!!

Thanks Debra,

Well if I do get Tough Tape I will definately get a tall box {the Rubbermaid one, of course}. How is the Firm Strength? How does it differ from Firm Cardio?
me again!

Hi Aimee!! Initially Firm Strength and Firm Cardio were a cross training pair and you were supposed to use heavy weights with Firm Strength (which moves a little more slowly) and light weights with Firm Cardio (which moves a little more quickly). However, you can use heavy weights for Firm Cardio too, so it evolved into another heavy tape because that was how people used it. They are really VERY similar to one another, they have different leads, Firm Cardio has Heidi Tanner and Firm Strength has Pam Cauthen, both are very professional, both tapes are excellent. . . Heck, get' em both!! But Firm Strength has a small but definite edge over Cardio in MOST people's opinions (I am a rarity, I actually like Firm Cardio better, just slightly, of the two).
I went to their website,

and I thought that Strength, Cardio and TT sounded the best to fit my needs. And their prices were really reasonable!! I couldn't believe it!! I love to try new things and if these tapes are as good as you say they are my butt will be so high my husband will need a step ladder to kick {or is it kiss} it!! heehee!!
Hi Jacque!

I have both Super Scuplting and Total Body Shaping Mix. I really like both of these tapes, I really have developed a nice toned shape with these. But I definitely cannot use as heavy of weights as I use with Cathe tapes, esp. with Super's rather fast and it took me a while to really arrange things to pyramid quickly. TBSM is IMO one of the best compliation tapes that the Firm has put together (and there are quite a few-don't get me wrong-I like them but I gets a little annoying when you have all of the tapes that made up this video), it's very thorough and is moderate in intensity and weight used. Good luck

I use Cathe and the Firm. Why is it so hard for people to get that you can get cardio and strength at the same time? That's what the Firm does. Like circuit training at the gym where you keep your heart rate up in between weight lifting sets. GEESH. Firm Cardio is called that because if you challenge yourself with the right weights for your level you get a great cardio workout as well as a great strength workout. Tough Tape is the same way. As is Standing Legs.

The Firm does GREAT cardio. It's just DIFFERENT. Sorry but I get so tired of people who say they use the Firm and love the results, but then OBVIOUSLY don't get why it works. It's the COMBINATION OF WEIGHTS AND AEROBICS.
Will regular stepping make my quads and calves bulky?

I'm not a regular stepper but I would like to start doing 3-4x a week. However, it bothers me that some people say that stepping makes your quads and calves bulky instead of lean? Im sure there are step fanatics here so please tell me what stepping has done for your legs....bulky or lean? Thanks.
actually I do get it

I agree that the Firm's aerobic weight training does get your heart rate up - I've been doing Firm videos for over a decade. But I find that for pure cardio workouts that keep my heartrate up at the high end of my training zone (to really work the heart muscle) there are better choices for me. IMO someone who has been doing Cathe's step workouts will not be challenged by the Firm's cardio workouts. I also believe that mixing up workout styles (cross-training) provides better results, reduces the risk of injury & is more fun!
Hey Hippychick

Right now I've been stepping 5-6 times/week and even though I'm only 5'1" I honestly don't think my legs are bulky. Maybe it's genetics or maybe it's because I vary my step height{2 days a week I use 6-4" depending on my mood} or maybe it's because I bike and walk alot too. I honestly don't know if it'll make your legs bulky,but I do know that I've never had better definition in my calves and quads. I lift 3 times a week also, so it's hard to say. Try it 3-4 times a week for a couple of months, if you don't like the results, then just use you step as a weight bench. OK, I'm getting off my podeum now. Let me know what you decide.
to firmie

Hey Firmie, I LOVE the Firm, in fact, and I DO get the aerobic weight training concept. BUT, I have found that outside of Firm fan circles, if you call the Firm CARDIO, people do not understand. When most people think of cardio, they are thinking of pure cardio like Cathe does. The Firm is not "cardio" to them. Personally, I think there is something magical about combining weights with cardio in a way that keeps your heart rate up for the whole workout because I SURE HAVE seen great results with the Firm. I really LOVE the Firm's all weights and tortoise style videos and just don't care nearly as much for their fast and light or "hare" style videos. That is my personal preference. I think the Firm really SHINES with tapes like Firm Strength, the Tortoise, Super Sculpt, and Boot Camp. SO I use the Firm for heavier workouts and Cathe for my cardio. No insult at all meant to the Firm!!

If I am going to describe the Firm to somebody who is unfamiliar with them, and I call a tape a cardio tape, they are going to have an expectation of pure cardio (because that is their understanding of that word), and are likely to be disappointed with the Firm. I have to describe the Firm to people in such a way that THEY understand what it is. And most people would not expect a tape called "Firm Cardio" to be a slow and heavy, 75% weights workout. Sorry if that came across as critical, because hey, I owe my butt to the Firm!!
Just adding my .02 cents!

