My Office is Obsessed--The Lemonade Diet


There are a couple of women in my office who are currently doing the "lemonade diet". They have had favorable results (but who wouldn't if all you consumed was liquid, right?!!) prompting other women to join the crusade. I came back from lunch today and I saw about 5 bags of lemons in the joke!!! I think they have snatched up about 6 or 7 recruits since yesterday.

I wanted to question them about the diet, but I thought, I have a tremendous knowledge pool right here and would actually prefer the input from you ladies (and gents!).

Aside from weight loss (which I KNOW would most likely only be temporary from starvation!)....are there ANY other benefits from doing a cleanse of this sort?

Thanks in advance!
Rose, I have no words of wisdom to add, but I can tell you that I would probably know my own hand off if I tried anything like this! AND I wanted to tell you that I love your avitar. You are beautiful!
Well, common sense says you cannot live on lemonade, and when you eat, you will gain back whatever you lost.
I personally give these women 5 days TOPS!! On a crazy diet like this one. Anyone who is into fitness and health knows that any diet that goes to the extremes is just plain nuts.
We need energy to workout, and lemons would not provide the "oopmh" I need to power thru any of Cathe's workouts, that is for sure!
I do wish there was a quick fix, easy to follow diet though.:)
I am with ALL of you here and I personally am not interested in it for weight loss purposes....I know better then that!! :) And I agree...I love food WAAAYYY too much to give it up for even one day.

What I would like to know if there are any benefits (aside from temporary weight loss) to doing a cleanse of this sort. From one of my coworkers, she mentioned something about removing toxins from the body or something. I just wonder if there is any truth to that part of it.
Hi Rose,

I actually tried this late last year... not for purposes of losing weight but at the time I just wanted to do something different. I'd heard about the toxins and so on and figured it was worth a try - at least for me. I just did it on my own and didn't mention it to anyone (didn't want to be bothered with 101 opinions). I was surprised I was able to stick with it for the whole 10 days (since I also LOVE food) but I had made the commitment and I kept telling myself it was only 10 days. I started feeling great after like the 4th day (more alert and in a better mood overall). It definitely looked like I got rid of some "stuff" too. Anyway, I don't regret doing it at all and would definitely try it again.

Before diving in I did a bit of reasearch and I read the book (you can search on here = master cleanse). I've attached a link from the search results but I must warn you it is a bit graphic.


Whatever you decide - good luck!

Is that the one with the lemonade/honey/cayenne pepper mix?? EEWWWW. I think I'd last on that for about 10 mins. I'd prob pass out from lack of food and low blood sugar. I think thats the one Beyonce used to loose the weight for Dreamgirls, and she even said not to do it and didn't recommend it for normal people. There is no nutrition in that at all. I think we all know that "quick fix diets" don't work. It needs to be a long term healthy eating lifestyle, which I am trying desperately hard to get on track with as well. It's not easy, but I am pretty sure it's easier than nothing but lemonade. And the results will last, and I won't be starving to death.

On a side note, I was at the new grocery store in town about 2 months ago, and the cashier meant to ring me up 1 lemon, but instead entered the code for apples which was something like 4082. So I ended up being rang up for 2 thousand and some odd dollars in lemons. Had to wait forever for the manager to come void a $2k sale. I supposed I could've shipped them to your office!!
I am not sure about "cleansing" .. but it is not nutritionally sound by no means!! yikes .. I would faint after the first 4 hours .. LOL!

two of my co-workers did the grapefruit diet .. and after me urging them not to ..they insisted their friends lost weight on it .. they did it .. and they lost a couple of pounds (probably dehydration and lack of food in the intestines) .. but when they started adding the food ... the ended up GAINING weight .. more than they were when they started the diet ... (I with-held my I told you so .. although it was hard to)

If you want to de-toxify your body .. I would look into some other means .. and do some major research on it .. I have seen numerous posts on this forum about it .. for me it is not doable .. but that is me! I am a food gal .. gotta eat ... !!!:D
>Before diving in I did a bit of reasearch and I read the book
>(you can search on here = master cleanse). I've attached a
>link from the search results but I must warn you it is a bit
>Whatever you decide - good luck!

Thanks B for that link to a prior discussion on this. While a bordering "TMI", it was also really helpful. Thank you! I may have to stear clear of the restrooms at work for a while.....
>On a side note, I was at the new grocery store in town about 2
>months ago, and the cashier meant to ring me up 1 lemon, but
>instead entered the code for apples which was something like
>4082. So I ended up being rang up for 2 thousand and some odd
>dollars in lemons. Had to wait forever for the manager to
>come void a $2k sale. I supposed I could've shipped them to
>your office!!

YES!!! Send them over!!!! I am sure the gals over here would love a truck full of lemons right about now!!! :9
It's not actually a diet. It is supposed to be a "cleanse" and if done right, I don't think you are supposed to lose a lot of weight. It's not just lemonade either, it is a combination of lemon juice, Grade B Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pepper, and water. Supposedly, the maple syrup gives you all the calories/nutrients you need. My husband did this diet a few weeks back and lasted all of 24 hours. He finally cracked at midnight and ate everything in sight, lol! Now, we have 2 gallon jugs of maple syrup that we cannot STAND and we are just finishing up the lemons. And he still has not been able to make himself go near cayenne pepper. I could never do this cleanse and am not even sure I believe it anyways. I just do not think it's healthy no matter what they say.

p.s. He did the saltwater flush associated with this cleanse and said that was just ghastly!
I read about this cleansing process sometime ago in Women's World magazine I think. I'm not sure I could drink a mix of lemon juice, maple syrup, water, and cayenne pepper. It just sounds awful. I can relate to the office obsession. Several years ago quite a few of my co-workers went on the cabbage diet. That was a nightmare. Everyone would spend the day heating up their bowls of cabbage soup. The office smelled awful and the women who did the diet gained back every pound they lost. It was as painful for those of us not dieting as it was for those who were.
Oh that cabbage diet is horrible! My dad kept going on it when I was younger and all we had to eat was cabbage soup! My mom and I were so sick of it, but since my dad was the "cook" in the house, we didn't really have a choice (I was too young to cook at the time and mom just doesn't cook, go figure). I think we lost more weight than he ever did and talk about spending quality time in the "ladies" room...
My take on fasts....

Your body removes its own toxins. That's what bacteria in your intestines is for. That's what your lymphatic system is for. That's why you have functioning kidneys and an integumentary system that forces you to sweat. You can also lose toxins breathing. Fasts do nothing but help you drop some weight and possibly lower your metabolism, so you can gain it all back again once you resume a normal diet. If your co-workers want to lose some weight tell them to start exercising. I can't think of a better way to move the toxins along!
I tried it once, not for weight loss but for cleansing. I lasted three days. The lemonade tastes weird because of the maple syrup, and my lips were constantly on fire from all of the cayenne. No thanks.

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