First, I have bitten the bullet and signed up for a marathon for the first weekend in January 2006. I've been playing around with the idea for a long time, but wanted to do something to raise money for The Leukemia Society. I just picked up the phone yesterday, called, got the info, and signed up. The race is in DISNEY WORLD!!! I can't believe I am actually doing this. And not only doing this personal accomplishment, but also raising money for an excellent cause. (FYI...for those that don't know, DH passed away last September 25th from leukemia at the age of 32, so this cause really hits home for me.)
Question 1...where is the happy medium between training for a marathon and lifting weights. I surely don't want to give up on the weights. Can I or should I lift lower body at all while training, or will all the training runs take care of leg work?
Question 2...How often should you do push ups? Is every day okay? Every other day? I've been keeping them isolated to just my upper body weight days. Currently, I can do about 85 on my toes (in a few sets, of course), before I completely fatigue.
Thanks for letting me share and thanks for any insight you can shed on these for me!
First, I have bitten the bullet and signed up for a marathon for the first weekend in January 2006. I've been playing around with the idea for a long time, but wanted to do something to raise money for The Leukemia Society. I just picked up the phone yesterday, called, got the info, and signed up. The race is in DISNEY WORLD!!! I can't believe I am actually doing this. And not only doing this personal accomplishment, but also raising money for an excellent cause. (FYI...for those that don't know, DH passed away last September 25th from leukemia at the age of 32, so this cause really hits home for me.)
Question 1...where is the happy medium between training for a marathon and lifting weights. I surely don't want to give up on the weights. Can I or should I lift lower body at all while training, or will all the training runs take care of leg work?
Question 2...How often should you do push ups? Is every day okay? Every other day? I've been keeping them isolated to just my upper body weight days. Currently, I can do about 85 on my toes (in a few sets, of course), before I completely fatigue.
Thanks for letting me share and thanks for any insight you can shed on these for me!