I'm also a member of the "smurf" (5'3 1/2, had to add that, I'm *almost* 5'4!) and I have the bulky legs too. I've also noticed that I'm getting a bulking midsection doing the Firm's 5 Day Abs 6 days a week for the last 2 weeks. My bodyfat is about medium-low, but not really low, like a fitness model...
Back 5 years ago (early 20's), I stepped 5-6 times a week at 6 or 8 inches and I had great legs. I didn't gym-style weight training 2-3 times a week and didn't bulk out either...weird eh? About April 1999, I started Firming and added Cathe in Fall of 1999. That's when I started to bulk. My cardio was way low, and started to crosstrain with walking/running/hiking. Still bulky! From January, till recently, I decreased my bulk my teaching group exercise cardio classes 2-4 times a week and adding hi/low, kickboxing (I think that did the trick) and The Method videos. I don't know how exactly I'm getting the results, but cross-training DEFINETLY has something to do with it! I guess now that I've built size I'm just concerned with maintaining (I teach BodyPUMP and traded away most of my 40 Firms I had) and increasing my cardio, which helps me with keeping my bodyfat low. I eat a lot of junk once or twice a week and I'm still in my *safe* zone, but I dunno about my cholesterol!!!
The Firm DOES indeed work, but isn't my cup of tea for cardio. I'm with the rest of you where I'd rather do Cathe for cardio, only because I'm spoiled by gym-setting cardio!
Anyone have a copy of Lower Body Split to sell??
Also, I would definitely lower my step to 6" for awhile and cross-train with other activities YOU LIKE and give it 6 weeks.
Hope this helps and you've received great advice so far...
Oh, yeah, I love The Method videos, dance was my college minor and I learned the Martha Graham technique which is similar to Pilates and it lengthened me! I'm starting a rotation where The Method is all I'm doing for 6 weeks, (besides teaching BodyPUMP and my Abs, Glutes & Thighs class) and see if I'll shrink!
Sorry to be so winded!
you may be on to something,Myra

I need the lengthening.. I just have a kamikaze approach to working out,thats all.. I want to burn MAJOR caloried every time I train, so I go all out on cardio or lifting..(but like I said, I hardly ever train my legs as they get plenty from other activities) but The Method tapes were sooooooo slow, and my impatience.. I gotta get over it.. Pilates moves for me.. how many times a week and for how long to see results with The Method tapes? anyone know? and how do I incorporate them into my Firm/Cathe rotation? I have the time.. I will make the time.. This is really bugging me this bulky leg thing.
I'm impatient too

I had the All in One Method and I tried doing it on The Health Network in the mornings. I love the moves but they are way to repetitive for me. So I do yoga. Here's my ? what is the Lotte Berk Method? Is it like pilates, yoga, or both? Does that lengthen too? Has anyone done it?
I had the kamikaze thing goin' on too...

I had a few Method videos last year and traded them away (for The Firm Splits) because they were too broken up and didn't get my heartrate to the ceiling! Alas, I've since rid of The Splits and got my Methods back, ten fold! I didn't even have time to do The Firm anymore, or the energy. I feel that Methods are nice and flowing for me and they don't suck up energy from me, I have a life outside of exercise! As far as the lengthening "theory" goes, here's my own interpretation: Method videos are dance, yoga & pilates based, which are all INTERGRATED forms of fitness, meaning that they use all muscle groups as a whole and they will strengthen or "lengthen" as a whole. I believe this decreases the bulk as you're not isolating the muscle groups as you would be doing gym-equipment or a video like one of the PS Series. Not to say that it's bad using them, it's just you don't need to use them that much. I've used the PS Series in 2 3-4 week rotations since I had them, and I've been able to maintain most of the size I've gained through BodyPUMP, which is high-rep and very low weight. I wouldn't want to do the Method all the time though, I'd get bored! So for me and my body type, I like to experiment with certain rotations for at least 4 weeks and see how my body responds. What may work for me may not work for you, vice-versa.
My diet was pretty key to decreasing bulk too, as I've carried lots of "chunk" on my quads and inner thighs. After I replaced more veggies and fruit with junk I noticed a difference.
As for impatience, I know that pilates itself is a mind-body exercise, which is why it works! You must ask yourself, "What am I doing? Why am I doing it?" in order to receive full benefit from the exercises. Otherwise, you'd be flopping body parts around and not incorporating the "core or Powerhouse" muscles (abs, glutes and low back) which almost all the movements originate. I agree that it took some time for me to slow down to these workouts, but I have a true testimony that your fitness foundation should start from those core muscle groups, as you are preparing a foundation for proper alignment, injury prevention and inner strength. You need all of these to combine with outer strength, PS Series, gym-style workouts. I'll let you know how my rotation goes and the end results. Good luck on your "de-bulking" quest!
Method videos

