My pants are getting baggy!



Week number nine with the Body By Jake Bun & Thigh Rocker, and my pants are getting really baggy! I guess this is the magic for me after trying EVERYTHING!!!!

Picture me doing the Steve Martin happy dance, then the Martin Short-Ed Grimley happy dance!

Oh, joy!!!!!!
That's so awesome for you!! My legs have always been a problem for me especially the inner thighs where "all that mush mush hangs on" as Gilad says. I've been trying to increase my weight on my Cathe leg workouts, but it really just makes me knees ache too much. Do you think the bun & thigh rocker is knee friendly and effective for inner thighs?? I hate to spend the money, but I also hate doing leg workouts and this seems like it may be something I'd consider b/c from what I can see from the website at least you're sitting down for the workout, lol!

Thanks for any info!

Oops, forgot to ask another much floor space does it take up, do you need to really have it far away from a wall during the extension phase of the movement, and does it fold up for easy storage???


1. It works fine for inner thigh leg mush

2. It seems friendly enough on the knees

3. It folds, and takes up maybe 4 feet tops floor space, if that

4. I got mine on ebay for $89.00, which included the shipping

5. My total time for leg workouts is less then 1/2 hour, and that includes 3 sets of leg extensions and walking lunges that I throw in.
O.K., I've never heard of this thing - what is it and how does it work? 1/2 hr for a leg workout would be sooooooo awesome since I'm always short of time. In fact, I spend too much time thinking about how to save time! Fill me in please!


Hi Honeybunch,
My problems areas are my hips and thighs. Have you noticed a big difference in those areas? and also have you changed your diet? and are you doing lots of cardio? sorry for so many questions but I may have to get one. I love Jake anyway.

I have NOT changed my diet, and the amount and type of cardio has never made a difference for me. I've done high impact, low impact, you name it, and that has never been a factor in changing my leg tone or size.

I've tried heavy weights, light weights, high reps, low reps, free weights, weight machines, and nothing has been as dramatic as this. The only other thing that ever worked was light weights and low reps, but never like this.

Jake was one of the first "personal trainers."
Get on E-bay and do a search on "bun thigh rocker". They always have a ton of them to sell.

You position yourself like a leg press machine in the gym, but the motion a rocking motion, just like the name says. You change exercises by changing your foot position.
Thanks for the response. You've conviced me. I too, have tried everything to lean out my lower body and nothing seems to work.

Congratulations! I have to add that I have had my machine for approximately 7 weeks. I ordered shortly after you raved about yours. Does that mean I'll have baggy pants in two weeks? ha! My flat hiney finally got a lift & thats been my goal for a long time. No amount of squats, lunges or tall step did anything in raising my buttocks. I love this machine. Upon returning from vacation, I did MIS legs w/ my bun and thigh rocker. I want more results & missed my workouts... I'm soooo glad that you made the initial post. Otherwise, I wouldn't have purchased this miracle machine. I also hold weights as StepEdith suggested. This site is great with all the recommendations and tips for what works. Thanks!!
It HAS been in the last week or so that I noticed the big difference. I had on a pair of pants yesterday that I will put away because they got so big, and this morning tried on a pair that were really too tight last winter, and they are very loose now.
Honeybunch, can you see any visual changes in the way your legs look, or is it only in the way the pants fit?
They look better, I think, and so does my caboose - more shape, and it's most noticable in the inner thigh area.
Hi Everyone,
Since Honeybunch recommended the Bun & Thigh Rocker I went and bought one. Have to admit I haven't tried it yet but after reading this post I think I will make sure I put it into my workouts. We have a sporting goods store in our area called #####'s. I don't know it it is a national chain or not but I got my machine there about 3 weeks ago for $79.00. Just thought I would let people know maybe it is still on sale.
Hey Debbie!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 11:37PM (Est)[/font][p]You can use names! It is THE name YOU used! Certain words are blocked on this site that are questionable. Do you understand what I am TRYING to say!!! Sorry, I had to laugh when I saw your second post.

Hey, I forgot to thank you for the tip on the sale! I saw the Rockers at the same store as you about 2-3 months ago. They were $100.00 at the time. I'm going to give them a call tomorrow. THANX!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

It's not that you can't use names, it's just that the automatic checking thingy thinks you are writing a bad work ;-).
The store name is D.I.C.K.S. I hope that worked. If not, maybe D-I-C-K-S or DIX will work.
Ha, Wendy!

I was trying to think how to tell Deb and I see you used the word THREE TIMES!!!! I wasn't sure if people still used the phrase "bad word" or "dirty word"! I didn't want to sound like a 50 year OLD lady! Thanks, Wendy!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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