For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a handbag junkie. I’m slightly embarrassed to say that until recently, I owned 12 Coach handbags. Well, maybe not so embarrassed since these bags have been purchased over a long span of time, but seriously, does anyone really need 12 handbags?
I say “until recently” because I just finished selling all but two of them on Ebay with the sole intention of taking that money and buying one Louis Vuitton handbag that in my mind is the end-all be-all of handbags.
I seriously cannot stop thinking about this darn bag. And now that I have successfully sold my 10 bags to purchase 1 bag, I have spent the majority of my work day today day-dreaming about my shopping excursion to the LV store.
Anyone else ever feel this way about something material? Maybe there are some other handbag-addicts out there that will validate my sanity..
I say “until recently” because I just finished selling all but two of them on Ebay with the sole intention of taking that money and buying one Louis Vuitton handbag that in my mind is the end-all be-all of handbags.
I seriously cannot stop thinking about this darn bag. And now that I have successfully sold my 10 bags to purchase 1 bag, I have spent the majority of my work day today day-dreaming about my shopping excursion to the LV store.
Anyone else ever feel this way about something material? Maybe there are some other handbag-addicts out there that will validate my sanity..