Hi there EternalEFit,
Which Method videos do you recommend? I see them all the time at Walmart but never buy them because I too think I would get bored doing them. I am also a member of the bulky leg and calve club. I guess i have to thank 7 years of competitive rowing in High school and University for that lovely body characteristic. I think genetics also plays a big part in it. I've been working out with the Firm, CIA and Cathe tapes since l988, and my body always stays the same. I have extremelly strong legs, my husband calls them beautiful "power legs". Over the years i've come to except them. Recently i have cut out all white bread, white rice and sugar from my diet and that has finally made a difference. It got rid of alot of the cellulite that would just not go away even with hours of exercising per day. The fatfree diet thing that i was doing basically all of my life just wasn't the answer for me, no sugar was. Although don't get me wrong I still watch my fat intake, but it's amazing when you really start reading labels on products at the grocery store how much sugar is added to everything we eat. Anyway , I apologize for rambling on but you all understand, my friends are all naturally 10' tall with model like legs who eat whatever they want , they just can't relate, i hate them. Just kidding!!LOL

Humm, what to recommend, let's see....
Since I'm not sure if you've had any jazz, modern or ballet dance background, which is foundation for all Methods, I would only suggest that you try out the Precision Toning which is for the extremely self-motivated, as it's one on one and no background music, but EXTREMELY effective if done correctly. The other vids are dance based cardio are very fun, and the combos are broken down fairly well, although I'd recommend that you find some form of cardio as it's doesn't keep the heart rate up. Most videos in a 3 - 15 minute workouts, which you can combine for 45 mins of cardio. The key here isn't cardio as it is to concentrate on flowing movement and using the body as a whole, instead of islolating them in their individual groups, i.e., quads, hams, glutes, abs, etc. They ALL WORK TOGETHER! I use them basically for alternative strength, even if there's no weights in most the vids, there is that intergrated way of lengthening and strengthening.
Personally, I like them all, even if Jennifer Kries is wearing a weird skirt-thing in Dance to Fitness. If you're seeing any Methods at Wal-Mart or Target, stock up!!! Only there will be the best prices ($7 right?), to my knowledge. I keep eyeing All In One Workout at Target and I hope it's still there when I have money again!
As far as adding them in my current rotation, I'm going to depend on Methods for about 3-4 weeks, (with the exception of BodyPUMP I teach) and see what results I come up with. As for accepting your beautiful "power legs", AAWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Those are some babies that your giraffe-like friends will never have! (Not to down your pals or anything
With regard to the sugar thing, I must second that. We recently visited a dietician, (my post is in the Open Discussion Forum) and my hubby has high triglycerides and recommended the same thing, LOW SUGAR. Some things you cannot avoid, like natural sugars in fruit, but we've had to limit his portions. I'm hypoglycemic so I have a hard time staying away from sugar if my meals are not balanced and regular. I hear you with the no-fat diet, didn't work for us either. We've only been on the low sugar thing for 2 weeks, and we've cut drastically. Without even knowing it, we've cut white rice and bread without even realizing it. We still have so much white rice in our food storage too....drats!!!
Anyhow, I think Methods sill have a website undert their distributor, Peter Pan videos, but I forgot what it was. The best thing to do is read up on some of the descriptions of the tapes which most are available at Borders Books, Sam Goody or Suncoast. Just read the back of them and see how you feel about it.
Hope this answers you questions, if you have any more, feel free to email me at [email protected]
It's a life mission for me to help others care for their physical bodies as the sacred gifts given to us to house our spirits, so I don't mind! Sorry to be yet again winded,
Myra :)

I didn't feel insulted I felt you were misinforming people. Cardio is cardio. If it gets your heart rate up that's what matters. I would like to see women stop limiting themselves to the idea that cardio has to be just dancing in place, or using stationary exercise equipment or step tapes. So I feel that by saying that Firm cardio isn't "pure" cardio you are perpetuating a myth. Women need to know that you can get a great cardio workout while using weights at the same time. We need to help OPEN up minds to new alternatives, not cling to old ideas.

I'm not really mad or taking it personally, just frustrated. Women have spent too much time and dollars on "Pure" cardio tapes and it hasn't done a thing for them except make them feel like failures. But with the addition of aerobic weight training, with the Firm, women are finally seeing results. Including me and you.
Thanks Myra

Well thanks for all the info. I guess i'm off to Walmart for more videos (my gosh!!!) This is a serious addiction i have, I can never seem to have enough videos. Someone should start a group called videoaddicts anonymous. I could probably be the president.
Thanks again, much appreciate the all your wisdom. Lyanne
Lyanne, I would be Vice President...

of the videoaddicts anonymous group!! I can't remember what other addicitions I had before this one! Hope you find what you're aiming for in The Methods, and also, you're welcome :)
Anytime you need me, give me an email!

[email protected]
I found Firm cardio inadequate

I used the Firm exclusively for about three years. However when I wanted to do hikes in the Rocky Mountains where I live, I found that my cardio endurance was simply not enough. The Firm's cardio was not tough enough to train me for that activity(I'm only talking about hiking mountain trails, not rock climbing up steep cliffs).

I had to do intense pure cardio like Cathe's tapes in order to prepare myself for these hikes.
I think Cathe is the greatest.
Thank you from me,as well Myra

I had no idea there would be so many informative responses to this thread! Thank you so much.. The method videos are good..I have all in one Workout, and it wasn't Kamikaze" enough for me, but I remember it being alot of fun, so I do recommend you getting it when you have the chance!
I got mine at Target also, by the way, about a year ago.

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