Hi Cathe fans!
I've put together a rotation for myself, hoping it'll give me the structure I need in order to stick with healthy eating habits. I've found if I'm kind of "vague" in my rotation, then my eating becomes less than desireable. So--this is a tentative rotation I've come up with, although it is open to change at any time if need be (i.e. if it's not working for me, I'll change it!)
The plan is to workout 6 times per week. The 1st 3 weeks: the 6 Cross-trainers, as is. The next 6 weeks, the Cross-trainers with MIS chest, shoulders & triceps added to Power Circuit (Back), and MIS Back & Biceps added to Step n Intervals (Chest). {this rotation was suggested by Cathe a week or so ago, although she suggested it using the PS series rather than MIS}. AFTER THAT, I thought it'd be fun to do 3 weeks of "circuit-type" tapes alternating with pure cardio, and with an MIS day thrown in for good measure....so I was thinking Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks/Body Max/step tape of choice/MIS/MIC. After 3 weeks of that, planning on doing 8 weeks of PS Series a la Body For Life, hitting all UB muscles (PS CST & BBA) Monday & Friday, PS SLA Wed...then the next week PS SLA Monday & Friday, PS CST & BBA Wed....with cardio tape of choice on Tu/Th/Sat. After 8 weeks of PS series, who know??? maybe back to the Cross-Trainers again!
This is pretty new for me to plan out a rotation so far in advance. I of course reserve the right to extend certain parts of the rotation that are really working for me, or cut short parts that aren't working for me.....
Any comments? I'm pretty pumped up to get started!!!!
p.s. sorry for such a looong post!!!!!
I've put together a rotation for myself, hoping it'll give me the structure I need in order to stick with healthy eating habits. I've found if I'm kind of "vague" in my rotation, then my eating becomes less than desireable. So--this is a tentative rotation I've come up with, although it is open to change at any time if need be (i.e. if it's not working for me, I'll change it!)
The plan is to workout 6 times per week. The 1st 3 weeks: the 6 Cross-trainers, as is. The next 6 weeks, the Cross-trainers with MIS chest, shoulders & triceps added to Power Circuit (Back), and MIS Back & Biceps added to Step n Intervals (Chest). {this rotation was suggested by Cathe a week or so ago, although she suggested it using the PS series rather than MIS}. AFTER THAT, I thought it'd be fun to do 3 weeks of "circuit-type" tapes alternating with pure cardio, and with an MIS day thrown in for good measure....so I was thinking Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks/Body Max/step tape of choice/MIS/MIC. After 3 weeks of that, planning on doing 8 weeks of PS Series a la Body For Life, hitting all UB muscles (PS CST & BBA) Monday & Friday, PS SLA Wed...then the next week PS SLA Monday & Friday, PS CST & BBA Wed....with cardio tape of choice on Tu/Th/Sat. After 8 weeks of PS series, who know??? maybe back to the Cross-Trainers again!
This is pretty new for me to plan out a rotation so far in advance. I of course reserve the right to extend certain parts of the rotation that are really working for me, or cut short parts that aren't working for me.....
Any comments? I'm pretty pumped up to get started!!!!
p.s. sorry for such a looong post!!!!!