MY NEW CATHE VIDEOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi All,

Got my new Cathe videos yeaterday, and have so far viewed 3, 1 left to view. I think IMAX looks.......hard, I think Cardio Kicks looks fantastic, had to join in with the Power drills last night (wouldn't it be great if Cathe brought out a Cardio Kicks 2 ?!?), and Circuit Max looks absolutely BRILL !!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to have a go at that one tonight, :D, eek !!
IMAX looks good, but so hard, I am just not sure about modifications on the intervals ? I was sat watching last night wondering what to do in place of some of the more horrific intervals ? Some of the intervals aren't too bad, but that last one, no way, could I do that in a million years. I take my hat off to Cathe.
Is there a modification section somewhere on Cathe's site ?

I just have Powermax to view now, can't wait for those pendulums !

anna :)
Hi Anna!

When you do IMax, Cathe will show you a modification you can use before each interval. Now, that being said, some mods might still be hard for a beginner. You can modify it even more if needs be. You are in for a real treat with this tape (& ALL the other tapes you just received!!!) Have fun and let us know how you do. Let us know if you survive CM tonight! :7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Anna, Anna, Anna.....

"Some of the intervals don't look too bad!"

(Okay~picture me throwing my head back and shaking it frantically, and here is my response...)
Oh naive one, please post back the milisecond, no, nanosecond you finish Imax for the very first time! :)

We'll be waiting :)

Donna's right Anna. Some of those intervals are deceptive. They look easy but considering that you do them after some of the really horrible intervals, they're really tough. Although I would have to say that one of the middle intervals (the one with side lunges or something like that) is kinda easy. In fact I always figure that I'm doing it wrong because it's too easy.

WHAWHAWHAWHAWHAAATTTTT??? Side lunges too easy???!!! I KNOW you are not talking about THE HARDEST interval?? You must be reffering to the ones where you start out lunging over the step and then you are flopping from one side to the other and reaching towards the sky?? Is this the one?? Well, that is probably "easy" for you cuz of your huge calves. They propel you oh-so-high!!:)

LOL Donna!!! Yeah Anna...make sure to check in with us (he-he-he:)

I would say work with a couple of tapes a few times a week first till you have learnt the choreography and then move to the next one. Start off with the one you think is easiest (IMHO that would be PowerMax) and do it as often as you can. Don't jump in and try and learn all of them at the same time, it will take you longer and you get frustrated.


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