<-- waves a not-really-too-late morning
<-- has been up for awhile piddling and mentally gnawing on new family drama
<--'s mom asked her husband (only a step dad to my sisters and I) for a divorce in February and he has drug his feet on signing anything and then yesterday <--'s mom found out from her lawyer that he is counter-sueing (or is it suing? I dunno...)
<-- and <--'s mom has been scratching heads about what he could possibly be trying to get
<-- is waiting to hear details from lawyer x(
<-- hates waiting for bad news
<-- did a good job not obsessing or stuffing <-- face about it yesterday
<-- not feeling so strong this morning, but <-- working on it
<-- apologizes for self-absorption
<-- is glad to hear that Lorie and Shelley are alive
<-- hopes Shelley is starting to feel like her normal weird self again
<-- waves to Amelia
<-- sending lots of prayers to Lorie's friend with the damaged house
<-- hope Beth enjoys teaching her pilates/yoga class
<-- waves to Catherine
<-- sends prayers to Robin's friends
<-- also loves the farmer's market
<-- sends lots of prayers to Stephanie about blood test
<-- is glad Liann had encouraging stories/experiences to tell Stephanie about today
<-- is very proud of Emily for running 4 miles
<-- think it's a very big accomplishment
<-- hopes I didn't miss anyone...
<-- will pull myself together now and get busy with my tasks for the day *sticks chin up*