..which is going to be an addiction that never was, because I inhaled about 3/4 of a bag of Sun Chips on Saturday (not all at once) as a substitute for potatoes on my cheat day. OMG - I now know I can never bring them in the house ever again just like Snickerdoodles! Acceptable is Nutrigrain Waffles (140 calories for 2) with PB&J (sugar free jelly). Man, even on a cheat day it's possible to go overboard! The wonderful Sun Chips join the "don't bring it in the house" list along with cupcakes, candy & ice cream. I'm happy to report that there are certain varieties of Little Debbies which I can bring through the front door - the marshmallow crispie treat thingies & the chocolate marshmallow delight thingies. Anybody dig?